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HRMS Labor Inquiries

HRMS Labor Inquiries. (. Session Organization.

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HRMS Labor Inquiries

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  1. HRMS Labor Inquiries

  2. ( Session Organization • This session was designed to be instructor led and follows traditional tutorial activities you may have been previously exposed to. In this session the instructor will present to you information about how to use HRMS and – at times - ask that you complete activities/exercises in this manual. During this session you will find that following along in the manual will help you to complete this session successfully. • Please avoid trying to use your computer until asked to do so. (  7 

  3. ( Session Agenda • Review: HRMS Concepts • Topic 1: Define FOAPAL and Index Codes • Topic 2: HR Positions and E-classes • Lesson 1: Employee Labor Inquiries • Topic 1: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry • Lesson 2: Position Labor Inquiries • Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry • Topic 2: Position Labor Distribution Inquiry • Lesson 3: Labor History Inquiries • Topic 1: Payroll Distribution Inquiry • Topic 2: Earnings Inquiry

  4. ( Session Overview The Banner 2000 Human Resource Management System (HRMS) has the ability to perform inquiries on labor information using forms. These inquiries are performed using virtually any type of form such as inquiry, maintenance, and application forms. This session will focus on the most popular inquiries you might use on the job. HRMS is similar to the current Human Resources System; where applicable, we will identify the equivalent HRS screen for each form.

  5. Review: HRMS Concepts

  6. ( Review: HRMS Concepts Overview & Agenda Overview All Banner modules at WSU (FMS, HRMS, SIS, etc.) work in conjunction. Quite often, HRMS users will need to interact with the FMS financial data in HRMS forms to learn about budgets, and salaries. To effectively use any such financial-related functions, you must understand the concept of FOAPAL. Perhaps the most significant change in the way WSU does business has to do with how HRMS treats positions. The basic change is that each employee will receive a position number that is unique to them. However, assuming an employee leaves WSU, an employee who is hired to replace them, can assume that position number. In the next few pages you will review the meaning of FOAPAL codes and how positions and employee classes (E-classes) are defined. Agenda Topic 1: Define FOAPAL and Index Codes Topic 2: HR Positions and E-classes REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Overview & Agenda

  7. ( Topic 1: Define FOAPAL and Index Codes • The FOAPAL string of codes is the core of the Banner Financial Management System (FMS), and, as such, is very important to all HRMS users. FOAPAL is the hierarchy coding system FMS uses for classification, budgeting, and recording. It also gives users the ability of reporting and making inquiries at multiple levels. • Let’s briefly recall what the elements that comprise FOAPAL are: • Fund • Organization • Account • Program • Activity (not currently used at WSU) • Location (not currently used at WSU; except for plant fund) • What you will review in this topic: • The definition of FOAPAL terms • The definition of FOAPAL acronyms • The definition of a Index Code and how it relates to FOAPAL • Items needed to complete this topic: • None REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 1: Define FOAPAL and Index Codes

  8. ( Discussion: Define FOAPAL Terms • Fund identifies the source from which the money is being drawn. (NOTE: in General Fund, “Fund” = “Boardline” in most cases) • Organization identifies the budget unit of the school, college, division, or department that is processing the transaction. • Account identifies what financial activity is being recorded. Examples: assets, liabilities, fund balance, revenues, expenditures, transfer. (NOTE: Account is the new term for the old HRS Object code) • Program identifies the purpose of the transaction. Other Useful Terms Chart of Accounts is a systematic classification of accounts within HRMS. WSU uses only one COA: W Pool Accounts are account codes where budget is loaded. REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 1: Define FOAPAL and Index Codes

  9. ( Discussion: Define the FOAPAL Acronyms REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 1: Define FOAPAL and Index Codes

