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TimeLine LaTonya Simmons Walden University EDUC-7100-1 Evolution of Educational Technology in Society, Education, and the Workplace Instructor: Dr. Roger Powley May 14, 2010. Toffler’s Third Wave Theory. First Wave. 1800 BC- 1750. Agricultural.
TimeLineLaTonya SimmonsWalden UniversityEDUC-7100-1 Evolution of Educational Technology in Society, Education, and the WorkplaceInstructor: Dr. Roger PowleyMay 14, 2010
Toffler’s Third Wave Theory First Wave 1800 BC- 1750 Agricultural 1750 AD – 1955 Industrial Second Wave Third Wave Information 1955- Present Fourth Wave New Wave 2012- Beyond
First Wave Agricultural 1800 BC- 1750
Second Wave Industrial 1750- 1955
Industrial Wave 1900’s 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1900 -1910: Thomas Alva Edison creates the first battery. 1900 First "pay" phone is installed. (in Hartford Connecticut) 1901 The first radio receiver, successfully received a radio transmission. 1902 Bureau of Census is established. 1903 Crayons were invented. 1903 Maggie Lena Walker founded St. Luke’s Savings in Richmond, Virginia, becoming the first women bank president. 1903 First "movie", the first projection film with a plot is played when the 10 minute movie "The Great Train Robbery" released. 1904 Mary McLeod Bethune founds the Daytona educational Industrial Training School for Negro Girls. 1906 Ivan Pavlov publishes his findings on Classical Conditioning. 1909 NAACP was founded. .
Industrial Wave 1910’s 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1911 AT&T takes control of Western Union Telegraph Co. 1912 Motorized movie cameras invented. 1913 John B Watson launches the Behaviorist Revolution. 1913 Harriet Tubmen dies. 1915 Thomas J. Watson Sr. produces famous logo for (future) IBM simply "Think“. 1915 Carter G. Woodson founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History 1916 Radio tuners invented that received different stations. 1917 First Pulitzer Prizes Awarded. 1918 The superheterodyne radio circuit invented. 1918 Nationwide: Spanish influenza killed over 500,000 Americans. 1918 William Heard Kilpatrick develops the Project Method.
Industrial Wave 1920’s 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1921 Bessie Coleman became the first African American Woman to receive a pilot’s license. 1922 Edward C.Tolman publishes A New Formula for Behaviorism. 1924 C-T-R becomes IBM (International Business Machines Corporation.) 1925 Sidney Pressey invents the teaching and testing machine. 1925 Stock Market Crashed. 1925 A Philip Randolph organized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. 1927 Electronic TV system invented. 1927 The Holland Tunnel opens to connect Manhattan and Jersey City, N.J., giving cars a route under the Hudson River and an alternative to ferry boats. 1929 First public demonstration of a color TV broadcast by Bell Telephone Laboratories in New York. 1929 The car radio was invented.
Industrial Wave 1930’s 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1930 Crossley Inc. tabulates the first formal radio ratings system . 1931 James West's research in sound technology led to the development of foil-electret transducers used in 90% of all microphones built today and in most new telephones being manufactured. 1931 “The Star Spangled Banner” officially becomes national anthem. 1933 Ralph Tyler- Eight Year Study use of general and behavioral objectives and formative evaluation. 1934 The first tape recorder for broadcasting invented. 1934 William Bagleywrites Education and Emergent Man. 1934 Federal Communications Commission is established to regulate communications. 1936 The voice recognition machine was invented. 1936 The British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC debuts the world's first television service with three hours of programming a day. 1938 Cap B. Collins patent Portable electric light.
Industrial Wave 1940’s 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1941 The first computer controlled by software invented. 1942 The first electronic digital computer was built. 1944 Frederick Douglass Patterson establishes the United Negro College Fund to help support black colleges and students. 1945 The FCC creates the commercial broadcasting spectrum of 13 channels, and 130 applications for broadcast licenses follow. 1946 Edgar Dale developed the Cone of Experience. 1947 Using technology developed from radar that was developed during WW II, the first microwave oven went on sale for $5000. 1947 AT&T begins work on cell phone technology. 1947 Howard Aiken completed the Mark II, an electronic computer. 1949 Ralph Tyler publishes Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. 1949 Evelyn Boyd Granville and Marjorie Lee Browne became the first two African American women to earn doctorates in mathematics.
Industrial Wave 1950’s 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1951 The first video tape recorder was invented. 1951 First video tape is recorded at Bing Crosby studios in California. 1954 B. F. Skinner demonstrates a machine designed to teach arithmetic, using an instructional program.
Third Wave Informational 1955- Present
Information Wave 1950’s 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1954 Brown vs Board of Education 1955 Fourteen-year-old Chicagoan Emmett Till is visiting family in Mississippi when he is kidnapped, brutally beaten, shot, and dumped in the Tallahatchie River for allegedly whistling at a white woman 1955 Rosa Parks, a Montgomery, Alabama seamstress, refuses to give up her seat on the bus 1956 Benjamin Blooms’ Taxonomy of Educational Objectives 1957 The USSR launched its first space ship called Sputnik. 1957 President Dwight D. Eisenhower sends federal troops to ensure integration of the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Ark. The Little Rock Nine were the first black students to attend the school. 1958 The computer modem invented. 1958NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is founded.
