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Explore key narratives and teachings from the book of Exodus, focusing on faith, divine testing, obedience, and worship practices. Delve into the wilderness experiences, manna, Sabbath observance, and the building of the tabernacle. Reflect on Moses' leadership, the Ten Commandments, covenant relationships, and the Golden Calf incident. Gain insights into God's holiness, compassion, and justice as revealed in Exodus. Discover how these ancient lessons can guide modern faith communities in living out God's commands.
Preaching from Exodus The Wilderness: • 15:25There the Lord issued a ruling and instruction for them and put them to the test. 26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and dowhat is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, • 18:24Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said.
Preaching from Exodus Five Stories: • Bitter Water • No food • No water • War w/Amalek • Moses’ heavy burden • Initial instruction to listen and do • God “tests” Israel • Israel “tests” God • Will future Israelites “listen” and “do”? (1 Samuel 15 and Esther) • Moses “listens” and “does” what Jethro instructs
Manna and Sabbath: 1st Instruction Moses said to them, “It is the bread the Lord has given you to eat. 16 This is what the Lord has commanded: ‘Everyone is to gather as much as they need. Take an omer for each person you have in your tent.’” 1617The Israelites did as they were told; some gathered much, some little.
2nd Instruction 19 Then Moses said to them, “No one is to keep any of it until morning.” 20 However, some of them paid no attention to Moses; they kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to smell. So Moses was angry with them.
3rd Instruction 25 “Eat it today,” Moses said, “because today is a sabbath to the Lord. You will not find any of it on the ground today. 26 Six days you are to gather it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there will not be any.” 27 Nevertheless, some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather it, but they found none.
Preaching from Exodus Exodus 18:1-12-Surprised by Faith Family Reunion Telling the Story An Outsider’s Confession Praise and Potlucks Joshua 2; 1 Kings 17; 2 Kings 5
Preaching from Exodus On the Mountain with God Exodus 19 • Note God’s movement from mountain top in 19 to tabernacle in 40 • Exodus 19 speaks to God’s holiness, transcendence, and sovereignty
Preaching from Exodus Moses shows the elders the Tablets of the Law Marc Chagall
Preaching from Exodus Glenn Pemberton, The God Who Saves, pp. 90-92, discusses two different ways to read and understand the Ten Commandments: • A common way of reading the Ten Commandments is to understand them as a sort of “perimeter ethic.” In this reading, the Ten Commandments function like boundary markers or “fence posts” designed to keep us inside the field. • The second way to read and interpret the Ten Commandments is to see them more as “centering principles.” With this understanding the reader moves from viewing the Ten Commandments as boundary markers to seeing them as centering principles.
Preaching from Exodus Exodus 21-23: The Book of the Covenant. Case Law—If. . . Then. . . • If the slave comes to his master single (alone), he is free to go alone; • But if he has a wife when he comes to his master, she is to go with him; 22:21-27speaks to the divine concern for the plight of those who are powerless—the widow, orphan, alien, and poor
Preaching from Exodus Ch. 24 Parallel scenes: • On top of the mountain: Moses, Aaron, Aaron’s sons and 70 elders; a banquet • At the foot of the mountain: a covenant making ceremony; sprinkling of blood • “Everything the Lord has said, we will do.” , vv 3 and 7
Preaching from Exodus The Tabernacle (25-31) • The primary concern of this section is proper worship • The reason for the tabernacle is stated in 25:8, “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them.” Blessing and Risk • “Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings exactly like the pattern I will show you,” (25:9, 40; 26:30 and 27:8) • The timelessness quality of these instructions is conveyed in 27:21; 28:43; and 30:21 when we are told these instructions are “to be a lasting ordinance . . . for generations to come.”
Preaching from Exodus Fretheim also provides a nice three-point summary of the tabernacle: • The tabernacle brings a sense of order to worship rather than an “anything goes” mentality. • The tabernacle provides a tangible aspect to the divine presence • The tabernacle offers divine assurance of stability in an unstable and threatening wilderness Sacred Space: this may also provide an opportunity to discuss worship, space, and aesthetics. Is there a place for beauty in our worship space?
Preaching from Exodus Exodus 32-34—The Golden Calf • Apostasy—1 Kings 12-13; 2 Kings 17 • Primary History • Intercessory Role of Moses • Standing in the breach: Forgive/Repent
Preaching from Exodus Core Attributes of God: 34:6“The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished (just); 34:14Do no worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”
Preaching from Exodus Chs. 35-40 characterize the Israelites as an obedient people led by Moses who does “just as the Lord commands” eighteen times. • Contrast with the people in 32-34. (25-40) • Wilderness/exile • Gathering of materials, building and erecting • Sabbath as third “sign” (circumcision; Passover)
Preaching from Exodus • This section also demonstrates that divine inspiration (Bezalel and Oholiab). • Creation themes--in 40:17-32 Moses erects the tabernacle in seven stages (seven times we are told he did, “as the Lord commands) perhaps copying the days of creation.
Preaching from Exodus 40:34-38—A Condescending God • God descends from the mountain to the tabernacle • Both transcendence and immanence • 2 Kings 25:27-30; Psalm 89-90; Col. 1:15-20; John 1:14-16; Ephesians 1:23