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Comparing California Workers' Comp Benefits with Other States: A Detailed Analysis

This study provides a comparison of workers' compensation benefits and qualification criteria in California versus selected states. Explore differences in coverage requirements, benefits, costs, and more.

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Comparing California Workers' Comp Benefits with Other States: A Detailed Analysis

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  1. Cost and Coverage Differences For California’s Workers’ Compensation Benefits:A Comparison of Benefits and Qualification Criteria For California And Selected States Presented At:The Western Risk & Insurance Association MeetingJanuary 2002San Diego by Patricia Cheshier, Ph.D.California State University, Sacramento

  2. Statement: “California’s workers’ compensation benefits rank below the national average in dollar terms but among the highest in premiums” Ellis (2001) Roberts (2001) (Fletcher (2001)Why: “More extensive breadth of benefits, higher administration costs, more litigation in system, higher claims costs per covered employee”Safety & Health (2001) Ellis (2001) NCCI (2001)WCRI (2000) Holloway (2001)

  3. Sources of Data:Workers Compensation State Laws -Tables of Benefits. U.S. Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Office of Workers’ Compensation (2001)2001 Analysis of State Workers’ Compensation Benefits U.S. Chamber of Commerce (2001)2001 State Codes and RegulationsNAICWCRIBenchmarks Workers Compensation Research Institute (2000)National Council on Compensation Insurance

  4. WCRI Benchmarks (2000) Table 1. Medical Claim Costs & Utilization -1998

  5. Table 2. Differences In Amounts Paid For Benefits

  6. Table 2. (cont). Differences In Amounts Paid For Benefits

  7. Differences In State Statutes That May Affect Qualifying For Workers’ Compensation Benefits

  8. Table 3. Differences In Coverage Requirements & Employments Excluded 1. 2001 Analysis of Workers Compensation Laws. U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Statistics & Research Center. 2. State Workers’ Compensation Laws - Tables. Department of Labor, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs.

  9. Table 4. Differences In Waiting Periods For Benefits

  10. Table 5. Permanent Disability Benefit Differences Source: State Workers’ Compensation Laws. U.S. Dept. of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs, Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation.

  11. Table 6. Medical Benefits: Differences In Providers Covered & Choices Allowed

  12. Table 7. Differences In Definitions In Statute

  13. Table 7 cont. Differences In Definitions In Statute

  14. Table 8. Rehabilitation Benefit Differences

  15. Table 9. Differences In Allowances For Attorneys’ Fees

  16. Table 10. Summary

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