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Mccarthyism. The Hysteria of the Second Red Scare. Cold War & Conformity in the 1950s. The Search For Internal Security. Search for Internal Security. Loyalty and conformity to the wishes of the country a must for the government and society for many Americans.
Mccarthyism The Hysteria of the Second Red Scare Cold War & Conformity in the 1950s
The Search For Internal Security
Search for Internal Security • Loyalty and conformityto the wishes of the country a must for the government and society for many Americans. • Were highly suspicious of anything or anyone considered different. • Regarded people with different opinions as a pinko, commie, or un-American. • Only way to measure loyalty was the intensity and consistency of a person’s anti-Communism. • Result: a witch-huntto root out suspected Communists from every aspect of society. Typical American Family in the 1950s http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/01_05/spenderold2801_468x314.jpg
Basic CharacteristicsTruman’s Foreign Policy • Truman’s foreign policy plays on these sentiments. • Reinforced the traditional fears of the Soviets and communism. • Uncovered spy rings in Canada, Britain, and other nations confirm suspicions about the Soviet Union’s intent: total world domination through the subversion of existing governments. POTUS Harry S Truman In Masonic Garb http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/10,000_famous_freemasons/images/harry_s_truman_pgm_missouri_1.jpg
Basic CharacteristicsTruman’s Foreign Policy • Cabinet members make speeches that state that communists were everywhere in America and could be anybody. • Basic message: TRUST NOBODY. • Wanted people to turn in people they suspected of associating or sympathizing with communism. • Special targets placed on college campuses, Hollywood, publishing companies, and editorial staffs. The Redolution http://eatemandbeatem.com/redScare.jpg
Basic CharacteristicsAmerican Communist Party • Activities limited and power weakened to the vigilant mentality of many Americans. • Scandals involving suspected American communists revolved around their activities during the Great Depression. Communist Party of America http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyism
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismLoyalty Review Board, Mar 1947 • Full-scale “loyalty investigation” of all present and prospective federal employees. • No source of information, no matter how inaccurate or questionable, was to be ignored. • The Central Master Index. • A compilation of all collected loyalty data. • An employee or prospective employee could be removed or refused hireif they had “sympathetic association” with any foreign or domestic organization designated by the attorney general as “subversive.” • Impact of the LRB. • Business organizations, labor unions, and the governmentwould use the list to fire or deny hiring employees. • Laid the ground work for the new Red Scare and the witch hunts of HUAC and Senator Joseph McCarthy.
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismHUAC(House Un-American Activities Committee) • Origins. • Originally founded in 1938 during the New Deal as a temporary investigations unit. • Fell out of favor in World War II, but was revived by newly-elected Congressman Richard Nixonof CA. • Would serve to destroy the lives of suspected Communistsand advance the political careersof key individual politicians. Richard Nixon (Right) In His HUAC Days http://jeremayakovka.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/07/11/nixon_stripling.jpg
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismHUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) • Purpose. • Search for suspected Communists, root them out, and investigate the extent of their infiltration. Members of HUAC http://www.billmandel.net/i/huac_members.jpg
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismHUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) • How HUAC functioned. • Manipulated various channels of publicity to reveal the political associationsof individuals who had unorthodox ideals and ostracize them from positions of power. • Threatened and manipulated witnesses. • As a result, many would tell lies in order to save their own skin. • Refusal to answer questions or cooperatewas similar to an admission of guilt. Political Cartoon Criticizing HUAC Methods http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAhuac.JPG
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismHUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) • The Hollywood Scandalsof October, 1947. • Wanted to “expose those elements that are insidiously trying to…poison the minds of your children, distort the history of our country, and discredit Christianity.” • Was a failure in its attempt to prove Communist influence in the film industry. Prominent Actors & Writers Protesting the Hollywood Ten Scandals http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2346/2018958027_f09c48d75e_o.jpg
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismHUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) • What it did do: • Frightened movie, television, and radio executivesinto doing a housecleaning. • Blacklisted actors, actresses, writers, and directors who were suspected of having Communist sympathies. • Forced the movie, television, radio, comic book, and newspaper industries to set strict standards, many of which would last into the Eighties. Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall Leading An Actors Protest Against HUAC http://people.cohums.ohio-state.edu/childs1/OutlineSecond%20Red%20Scare_files/image001.jpg
