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Welcome to CPCC

Welcome to CPCC. Getting started before class begins. CPCC is a Learning College. What is it? Puts learning at the heart of every decision Expands and enhances student learning Creates substantive change in learners Engages learners as full partners

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Welcome to CPCC

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  1. Welcome to CPCC Getting started before classbegins

  2. CPCC is a Learning College • What is it? • Puts learning at the heart of every decision • Expands and enhances student learning • Creates substantive change in learners • Engages learners as full partners • Succeeds when improved learning is documented

  3. Core Competencies • Graduates are expected to demonstrate mastery in each of the following: • Communication • Critical Thinking • Personal Growth & Responsibility • Information Technology and Quantitative Literacy

  4. Contracts, Course Content and Materials • It is important that you sign your contract(s) through your Division Office prior to the first class meeting. • Your Discipline Chair or Division Office will provide you with course materials and reporting forms. • Instructor materials may include: textbook(s), accompanying cd rom, assessments, instructor’s manual, transparencies, class roster, campus map, information about parking, and emergency evacuation information.

  5. Making contact • E-mail students 1 week before class starts. Get e-mail lists from the IT website: http://www1.cpcc.edu/its/faculty-staff/its/faculty-staff/resources-references/student-email-lists • Copy & paste class “address” into a new e-mail • Briefly introduce yourself in the e-mail and welcome them to class. • Attach a digital copy of your syllabus. Encourage students to bring this the first day of class. Extra credit?

  6. Your Syllabus • Your syllabus is the most important document in your class. It is the contract between you and your students about the requirements and objectives of the course. • At CPCC, all syllabi are entered in the Online Syllabi System. You must acquire authorship through your Division Director/Discipline Chair in order to publish your syllabus online. http://www1.cpcc.edu/instruction/tools-utilities • Include a link to the Student Code of Conduct. http://www.cpcc.edu/student%5Fhandbook/Policies/studentrights.htm

  7. The critical first few weeks of class

  8. First day of Class • Arrive about 10 minutes early. • Greet students with a smile! • Tell them about yourself - briefly • Conduct an Ice Breaker Activity • Review your syllabus in detail • Take attendance – use a class roster provided by your division office or from Web Employee. In order to access Web Employee you will need to have your log-in ID and password.

  9. Web Employee • https://webemployee.cpcc.edu/WebAdvisorHR/WebAdvisor?&TYPE=M&PID=CORE-WBMAIN&TOKENIDX=4848870644 Take attendance daily!! Attendance matters for State Reporting of FTEs. The college is funded by the number of full-time equivalent students it has. Students must report to the class by the 10% date in order to be counted for FTE.

  10. Cross-checking attendance The Drop Add period at CPCC is the first 4-5 days of the semester. It is extremely important that your rosters match with the students who show up. Whether you teach online or a seated class, students must show proof of enrollment to remain in class if they are not on your roster. They may have added the class during the Drop Add period. They should provide a dated receipt/schedule to remain in your class. DO NOT ALLOW STUDENTS TO REMAIN IN YOUR CLASS IF THEY CANNOT SHOW PROOF OF REGISTRATION OR DO NOT APPEAR ON YOUR ROSTER. SEND THEM TO THE REGISTRATION OFFICE TO CLARIFY THEIR STATUS. There are several places instructors may check enrollment: Blackboard updated daily Web Advisor updated daily http://success.cpcc.edu Put a sign on the board in your classroom with the Course, Section, Days and Times the class meets to make sure students are in the right section. Don’t forget to add your name. It’s important that students know who you are.

  11. Students who ask for permission to enroll in your class after the start date: • During the week of drop/add, if an instructor determines that a student may add their class after the first day of class because specialcircumstances exist, the instructor must provide the student with a signed permission form to take to the registration office. • After the week of drop/add, the student must first get the instructor’s permission, then take the signed form to the Division Director for permission/signature before registering. • After the 10% date, the student must get the instructor’s signature, the Division Director’s signature, and the Dean’s signature before registering for the class. • http://www1.cpcc.edu/instruction/forms/students/Student%20Registration%20After%20Classes%20Begin.doc/view

  12. No Shows/ Never Attended • Students who fail to report to class during the initial 10% of the semester are reported to the state as “Withdrew/Never Attended” (WN). For short session classes the 10% date may be during the drop/add week. • Any student who is on your roster, but does not show up for class during this 10% period, must get permission from the Division Director/Dean before he/she can be admitted to class. Please check carefully with your Division for correct reporting procedures.

  13. Making Copies • Instructors make copies at CPCC using Multi-Functional Printers. Check with your Discipline Chair or Division Director about how to access MFPs for copies. http://inside.cpcc.edu/campus_printing/default.htm

  14. Financial Aid Reporting Use this form to report any student who has not attended your class in 10 consecutive days: http://www1.cpcc.edu/instruction/forms/faculty-staff/Financial%20Aid%20Non-Attend%20Report%2006-11-07.pdf

  15. The Home Stretch

  16. Classroom Management • The best learning style for instructors and students is preparation. Being prepared, having high expectations and standards for progress, and engaging students daily in learning is the best way to avoid unnecessary disruptions. • Remember that you have included a link in your syllabus to the Student Code of Conduct http://www.cpcc.edu/student%5Fhandbook/Policies/studentrights.htm • Become familiar with the subsections that deal with particular behaviors such as cell phone disruptions, academic dishonesty, disruption of teaching, and failure to comply with instructions of a college employee.

  17. Instructor delays/absences • On the occasion that you will be delayed or absent from class, it is imperative that you contact your Division or Supervisor’s office immediately to notify them.

  18. FERPA – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) According to this Federal Law, instructors and college personnel cannot give out information to anyone other than the student concerning the student’s status at the college. The college can only disclose directory information.

  19. Final Exams • The final exam schedule is printed each semester online so that instructors and students can record these important dates. Instructors should not change exam days and times as it may interfere with the scheduling of other exams at the college. • http://www.cpcc.edu/exam_schedule/

  20. Final Grades • Final grades must be submitted electronically through “Web Employee” within 48 hours of the completion of each final exam for your class(es). • Be on the lookout for important details via e-mails concerning the appropriate submission of final grades. • Check with your Division Office to see if you need to submit printed copies of your grades to your Division Director.

  21. Finally… • It’s important to communicate regularly with your Discipline Chair, Director, or Supervisor. Read your CPCC e-mail often during the week. • Read the information that comes to you from your Division Office and from the Office of Community Relations. • Talk to your immediate supervisor if you are unclear about anything that affects your students, your classes, or your teaching duties.

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