Information Wave 1960’s 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1960 First grader Ruby Bridges is the first African American to attend William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans 1962 Robert Miller- developed detailed task analysis procedures 1962 One September 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy, in a speech at Rice University, announces that America should attempt to land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth. 1962 James Meredith is the first black student to enroll at the University of Mississippi on the day he enters the university, he is escorted by U.S. marshals. 1964 Civil Rights Act signed by President Lyndon Johnson. 1964 NBC was broadcasting the majority of its programs in color. 1965 James Russell invented the compact disk. 1966 Jerome Bruner’s model of Discovery Learning publishes Toward a Theory of Instruction 1966 NBC airs the first episodes of the TV show "Star Trek" on September 8, 1966 1967 Handheld calculators invented.
Information Wave 1970’s 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1970 Jean Piaget’s book, The Science of Education, is published. 1971 Sony sells the first VCR for $2500. 1971 James Fergason invented liquid-crystal display (LCD). 1972 Shirley Chisholm became the first African American woman candidate for President. 1972 Noan Bushnell starts his own company, which goes on to become Atari- the first video game. 1972 The word processor invented. 1973 The American Psychiatric Association removes homosexuality from its official list of mental disorders. 1974 Federal Judge Arthur Garrity orders busing of African American students to predominantly white schools in order to achieve racial integration of public schools in Boston , MA. 1976 Barbara Jordan was the first woman and the first African American to give the keynote address at a national convention of the Democratic Party 1976 The ink-jet printer invented. 1976 The Queen of England becomes the first "Head of State" to write an email message. 1977 Apple Computer, now Apple Inc., introduces the Apple II one of the first successful personal computers.
Information Wave 1980’s 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1980 Seymour Papert publishes Mindstorms 1981 The first –IBM-PC invented. 1981 NASA launches first Space Shuttle 1983 Howard Gardner publishes Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences 1983The Color Purple, a novel by Alice Walker, won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize, making her the first African American woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for fiction 1983 Dr. Sally K. Ride becomes the first American woman to be sent into space. 1984 DSS (Direct TV) Satellite TV goes on-line 1985 Windows program invented by Microsoft. 1986 NASA space shuttle Challenger is destroyed, killing all 7 astronauts when there is a leak in the fuel tanks during take-off. 1988 Digital Cellular Phone was invented. 1989 Oprah Winfrey first African American woman to host a nationally-syndicated talk show
Information Wave 1990’s 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1990 Tim Berners-Lee created The World Wide Web and Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTML). 1990 Dr. Antonia Novello is sworn in as U.S. Surgeon General, becoming the first woman (and first Hispanic) to hold that job. 1991 The smartboard (interactive wipe board) is introduced by SMART Technologies. 1991 Grace Hopper received the National Medal of Technology. 1992 Mae Jemison, astronaut, became the first African American woman in space. 1993 Jacqueline and Martin Brooks’ In Search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms is published. 1993 The “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy is instituted for the U.S. military, permitting gays to serve in the military but banning homosexual activity 1994 Pizza Hut is one of the first companies that allows users to "order on-line", and have pizza delivered to your home via the web. 1995 DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc invented. 1996 Web TV invented. 1999 Charles Reigeluth breaks ground with his paper on Elaboration Theory.
Fourth Wave The New Wave 2012 -beyond
New Wave 2000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000 David Wiley, develops Learning Object Design and Sequencing Theory (LODAS). 2000 Hillary Clinton is elected to the U.S. Senate, becoming the first First Lady ever elected to national office. 2001Apple Computers publicly announced their portable music digital player the iPod. 2001 Microsoft releases Windows XP 2001 A new generation of video games are released when Microsoft enters the market with X-Box, Sony releases a long awaited Playstation II, and Nintendo releases the Game Cube. 2001 Jeroen J G van Merrienboer refines the Four-Component Instructional Design System 2002 Halle Berry becomes the first African American Women to win an Academy Award for Best Actress 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia is destroyed by explosion upon reentry to Earth Atmosphere killing all aboard 2005 YouTube was invented. 2005 Condoleezza Rice becomes the first African-American female Secretary of State. 2008 Barack Obama defeats John McCain and is elected the 44th President of the United States.
Color Representation • Strand 1 The Three Waves (red, violet, orange, and blue) • Strand 2 Technology • Strand 3 Business and Corporate Developments • Strand 4 Educational Theories of Learning and Instruction • Strand 5 Nature of Society and Culture • Strand 6 Key Events in African American History
References 1902 Year by Year Infoplease. (2000-2007) Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease. Retrieved from http://www.infoplease.com/year/1902.html Bellis, M. (2010). About.com: 20th Century Timeline 1900-1999. Retrieved from http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/twentieth.htm Bellis M. (2010). About.com: Modern Inventions. Retrieved from http://inventors.about.com/od/timelines/a/ModernInvention.htm Broadcasting Timeline.(2000-2007) Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease. Retrieved from http://www.infoplease.com/ipea/A0151956.html Davis, C.(2003).The History of Technology, Computers, Communication, Electronics and Space. Retrieved from http://www.web-friend.com/help/general/tech_history.html#1900 Events in African American History 1900-1949. (2010). Gale CENGAGE Learninng. Retrieved from http://www.gale.cengage.com/free_resources/bhm/timeline/1900.htm McGovern,C.(2010). Instructional Development Timeline. Retrieved from http://my-ecoach.com/project.php?id=12152&project_step=26136 Lewis, J. (2010). About.com: African American Women and History. Retrieved from http://womenshistory.about.com/od/aframwomentimeline/a/aaw1900_time.htm