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismHUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) • Whittaker Chambers. • Former member of the Communist party, quit in 1937. • When interviewed by HUAC, he was one of the top editors at Time magazine. • Was still in contact with many of his former friends who now held positions of power in Washington, D.C. Whittaker Chambers Giving Testimony At HUAC Hearings http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/hiss/chambersHUAC1.jpg
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismHUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) • Alger Hiss. • Former associate of Chambers, was an official in the State Departmentduring the New Deal and the early years of World War II. • President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, one of the world’s richest philanthropic institute, since 1947. • Accused by Chambers of still being a Communist. Alger Hiss Swearing To Tell The Truth Before the HUAC Hearings http://southdakotapolitics.blogs.com/south_dakota_politics/images/alger_hiss_takes_oath.jpg
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismHUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) • Alger Hiss. • Hiss denies the accusations and demands to have a hearing by HUAC. • Chambers is reexamined and details are brought out concerning the activities of Chambers and Hiss. • Hiss and Chambers were involved in a Soviet spy ring. • Hiss was passing classified government documents to the Soviets. • Hiss denies involvement. • HUAC does not buy it, sentences Hiss to five years in prison and a $10,000 fine for perjury. Chambers Reading Of The Decision Of HUAC On Alger Hiss http://www.authentichistory.com/1950s/speeches/images/19500123_Whittaker_Chambers.jpg
Pre-McCarthy McCarthyismHUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) • Impact. • Would further uphold the belief that privileged, high-positioned individualshad betrayed the country. • HUAC would gain support from established Americas, as well as Irish, Italian, and Polish immigrants in the Midwest. Criticism Of HUAC http://www.moderntimes.com/blacklist/image/huac.jpg
Senator Joseph McCarthy, WI
Joseph McCarthyMcCarthyism Defined • An expression for wild, unfounded charges of disloyalty. • Basically conducted as a witch hunt. McCarthy Campaigning For A Senate Seat http://www.faculty.umb.edu/hannah_sevian/G660/TechPres/Fall2003/McCarthyism_files/image002.jpg
Joseph McCarthyMcCarthy: Rise To Power • Wheeling Speech, February 9, 1950. • Declared that the United States had emerged from World War II as the strongest nation in the world. • Believed that it had been weakened in recent years “because of the traitorous actions of those who have been treated so well by this nation.” McCarthy With “The List” http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAmccarthy3.jpg
Joseph McCarthyMcCarthy: Rise To Power • Wheeling Speech, (Cont.). • None were worse than “those bright young men” in the State Department“born silver spoons in their mouths.” • Blames the privileged, educated New Dealersbrought in by FDR. • “I have in my hand the names of 205 men that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department.” • Never substantiated a single name, but increased the accusations. McCarthy Delivering Wheeling Speech http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/whi/feature/mccarthy/images/WHS_Image_ID_8006.jpg
Joseph McCarthyMcCarthy: Stroke of Luck--Spies • Klaus Fuchs. • German-born nuclear physicist who worked on the atomic bomb at Los Alamos. • Was passing secrets to the Russians. • Arrested by the British, sentenced to four years in prison for espionage, and implicated other American Communists in his activities, including officials in the American government. Klaus Fuchs ID Badge At Los Alamos http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/Klaus_Fuchs_ID_badge.png
Joseph McCarthyMcCarthy: Stroke of Luck--Spies • Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. • Charged with passing atomic secrets and speeding up Russian success with the atomic bomb. • Judge declared the crime “worse than murder.” • Rosenbergs sentenced to death and executedin 1953. Ethel & Julius Rosenberg Awaiting Execution http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg_NYWTS.jpg
Joseph McCarthyMcCarthy: Picks Up Steam • McCarthy supports General MacArthurfollowing his dismissal by Truman. • Attacks General Marshall and General Eisenhower, accusing them of “being soft”on Communists in the military. • Some Americans felt McCarthy had gone too far, but money kept pouring into McCarthy’s election coffers. General Douglas MacArthur http://splinteredsunrise.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/douglas_macarthur.jpg
Joseph McCarthyMcCarran Acts, 1952 • McCarran Internal Security Act. • Made it unlawful to conspire to establish a totalitarian dictatorship. • All “communist-action” and “communist front”organizations were assumed to be such conspiracies. • Required to register all members and meeting noteswith the Attorney General. • Gave the president the power to arrest and detain any personthat would “probably” engagein acts of espionage and sabotage.
