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Chapters Thirty-two – Thirty-Three

Chapters Thirty-two – Thirty-Three. American Life in the Roaring Twenties, 1919-1929 The Politics of Boom and Bust, 1920-1932. American Pageant. Kennedy, Cohen, Bailey. Republicans: Leonard Wood, Hiram W. Johnson, Warren G. Harding

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Chapters Thirty-two – Thirty-Three

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  1. Chapters Thirty-two – Thirty-Three American Life in the Roaring Twenties, 1919-1929 The Politics of Boom and Bust, 1920-1932 American Pageant Kennedy, Cohen, Bailey

  2. Republicans:Leonard Wood, Hiram W. Johnson, Warren G. Harding Candidates: Warren G. Harding – Pres. Calvin Coolidge – V.P. Election of 1920

  3. Republican Candidates:Warren G. Harding – Pres. Calvin Coolidge – V.P. Election of 1920 Harding Coolidge

  4. Democrats: William McAdoo, A. Mitchell Palmer, James M. Cox Candidates: James M. Cox – Pres. F. D. Roosevelt – V.P. Election of 1920

  5. Democrats:James M. Cox – Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt – V.P. Election of 1920 Cox Roosevelt

  6. Socialists:Eugene V. Debs – Pres. Election of 1920 Debs Debs in Prison

  7. Republicans – Warren G. Harding - 60% of Popular Vote Democrats – James M. Cox -34% of Popular Vote Election of 1920

  8. Red Scare of 1919 Bartolomeo Vanzetti Nicola Sacco • Mitchell Palmer • U.S. Attorney-General

  9. D.W. Griffith – Birth of a Nation, 1915 Ku Klux Klan of 1920s Klan on Parade in Washington D.C. 1920s

  10. Emergency Quota Act of 1921 Immigration Act of 1924 Immigration Restrictions

  11. 18th Amendment – 1919 Volstead Act of 1920 - Speakeasies Prohibition “Yes, it’s a noble experiment!”

  12. Butler Act of 1925 - Tennessee Scopes Monkey Trial - 1925 Best Minds The Verdict The Sun, July 21, 1925 The Sun, July 22, 1925

  13. American Civil Liberties Union John T. Scopes – Clarence Darrow William Jennings Bryan Scopes Monkey Trial - 1925 Scopes Darrow Bryan

  14. Henry Ford Assembly Line System Advertising Autos – Ford Frederick W. Taylor Mass Consumption Economy Henry Ford Model T - 1915

  15. Charles Lindbergh - Aircraft U.S. Postal Service Mass Consumption Economy The Spirit of St. Louis 1927

  16. Radio – KDKA - Pittsburg, PA Mass Communications

  17. Motion Pictures Mass Entertainment The Great Train Robbery – 1903 Birth of a Nation – 1915 The Jazz Singer - 1927 The Great Train Robbery The Jazz Singer Birth of a Nation

  18. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover Secretary of Treasury Andrew Mellon Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall U.S. Attorney-General Harry M. Daugherty Harding Administration - Cabinet

  19. Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court William Howard Taft (1921-1930) Charles Evans Hughes (1930-1941) Harding Administration - Court

  20. Treaty of Versailles Joint Resolution of Congress July 1921 Washington Naval Disarmament Conference 1921-1922 Harding – Foreign Affairs

  21. Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 (Pact of Paris) Fordnew-McCumber Tariff of 1922 Harding – Foreign Affairs

  22. Teapot Dome Scandal Harding Scandals Juggernaut, 1924

  23. Harding Scandals Charles R. Forbes Albert B. Fall Harry F. Sinclair Edward L. Doheny Harry M. Daugherty

  24. “Keep Cool with Coolidge” Republicans – Calvin Coolidge Democrats – John W. Davis Progressives – Robert La Follette Election of 1924 Coolidge Davis

