Making the right choices By: Emma Shortenhaus Starring: Mr. blue duck
Situation #1 What should Emma do? Should… Emma post something not true on the internet about Molly. Or… Emma has a talk with molly. Emma gets a mean text from Molly.
Oops! That’s not right because posting something not true can hurt the other persons feelings. Try again!
Awesome! That was the right answer. Talking to a friend is so much better than doing something hurtful. Keep on going!!!!
Situation #2 What should Emma do? Should… Emma talk to a friend about it. Or… Emma calls Will a weirdo At lunch Will calls Emma fat.
Oh me! Oh my! That was the wrong choice. Hurtful words are not cool. Try again!
Do you all ready know all these questions? You did so good! Because talking to another friend is better than starting a fight.