Joseph McCarthyMcCarran Acts, 1952 • Truman’s response. • Vetoes the bill, calling it “the greatest danger to freedom of speech, press, and assembly since the alien and sedition acts of 1798.” • Believed it was actually a step towards the totalitarianismit was meant to combat. • Congress overrides the veto. POTUS Harry S Truman http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/7/73/180px-Truman_initiating_Korean_involvement.jpg
Joseph McCarthyMcCarran Acts, 1952 • McCarran-Walter Immigration Act. • Again passed over Truman’s veto. • Empowered the Attorney General to screen out subversiveswithin the permitted quotas and also allowed the Attorney General to deport them even after they became naturalized citizens. • Impact. • Intensified America’s preoccupation with internal security. • Increases American xenophobia. • Supported McCarthy’s unfounded claims. Criticism Of McCarthyism http://content.screencast.com/media/
Joseph McCarthyDecline of McCarthyism, 1953-55 • Attack on Ambassador Charles E. Bohlen. • Good friend of President Eisenhower, served as FDR’s interpreter at Yalta. • Received the “consent” of McCarthy after a vicious character assassination and lobbying by McCarthy to appoint the new State Department “security officer.” Charles E. Bohlen http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/1/1a/196px-Charles_Bohlen.png
Joseph McCarthyDecline of McCarthyism, 1953-55 • International Information Administration. • Branch of the State Department responsible for disseminating printed materialsto other countries. • Failed to uncover a single Communist, but many books, including those of prominent American writers Hemingway and Fitzgerald, were withdrawn and some publicly burned. • Shocked many Americans who were tiring of McCarthy’s Nazi-style tactics. Book Burning In The U.S. http://www.911familiesforamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/nazi-book-burning-1933.jpg
Joseph McCarthyDecline of McCarthyism, 1953-55 • Army-McCarthy Hearings. • McCarthy accuses the U.S. Army of “coddling” Communistsin the U.S. • Also questions the loyalty and integrity of several top generals. • First time many Americans actually witnessed McCarthy’s wild accusations. • Very offensiveto the viewing audience, Army officials, and his fellow Senators. Americans Watching The Army-McCarthy Hearings At A Television Store http://www2.jsonline.com/news/2000/y2k/ourcentury/images/CENTURY-MCCARTHY2.jpg
Joseph McCarthyDecline of McCarthyism, 1953-55 • Army-McCarthy Hearings. • Result: Senate officially condemns McCarthy for “conduct unbecoming a member of the United States Senate.” • McCarthy’s power would decline until his death in 1957 from alcoholism. Army-McCarthy Hearings http://cache.viewimages.com/xc/51649986.jpg?
Arthur Miller: The Crucible
Arthur Miller: The CrucibleBackground of Arthur Miller • One of Marilyn Monroe’s ex-husbands. • Noted playwright and author, works included The Man Who Had All the Luck (1944), All My Sons (1944), The Story of GI Joe (1945), Focus (1945), Death of a Salesman(1949), and The Crucible(1953). Arthur Miller & Marilyn Monroe http://www.un-scripted.com/blogs/alan/uploaded_images/Miller-727882.jpg
Arthur Miller: The CrucibleBackground of Arthur Miller • Called before HUAC in the early 1940s along with writer Eliz Kazan. • Answered HUAC’s questions concerning his own activities. • Had attended a few writers’ meetings sponsored by the Communist party in 1947, but did not join the party. • Supported a peace conference held at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York, where he signed many appeals and protests to the Korean War. • Refused to name otherswho he knew associated with leftist or Communist organizations. Felt that their political views were none of his or the government’s business. Cited for contempt of Congress, but overturned. Arthur Miller Testifying In Front Of HUAC http://www.ucm.es/info/FInglesa/ArthurMillerHUAC.jpg
Arthur Miller: The CrucibleThe Crucible • Based on court records and historical personages from the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. • Discussed how persecution and unfounded accusations can affect humanity. Scene From The 1996 Film Version Of The Crucible http://www.witchvox.com/media/media_images/crucible3.jpg
Arthur Miller: The CrucibleThe Crucible • Was an allegory for the McCarthy era and mass hysteria. • According to Miller, the play was written in an atmosphere that “accepted the notion that conscience was no longer a private matter, but one of state administration.” • Expresses his faith in the ability of an individual to resist conformist pressures. Cover To The Crucible http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/6323/thecrucibleev5.jpg