  25. Sources: Warren G. Harding http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/cph/3a50000/3a53000/3a53300 /3a53301v.jpg Calvin Coolidge -http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/cph/3a50000/3a53000/3a53300 /3a53302v.jpg FDR 1920 - http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/images/photodb/09-2621a.gif Debs in Prison - http://www.etsu.edu/cas/history/resources/Private/Faculty/Fac_From1877ChapterDoc/ChapterImages/Ch22EugeneVDebs.jpg Eugene V. Debs 2 - http://library.indstate.edu/level1.dir/cml/rbsc/debs/images/BoxA/A5.gif James M. Cox 1 - http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/I?cdn:3:./temp/~ammem_M0js::displayType=1:m856sd=ichicdn:m856sf=n072514:@@@mdb=manz,eaa,aaeo,aaodyssey,hh,gottscho,bbpix,bbcards,magbell,berl,lbcoll,cdn,cic,cwnyhs,cwar,consrvbib,coolbib,coplandbib,curt,dag,fsaall,aep,fine,fmuever,dcm,cmns,cowellbib,toddbib,lomaxbib,ngp,gottlieb,alad,mcc,mymhiwebib,aipn,afcwip,fawbib,omhbib,pan,vv,wpapos,psbib,pin,presp,qlt,ncr,mesnbib,denn,runyon,wtc,detr,upboverbib,varstg,horyd,hawp,suffrg,awh,awhbib,wright Sacco & Vanzetti 1 & 1 - http://www.vw.cc.va.us/vwhansd/HIS122/Sacco-Vanzetti.html Mitchell Palmer - http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/I?cdn:1:./temp/~ammem_Hsg9::displayType=1:m856sd=ichicdn:m856sf=n072271:@@@mdb=manz,eaa,aaeo,aaodyssey,hh,gottscho,bbpix,bbcards,magbell,berl,lbcoll,cdn,cic,cwnyhs,cwar,consrvbib,coolbib,coplandbib,curt,dag,fsaall,aep,fine,fmuever,dcm,cmns,cowellbib,toddbib,lomaxbib,ngp,gottlieb,alad,mcc,mymhiwebib,aipn,afcwip,fawbib,omhbib,pan,vv,wpapos,psbib,pin,presp,qlt,ncr,mesnbib,denn,runyon,wtc,detr,upboverbib,varstg,horyd,hawp,suffrg,awh,awhbib,wright Birth of a Nation - http://www.filmsite.org/birt.html Radio 1 - http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/I?fsaall:64:./temp/~ammem_n22r::displayType=1:m856sd=fsa:m856sf=8c00054:@@@ Radio 4 - http://photoswest.org/cgi-bin/imager?00186228+Rh-1228 Darrow and Bryan - http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scopes/scopes.htm Best Minds Cartoon - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/monkeytrial/gallery/gal_monkeytrial_04.html The Verdict Cartoon - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/monkeytrial/gallery/gal_monkeytrial_06.html John T. Scopes - http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=pis&GRid=3526&PIgrid=3526&PIcrid=75345&PIpi=550991&pt=John+T.+Scopes& Henry Ford 1 - http://www.time.com/time/time100/builder/profile/ford.html The Jazz Singer - http://www.filmsite.org/jazz.html The Great Train Robbery - http://www.wildwestweb.net/great.html Birth of a Nation - http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Forum/6370/birthofanation.html

  26. Sources: Charles Lindbergh - http://www.charleslindbergh.com/pictures/lindbergh.jpg Charles Lindbergh 2 - http://www.charleslindbergh.com/pictures/lindberg55.jpg Spirit of St. Louis - http://www.charleslindbergh.com/pictures/pf071543.jpg U.S. Supreme Court Seal - http://news-info.wustl.edu/pub/libs/images/usr/428_h.jpg Hughes 1 - http://www.michaelariens.com/ConLaw/justices/hughes.htm Taft 1 - http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/I?detr:40:./temp/~ammem_yW85::displayType=1:m856sd=det:m856sf=4a25022:@@@mdb=manz,eaa,aaeo,aaodyssey,hh,gottscho,bbpix,bbcards,magbell,berl,lbcoll,cdn,cic,cwnyhs,cwar,consrvbib,coolbib,coplandbib,curt,dag,fsaall,aep,fine,fmuever,dcm,cmns,cowellbib,toddbib,lomaxbib,ngp,gottlieb,alad,mcc,mymhiwebib,aipn,afcwip,fawbib,omhbib,pan,vv,wpapos,psbib,pin,presp,qlt,ncr,mesnbib,denn,runyon,wtc,detr,upboverbib,varstg,horyd,hawp,suffrg,awh,awhbib,wright Teapot Dome Cartoon - http://www.wwnorton.com/college/history/tindall/timelinf/teapot.htm John W. Davis - http://lawlibrary.wlu.edu/faculty/history/davis.htm

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