Right Choices By: Anna Twedt
Situation #1 Anna was getting 2 bad messages from Lucas. He said, “You are bigand UGLY!!!” What should Anna do? • Insult him with “You are way more big and sooooo much more UGLY!!!” OR • Text him saying… “Can you please stop? You are hurting my feelings.”
You made the right choice! Even though you might feel like insulting him back, talking it out is always best. He stops and never does it again! Click the message to go to the next situation
You made the wrong choices You should never insult back it only makes the problem worse and it will keep happening click the message to keep going!
Situation #2 Anna was on Facebook one day and one of her friends Rachel posted a picture of her with a caption of “So UGLY!!!” What should Anna do? • Put a picture of Rachel up on Facebook or • Ask her to take it down
Wrong choices You put picture of her up on Facebook You should never put rude or mean pictures of people online you are now the one being the bully. Click the message to keep going on your journey
You made the right choice You ask “please take it down.” She says yes and goes ahead and takes it down.
conclusion These things may sometimes happen to you or someone you know. So know you will be prepared and know what to do! I hope you make the right choices