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Reading. Table of contents. Before you read Vocabulary Reading texts Discussion time. Before you read. In your opinion, which of these jobs are traditionally done by men ? And which are done by women ? And which are done by both ? Can you explain why ? Architect Soldier
Table of contents • Before you read • Vocabulary • Reading texts • Discussion time
Before you read In your opinion, which of these jobs are traditionally done by men ? And which are done by women ? And which are done by both ? Can you explain why ? Architect Soldier Nanny Plumber Accountant Housewife Dentist Politician Photographer Chef Lawyer Hair- dresser Mechanic Optician Nurse Dancer
Vocabulary • Architect (n) /"A:kItekt/ a person who engages in the profession of architecture. • Nanny (n) /nænI/ a person whose job is to take care of babies.
Vocabulary • Dentist (n) /'dentIst/ a person who takes care of others’ teeth. • Photographer (n) /"fJtQgJrfJ/ someone who takes photographs
Accountant (n) /ə"kaUntənt/ a person who helps people or companies inspecting their accounts. • Optician (n) /Qp"tISn/ a maker or seller of optical glass and instruments.
Lawyer (n) /"lOyJr, "lOIJr/ a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters. • Mechanic (n) /mJ"k&nIk/ a person who repairs and maintains machinery, motors, etc.
Vocabulary • Hairdresser ( n) /"hJedresJ(r)/ a person who makes hair. • Chef (n) /Sef/ someone who cooks.
Vocabulary • Politician (n) /pQlJ"tISn/ a person who is active in party politics • Housewife (n) /"haUswaIf/ a married woman who manages her own household, esp. as her principal occupation.
Plumber (n) /"plVmJ/ a person who installs and repairs pipes and plumbing. • Soldier (n) /"soUldZJ(r)/ a person who serves in an army. • Nurse (n) /nJ:s/ a person formally educated and trained in the care of the sick or infirm.
Vocabulary • Detective (n) /di"tektiv/ a person whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals. • Magician (n) /mJ"dZISn/ a person who can do magic tricks. • Scientist (n) /"saIJntIst/ a person who studies one or more of the natural sciences.
Vocabulary • Policeman (n) /pJ"li:smJn/ a male police officer. • Singer (n) /"sINJ(r)/ a person who sings, or whose job is singing, especially in public. • Football player (n) /"fUtbO:l pleIJ(r)/ a person who play football.
Vocabulary • Waiter (n) /"weItJ(r)/ a person whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant • Worker (n) /"wE:kJ(r)/ a person who works, especially one who does a particular kind of work. • Zoologist (n) /zJU"QlJdZIst/ a scientist who studies zoology.
Vocabulary • Apply (v) /J"plaI/to make an application or request; ask • To applyfor a job; toapplyfor a raise. • Interview (n, v) /"Intəvju:/ • N : a formal meeting in which one or more persons question, consult, or evaluate another person • V :to have an interview with in order to question, consult, or evaluate
Vocabulary • Career (n) /kə"rIJ(r)/ an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework • Tough (adj) /tVf/ not easily influenced, as a person; unyielding; stubborn • Prejudice (n) /"predZudIs/ an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason
Jobs for the boys… and girls
Reading texts Fill in the table while you read the two passages in p.67 (NHW):
Discussion time ! • Would you like to do what Jenny and Alex did?
Discussion time ! 2. Is it more difficult for women to do men’s jobs or men to do women’s jobs ? 3. Is this a problem in your country ? Why or why not ? Can you give an example ?