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Vendredi le 26 avril

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Nfiupe-YZM. Vendredi le 26 avril. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dLjUwEuI64. French 2 R (Per. 1 & 4). Turn in your book work: Classwork : Pg. 219 Ex. 1, 3 Pg.220-21 ex. 5, 7 Pg. 222 ex. 8 Review DOPS/IDOPS (Me, Te, Nous, Vous )*

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Vendredi le 26 avril

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Nfiupe-YZM Vendredi le 26 avril https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dLjUwEuI64

  2. French 2 R (Per. 1 & 4) • Turn in your book work:Classwork: Pg. 219 Ex. 1, 3 Pg.220-21 ex. 5, 7 Pg. 222 ex. 8 • Review DOPS/IDOPS (Me, Te, Nous, Vous)* • Practice song F_2_je_ne_regrette_rien_rubric.doc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vpfrdFCaxA 4. See: “La Vie en Rose” Lundi: Flashcards for unit 4 for 105. Song for 105. Mardi: Quiz on DOPS/IDOPS. Flashcards for 100. Mercredi-test prep. Flashcards for 90. Jeudi- Test unit 4. Flashcards for 80. Fri-F/C=70.

  3. F 2 : DOP=Direct object pronounIDOP=Indirect object pronoun (to + pro) DOPIDOP Me me(Eng) to me Te you to you Nous us to us Vousyou (y’all) to you, to y’all

  4. Where do the DOPS/IDOPS go? • In a normal positive sentence: • Before the conjugated verb! Il mevoit. Je t’invite. Ilsnousparlent. Je vousdis! • Normal negative sentence: • Before the conjugated verb! Il ne mevoit pas. Je ne t’invite pas. Ils ne nousparlent pas. Je ne vousdis pas!

  5. Where do DOPS/IDOPS go? • With Positive Commands: • After the verb! BUT: (MeMoi, Te-Toi, Nous & Vous stay the same) Dites-moi! Tais-toi! Ecrivez-nous! Achetez-vousune pizza! (note hyphen!!!) • With Negative Commands: • Before the verb again! Ne medites pas! Ne nous invite pas!

  6. Where do DOPS/IDOPS go? When you have 2 verbs? After the conjugated verb, but RIGHT before the infinitive (in + or in – sentences!) EX:+ Je vaist’inviter! Je veuxvousvoir! EX: -Je ne vais pas t’inviter. Ex: -Je ne veux pas vousvoir!

  7. French 3 • Notes: Amsco pg. 38, 46. Faites: pg. 43 avec quelqu’un. Finisissons les notes orales • Verbchart-finissez/corrigez? • Film: Les Misérables Mardi- L’interro 4! Mardi-les cartes du vocabulaire (sur LMS-100% à 7:25 du matin!) (lundi +5)Mercredi-90%,Jeudi-80%,Vendredi-70% Jeudi-L’examen 4!

  8. F 2 PreAP 1. LATE H/W in Pg. 218 Ex. 1, 3 Pg.220-21 ex. 5, 7 Pg. 222 ex. 8 for 50% 2. DUE- notes: 230, 231 Due NOW! 3. DUE H/W: APT pg. 85-86,89-90 4. DOP/IDOP review, then Quiz & then LUNCH 5. SONG Practice F_2_je_ne_regrette_rien_rubric.doc (SING on Mon. 105%!) 6. Film: Le comte de montecristo

  9. French 1 1. Check yesterday’s (164-65 ex. 1,2,3) warmup 100%** 2. Also due: Tuesday’s warmup 154-55 ex. (6), (8), partner work too! If you were absent-100% (or 50%) 3. Self-check your APT: (assigned Monday, no longer taking) F 1 unit 4 lesson 9 APT KEY.pdf 4. START YOUR “MOI” powerpoint, unless you’re doing late work. (Go to LMS for instructions and then open up a powerpoint). Get 3-5 slides done & saved today! Due Mon. May 6th in LMS by 7:25 a.m. for 105%. Tues. 7:25 for 100%. Wed. 7:25 for 90%. Thurs. 7:25 for 80%. Fri. 7:25 for 70%) MUST BE CORRECT WITH ACCENT MARKS ETC.!

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