  10. Index Code is a six character code that serves as a shortcut to many of the FOAPAL string combinations. (NOTE: Index Code is the new term for the old HRS Account Number) The index code will typically automaticallypopulate the Fund, Orgn, and Prog fields! Note that you must always provide the Account Code (Acct) yourself. This is important to remember when performing inquiries based on a specific FOAPAL string. Index Code ( Discussion: Define Index Code and How It Relates to FOAPAL REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 1: Define FOAPAL and Index Codes

  11. ( Topic 2: HR Positions and E-classes As stated before, the most significant change in how HRMS affects WSU business processes is its treatment of position numbers. Over the next few pages, you will learn how to make the transition from the “old” way to the “new” way…the HRMS way. What you will review in this topic: The comparisons between HRS and HRMS positions and position numbers The numbering conventions for positions The comparisons between HRS and HRMS of E-Classes and other information Items needed to complete this topic: None REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 2: Identify HR Positions and E-classes

  12. ( Discussion: Compare HRS & HRMS Positions & Position Numbers *Except graduate student assistants REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 2: Identify HR Positions and E-classes

  13. ( Discussion: Compare HRS & HRMS Positions & Position Numbers • Other Considerations • A person should not have more than one position number unless they are working two separate jobs. • If you leave WSU, your position number will still exist and another employee may assume your position and position number. REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 2: Identify HR Positions and E-classes

  14. ( Discussion: Numbering Conventions for Positions Position numbers will begin with their respective single-character acronym (see below) followed by five numbers beginning with 99999 and descending from that number (see table below for listing). • *NOTE: • No specific E-Classes will normally be assigned to this category. • Temporary positions for all of the Non-pool categories may be created here. REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 2: Identify HR Positions and E-classes

  15. ( Discussion: Compare HRS & HRMS Regarding E-Classes & Other Information REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 2: Identify HR Positions and E-classes

  16. ( Review: HRMS and WSU Business Processes • In this Lesson you reviewed: • FOAPAL Information • FOAPAL= Fund, Organization, Account, Program, Activity, Location • The Organization code in FOAPAL is the budget unit of the school, college, division, or department. • The Account code is the new term for the old HRS Object Code. • Position Information • A position number will stay with an employee. EXCEPT, in major changes to their position such as leaving a department, leaving WSU, or receiving a promotion. • E-classes • Formerly known as Job Groups in HRS • For a list of E-Classes, please reference the “HRS to HRMS Codes Crosswalk” document. REVIEW: HRMS & WSU BUSINESS PROCESSES Topic 2: Identify HR Positions and E-classes

  17. ( Lesson 1: Employee Labor Inquiries Overview & Agenda • Lesson Overview: • HRMS can provide employee information such as an individual’s terms of employment, compensation information, and visa information. • To search for such information, HRMS stores this data in the Employee Jobs Form (NBAJOBS). • In this lesson, given a name, you will identify information about an individual’s employment, position, salary, and any applicable international information. • Lesson Agenda: • Topic 1: Employee Jobs (NBAJOBS) Inquiries LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Overview & Agenda

  18. ( Topic 1: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry • By using the Employee Jobs Form (NBAJOBS), you can view what accounts are used to pay an employee for a specific position. • What you will learn in this topic: • How to perform inquiries about employee jobs using the Employee Jobs Form (NBAJOBS). • Items needed to complete this topic: • Employee ID/Name • Employee’s position • Employee Jobs Form (NBAJOBS) LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry

  19. Procedure: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry • In the Main Menu Direct Access field enter NBAJOBS and then press ENTER. • Enter the Employee ID, or click on the search button to search using the Employee Search Form (POIIDEN). • Enter the Position ID, or select the appropriate position for the employee by clicking on the search button in the POSN field. This will open a window giving you access to a List of All Positions and a List of Employee’s Jobs (on form NBIJLST). 2 3 LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry

  20. Procedure: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry (cont.) • Select the List of Employee’s Jobs (NBIJLST) link. 4 LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry

  21. Procedure: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry (cont.) • Select the appropriate position by double-clicking in the position field or select the position number then the Select icon. (Make note of the dates if necessary. The most current position is listed first.) • Move to the next block. 5 5 LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry

