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Oakland Parents Together. 3rd Grade Intensive Support Tutoring Program (3GIST) Presented by: Henry Hitz, Anuli Anyanwu, and Anthony Hall. STRATEGIC 3 RD GRADE FOCUS.
Oakland Parents Together 3rd Grade Intensive Support Tutoring Program (3GIST) Presented by: Henry Hitz, Anuli Anyanwu, and Anthony Hall
STRATEGIC 3RD GRADE FOCUS OPT PROGRAM FROM 2004:Implement an automatic intervention program for any child not reading or computing at grade level by the third grade. EXPECT SUCCESS GOAL from 2007:All students will read and write at or above grade level by the end of third grade.
The goal of the OPT 3rd Grade Intensive Support Tutoring Program (3GIST) is to bring every 3rd grade child in Oakland up to grade level by the end of the school term. Taken to scale, this program will: ELIMINATE THE EDUCATION GAP IN OAKLAND IN TEN YEARS OPT GOALS
Tutors meet two-to-one with students from four times per week for sessions of approximately 50-60 minutes OPT 3GIST Program
OPT 3GIST Program • Tutors are paid decent wages and work sufficient hours to maintain workforce stability and commitment • Program bridges regular school day and after school program, generally starting at 1 PM and ending at 6 PM • Reading curriculum includes a strong phonemic awareness program (SIPPS) and a rigorous tutor training component. A parallel math program and curricum are under development. • Families are engaged in an effort to “do whatever it takes” to get their children reading proficiently
RESULTS Sankofa Academy – 2006-07 Assessment based on OCR Benchmark Tests given in May, 2007. 10 students in Tutored sample. 10 students in Non-tutored sample.
RESULTS • Hoover Elementary School 2007-08 Assessment 1 January 14, 2008 -- Assessment 2 March 3, 2008. 20 3rd Grade Students. Assessment based on CST Released Questions
OPT 3GIST Program Timeline • September - Decembereach student will: • Know all long vowel sound/spelling correspondences • Know the first 300 sight words from Fry’s list of high frequency words • January - Mayeach student will: • Knows basic punctuation as signals in fluent “smooth” reading • Read 100 words correctly per minute • Knows key strategies for handling unfamiliar text and can apply them when reading new material
OPT 3GIST Program Description Half of each tutoring session is devoted to the Systematic Instruction in Phoneme Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words Program SIPPS Sight Vocabulary Phonemic Awareness
OPT program structure for 50-60 minutes 10 minutes of Journal writing 20-30 mins of SIPPS (or Making Meaning for those out of SIPPS) 10 minutes are spent with guided reading, in either the SIPPS storybook or other stories at the student’s reading level The final 10 minutes are utilized to rehearse skills, playing appropriate games, utilizing computer programs, and listening to stories OPT 3GIST Program Description
OPT 3GIST Program Description • Family Engagement: • The parents or guardians of each enrolled student are contacted when the student enters the program. • A support team consisting of the student, the tutor, the tutor coordinator, the student’s teacher, the student’s parent, guardian, and other family member is created. • This team will meet as frequently as practicable to monitor the student’s progress and develop additional strategies.
OPT 3GIST Program Description • Final Evaluation: The final evaluation of the program will be based on the students’ progress on the California Standards Test (CST) in Reading/Language Arts, given in May of each year, with the results being available the following August
OPT 3GIST Program Cost • The OPT 3GIST Program running from September-June would cost $1800 per child • This would bring Oakland 3rd Graders in the program up to the national average in per pupil spending
OPT 3GIST Program Cost • To provide this program to all third graders performing at basic or below we would need: • There are 3800 third graders in Oakland • 2/3 are at basic or below in reading • 2600 students at $1800 per year = ONLY $4.6 million per year (less than 1% of the OUSD budget)
BUT… • To make our case for such a commitment of resources, we first need a serious pilot program • We have started a campaign to raise $180,000 from all kinds of sources to implement the 3GIST program as a pilot in 5 schools serving 100 students for 2008-09
Where will the $180,000 come from? • Individual schools (Title I) • SES Funding • Foundations • City of Oakland • After school program funds • OUSD • Individual donations
Oakland Parents Togetherand the children of Oakland thank YOU for your support!