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Welcome To Day Five

Welcome To Day Five. Birth: Finally!!. 1 st Trimester: Ministry DNA. Nervous System Mission Vision Values Teams. 2 nd Trimester: Critical Mass. GATHERING Prospecting Networking Bridging Sneak Previews Small Groups Marketing. 3 rd Trimester: Structure . DISCIPLE MAKING Winning

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Welcome To Day Five

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome To Day Five

  2. Birth: Finally!!

  3. 1st Trimester: Ministry DNA • Nervous System • Mission • Vision • Values • Teams

  4. 2nd Trimester: Critical Mass • GATHERING • Prospecting • Networking • Bridging • Sneak Previews • Small Groups • Marketing

  5. 3rd Trimester: Structure • DISCIPLE MAKING • Winning • Building • Equipping • Developing • Releasing

  6. Healthy Birth & Beyond • What are the critical startup ministries for a healthy, public launch?

  7. Six Startup Ministries • Growth & Health • Worship • Assimilation • Technology • Children • Intentional Living

  8. Startup Workbook • What is your startup ministries plan?

  9. Growth & Health 101

  10. Question • How will you create and manage change?

  11. Plant Development Chart

  12. Planter Profile • Spiritual Leader • Missionary Leader • “V” Team Builder • Resource Developer • People Gatherer • People Developer • Ministry Developer

  13. Leadership Pipeline Informal to Formal Organic to Organized Simple to Complex

  14. Foundational Principle • Healthy things grow • Growing things mature • Mature things reproduce • Reproduction produces change

  15. You Have To Change

  16. 1. Conception Stage • Power of One!

  17. 2. Prenatal Stage • Change from Lone Ranger to Team Builder

  18. 3. Growth Stage • Change from Team Builder to Coaching Team Leaders

  19. 4. Reproduction Stage • Change from Coach to Franchise Manager • Reproducing Systems • Reproducing Teams

  20. Transitions Are Painful • Most days it is more fun to be a player than a general manager!

  21. Three Planter Essentials

  22. 1. Intentional Living • Regular Retreats • Extended Exposure • Reflecting & Refocusing • Prayer & Planning

  23. 2. Coach • Bootcamp Coach • Next Level Coach

  24. 3. Peer Network • The church planter who meets with a group of church planting peers at least monthly increases the odds of survivability by 135 percent.

  25. Your Leaders Have To Change

  26. 1. Conception Stage • Golf Team • Buddies • Doing Life Together • Having Fun?

  27. 2. Prenatal Stage • Basketball Team • Awkward Size • Roles: Fluid • Star Player

  28. 3. Growth Stage: 100-500 • Baseball Team • Positions • Specialization • Higher Expectations • Volunteers- Pro’s

  29. 4. Large Church: 750+ • Football Team • Offensive Team • Defensive Team • Special Teams

  30. Transitions are Painful • Lose Leaders • Pioneers leave because settlers have come • Pros displace volunteers

  31. Your Church Has To Change

  32. 1. Conception Stage • Cat Church • Independence • Close Knit • Organic • Simple

  33. 2. Prenatal Stage • Collie Church • Do you love me? • Need meet • Spontaneous • What calendar?

  34. 3. Growth Stage: 100-500 • Garden Church • Variety • Complexity • Calendar Planning • Work never done

  35. 4. Large Church Stage: 750+ • Ranch Church • Regional Vision • Long Range Planning • Outside Consultation • Major Impact • Decentralized Ministry

  36. Transitions are Painful • I don’t like large churches. • It’s not the same anymore. • I don’t know everyone.

  37. Why Large Church? • Irony: They are better at being small.

  38. Key Growth & Health Insights

  39. 1. Power of Adjectives

  40. 2. Minimum Factor

  41. 3. Health Leads to Growth • As soon as a church reached the 65% quality index in all eight essentials, quantitative growth resulted in all the churches we surveyed, without exception.

  42. 4. Pay Attention to Numbers

  43. Breaking 100 • Pastors: Don’t trust people with ministry. • People: Don’t trust pastors with leadership.

  44. Breaking 200 • Comfortable Size • Full time pastor • Basic programming • Intentionality • Outreach • Assimilation • Training

  45. Reproduction Barrier

  46. Beyond 200

  47. Four Growth Factors

  48. Passive vs. Active

  49. Our Identity

  50. The End

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