  22. Procedure: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry (cont.) • After you have selected the employee's job, the block GENERAL JOB INFORMATION is now displayed. • Click on the LABOR DISTRIBUTIONSlink on the OPTIONS menu. LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry

  23. Procedure: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry (cont.) • After clicking on the LABOR DISTRIBUTIONSlink on the OPTIONS menu, the Job Labor Distribution window of form NBAJOBS is now displayed • The FOAPAL codes associated with this job are now visible. If there are multiple FOAPALs associated with this job, they will all be listed and their percentages should add up to 100 in the TOTAL PERCENTfield in the lower right of the form LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry

  24. ( Discussion: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry Results • The Jobs Labor Distribution sub-form of the NBAJOBS form allows you to view the following FOAPAL distribution information for this job: • COA (Chart of Accounts) • Index Code • Fund Code • Organization Code • Account Code • Program Code • Activity Code (currently not used) • Location Code (currently not used) • Percent (of total distributions) LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry

  25. 7 On Your Own Activity: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Activity: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry

  26. ( On Your Own Activity Review: Employee Labor Dist. Inquiry • The Jobs Labor Distribution Window of the NBAJOBS form allows you to view the following FOAPAL distribution information for this job: • COA (Chart of Accounts) • Index Code • Fund Code • Organization Code • Account Code • Program Code • Activity Code (currently not used) • Location Code (currently not used) • Percent (of total distributions) • Note: The employee is actually paid from the labor account at the joblevel. LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Activity Review: Employee Labor Dist. Inquiry

  27. Lesson 1 Exercise: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry Using your knowledge from this lesson answer the following question for both Emmanuel Yorin and Samuel Mobbisv: Note: It is possible to be paid from more than one FOAPAL/Index! LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Exercise: Employee Labor Dist. Inquiry

  28. Lesson 1 Exercise Review: Employee Labor Distribution Inquiry LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Exercise Review: Employee Labor Dist. Inquiry

  29. ( Review: Employee Labor Inquiries LESSON 1: EMPLOYEE LABOR INQUIRIES Lesson Review

  30. Lesson 2: Position Labor Inquiries LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES

  31. ( Lesson 2: Position Labor Inquiries Overview & Agenda • Lesson Overview: • Beyond performing inquiries on a specific employee, HRMS allows you to view budgetary information about a specific position. • In this lesson, given a position number (or title), you will identify the following information: • Budget available for the position • Amount expensed within a position • The FOAPAL string that is responsible for funding a position • Lesson Agenda: • Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry • Topic 2: Position Labor Distribution Inquiry LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Overview & Agenda

  32. ( Review Previous Learning • Remember, FOAPAL is an acronym for: • F = Fund Code: source from which the money is drawn. • O = Organization Code: the budget unit. • A = Account Code: identifies what financial activity is being recorded. • P = Program Code: identifies the purpose of the transaction. • A = Activity Code: (not used in HRMS). • L = Location Code, not used in HRMS, is used only for plant funds. LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Review Previous Learning

  33. ( Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry • Budget information regarding a position is available using the Position Budget Form (NBAPBUD) • Using NBAPBUD, you an view the following information about a position: • Status (active, inactive, cancelled, or frozen) • Effective dates • Budgeted amounts • Expensed amounts • What you will learn in this topic: • How to perform budgetary inquiries about positions using the Position Budget Form (NBAPBUD) • Items needed to complete this topic: • Fiscal year • Position Number LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry

  34. Procedure: Position Budget Inquiry • In the DIRECT ACCESS field, type NBAPBUD and then press the ENTER key. • Enter the Year desired in the FISCAL YEAR Field. • Enter the Position Number or click on the SEARCH icon to search using the POSITION LIST FORM (NBQPOSN). • Move to the next block. 2 3 LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry

