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PASTOR TEACHER. EVANGELIST VISIONARY. Sermon Title: “There is a King In You” Focal Scriptures: 1 Samuel 16:7,11-12 . 1 Samuel 16:7,11-12.
PASTOR TEACHER EVANGELIST VISIONARY Sermon Title: “There is a King In You” Focal Scriptures: 1 Samuel 16:7,11-12
1 Samuel 16:7,11-12 But the Lord said to Samuel,"Do not consider his appearance or height for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. “So he asked, Are these all the sons you have? There is still the youngest, Jesse answered, but he is tending the sheep." Samuel said, "Send for him; we will not sit down until he arrives." So he sent and had him brought in. He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features.Then the Lord said, "Rise and anoint him; he is the one.
Commentary Good Morning Friends! What a wonderful day to be counted among the ones in the land of the living. Well today we are honoring our men because this is our annual Men's Day Worship. I must say I did try to get a male speaker for our men that would encourage you from a man's perspective, but the speaker canceled at the last minute. Leaving me as your pastor to address you on this wonderful occasion.To say the least there is a lot of controversy around whether a female can do an adequate job of addressing you on this day.
Commentary So my prayer is that God speaks to all of us, but particularly to the hearts of our men. I pray that this morning will serve as encouragement to your soul and will summon you to rise up and come out of hiding. Also to grab hold of your faith and not worry so much of what you didn't have, but to thank God for what you do have. My prayer is that you would continue to thank God for saving you and keeping you when you didn't know which way to go. My prayer today is that your thankfulness will be enough to usher you into the kingship you were creative to be. I want you to know that there is "King in You". I know that some of you might not hear this often. But God wants you to know that "you are kings".
Commentary When we look at this passage of scripture, it carries particular meaning for me since I am the mother of a male child. Although I can and never will in totality understand what it means to be a man. But I have had the honor and privilege to deposit into the life of my son. Over the years doing his formative years, I would witness how the mothers of girls encouraged and affirmed their girls more on a regular basis.I noticed that this same kind of attention was lacking in many of the males. For me, I wondered why the boys were not affirmed as often off the football fields and sports arenas, which in my opinion left many of our men lame and hurt.
Commentary This left many misunderstanding their worth and leaving them to adapt and fend for themselves through street talk because no one told them that there was a king on the inside of them.This, I also believe is a place where many of our young men pick up things and behaviors leaving God out. For me, this was also a place for dialogue regarding the need between mothers of girls and boys especially if we were to have healthy marriages, husbands and families. Like David, many grew up without the affirmation of a father, low expectations, lack of unconditional love and, of course, many who had mothers who did their best but could never really teach them what it meant to be a man . ,
Commentary David was not included with the other brothers when the prophet ask for the sons to be considered. It was through the intentionality of God that the prophet probes Jesse and then he reveals that there is younger son in the field tending sheep. This reveals several things about who is King in the eyesight of the Lord. First, God knows who you are, Secondly, you may not be walking in visible greatness but it's God who names you King and, Thirdly, your place currently doesn't have to determine your outcome. ,
Commentary Like so many of our men today David felt the lack of affirmation, approval and love of his father, which later would be the catalysis for him making so many mistakes. To the point of seeking approval from a person who was overcome with jealousy and sought to take his life. From there lead to lust and adultery with someone else's woman. And lastly, not ruling his own home. But in all fairness and not excusing his behavior, who showed him his manhood, who loved him unconditionally, who showed him how to cover his home and who showed him how to calm his flesh and tame his appetite. ,
Commentary Today I want to encourage and applaud all the men who like David have made mistakes but have learned to trust God. You've learned that God looked beyond your faults and saw your needs. I want to say that I understand why you did some of the things you did although we must not excuse them. I want to say I applaud you when you have stood in your manhood not knowing what to do, When it would have been better to run than to stay, but you stayed. And lastly when you were seduced in your moment of weakness and discouragement just looking for some relief you were able to experience the grace of God, When everyone depended on you and you had to cry in the midnight hour, but you made it. ,
Commentary When you worked so hard and your wife and children did not see the need to respect and encourage you.I want to applaud you when you continued on when folk said you were hen pecked, but did not understand you was just trying to hold your family together, because you had a silly women. I want to applaud the young men who were tempted to ease the pain through drugs because you had no man to talk to, when you were having trouble at school and you were wiped because they did not understand, when you were humiliated and torn to pieces and all someone could say to you is "stop crying and suck it up! When the love of your life betrayed you and you were the laughing joke! ,
Commentary But you found strength because their is a king in you! Through all whatDavid encountered and endured, God saw the king in him and there is a king in you. So today rise up to be all that God has called you to be and God will continue to strengthen and empower you.
Life Application Statement In spite of your situation the Lord has his hand on you. So rise up, there is a King in you.
Life Application Principles: 1. You can rise up and be the king God intends in spite of your disadvantage, temptations and failures 2. In realality not all will be privileged to have the idea situation. But God is faithful to help you work through these situations. 3. All of us benefit when men stand in their God given Kingship.
The abundant life does not come to those who has had a lot of obstacles removed from their path by others. It develops from within and is rooted in strong mental and moral fiber. William Mather Lewis