  35. ( Discussion: Position Budget Inquiry Results • NBAPBUD will display the following: • Position Status: • Active • Inactive • Cancelled • Frozen • Position Type: Single/Pooled (Single = Regular Employees/ Pooled = Graduate Assistants, etc.). • Position Effective Dates (will be the beginning of the fiscal year) • Other position statuses not covered under “Position Status”. (Reference the Crosswalk job aid titled “Position Status Tracking Attributes” for possible codes.) A C 2 B D LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry

  36. ( Discussion: Position Status Definitions LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry

  37. Procedure: Salary Budget Window (NBAPBUD) • To access the Salary Budget, click on the OPTIONS menu and select Salary Budget. You’ll probably look at Salary Budget often! LESSON 2: POSITION INFORMATION INQUIRIES Topic 4: Inquire About Position Budgets

  38. ( Discussion: Position Budget Inquiry Results (cont.) • Clicking on the SALARY BUDGET link on the OPTIONS menu allows you to view the following: • Organization Code associated with the position • Amount budgeted for the position • Amount actually spent on this position • Remaining balance for the position budget • Budget FTE: Full-time Equivalent. • 1.0= Full time, • < 1.0= part-time • i.e. .5, .65 = part-time A E B D C LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry

  39. ( Discussion: Position Budget Inquiry Results (cont.) • NOTES: • WSU is not using the “Encumbered” feature for positions. • Any position on “soft-money” will have a value of 999,999. All others (even those PARTLY soft-money funded) will display the correct amount of budgeted salary. 1 2 LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry

  40. 7 On Your Own Activity: Position Budget Inquiry LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Budget Inquiry

  41. ( On Your Own Activity Review: Position Budget Inquiry • Clicking on the SALARY BUDGET link on the OPTIONS menu allows you to view the following: • HRMS Organization Code • Amount budgeted for the position • Amount actually spent on this position • Remaining balance for the position budget • Budget FTE A E D B C LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Activity Review: Position Budget Inquiry

  42. Topic 2: Position Labor Distribution Inquiry • Let’s assume you need to find where the funding is coming from for a specific position. Using the Position Budget Form (NBAPBUD) you can use the Position Labor Distribution link to view the account(s) that fund that position. • What you will learn in this topic: • How to perform inquiries about labor distribution • Items needed to complete this topic: • Position title or number LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Labor Dist. Inquiry

  43. Procedure: Position Labor Distribution Inquiry • With the NBAPBUD Salary Budget window still displayed onscreen, click on the POSITION LABOR DISTRIBUTIONS link on the OPTIONS menu. • When an employee is assigned to a job, this labor distribution defaults until it is changed. LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Labor Dist. Inquiry

  44. Procedure: Position Labor Distribution Inquiry(cont.) • In the Labor Distribution Window, the FOAPAL elements are now displayed. • Index is a six character code that serves as a shortcut to many of the FOAPAL string combinations. For example, typing 153381 into the index field will populate all FOAPAL element fields except the Account Code. LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Topic 1: Position Labor Dist. Inquiry

  45. 7 On Your Own Activity: Position Labor Distribution Inquiry LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Activity: Position Labor Dist. Inquiry

  46. ( On Your Own Activity Review: Position Labor Distribution Inquiry • Clicking on the POSITION LABOR DISTRIBUTIONS link on the OPTIONS menu allows you to view the FOAPAL string associated with the position. LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Activity Review: Position Labor Dist. Inquiry

  47. Exercise: Position Budget Inquiry Using your knowledge from this topic answer the following questions: LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Exercise: Position Budget Inquiry

  48. Exercise Review: Position Budget Inquiry LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Exercise Review: Position Budget Inquiry

  49. Exercise : Labor Distribution Inquiry Using your knowledge from this topic answer the following questions: LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Exercise: Labor Distribution Inquiry

  50. Exercise Review: Labor Distribution Inquiry LESSON 2: POSITION LABOR INQUIRIES Exercise Review: Labor Distribution Inquiry

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