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Food exchange and eating habits in Germany. Overview. 1. Export German dishes 2. Import Italian immigration wave Greek immigration wave Turkish immigration wave Us fast food wave 3. How the international cuisine has gained a strong position in Germany 4. Sources. export: beer.
Overview • 1. Export • German dishes • 2. Import • Italian immigration wave • Greek immigration wave • Turkish immigration wave • Us fast food wave • 3. How the international cuisine has gained a strong position in Germany • 4. Sources
export: beer • - Beer originally comes from Egypt and was introduced even before the middle ages. • - In the middle ages the monks drank beer during the fasting period for nutrients. • This way the beer came to Germany and today some German beers still tastes like back in the days. • - Beer is a very traditional drink in Germany, especially in times of celebration like the famous Oktoberfest (it actually starts in September) in Munich.
export: Bratwurst - The Bratwurst is roasted or fried in a frying pan - There are several kinds of Bratwurst, most important is the Nürnberger Rostbratwurst, which is a very popular food in Bavaria and all over Germany -The Bratwurst is mostly eaten with sourcrout (German: Sauerkraut), which is also a typical German national food - We know of similar sausages since 800 before christ sourcrout
Pizza Pizza is a spicy baked flat bread made from plain dough. Today, internationally popular variations usually include the basic tomato sauce and cheese topping (the basic form is said to be from Naples).
The history of Pizza The history of pizza has probably already begun in ancient times. The first pizzas were invented by the Greeks and Romans. For the Italians, the story of the simple pizza began in the Italian stone age where a rough dough was baked directly on hot stones next to a fireplace and the dough crisped up randomly. The basic idea came from Greece: A flat bread was baked with different toppings and probably eaten by ordinary people, because it was a cheap and convenient food. The pizza spread in the late 19th Century in the United States. After the Second World War pizza was also known in many places of Europe outside from Italy. The first frozen pizzas came on the market in the 1960s.
spaghetti and pasta The origin of pasta is not definitively clarified. On the one hand it is claimed that the Chinese were the noodle "inventor" on the other hand, some sources say that Italy is the birthplace of the pasta as we know it. Another version is that the ancient Greeks have brought the forerunner of today's Macaroni to Italy. The first pasta production dates back to the 12th century. Since then, the market (outside of Italy) developed fast and today more than 8 million tons of pasta are produced each day. The oldest noodle factory in Germany was founded in 1793.
Lasagna Originally the lasagna comes from a central place of Italy. It was invented in Bologna
Tzatziki Tzatziki is originally a recipe from Mesopotamia. Even in ancient times in today's Iraq, a version of Tzatziki was made. The Tzatziki was introduced in the Greek cuisine with the conquest of the Byzantine Empire by the Ottomans in 1453. Mesopotamia
Gyros Gyros can be found in Greece and many other countries with a population of Greek origin, such as the U.S. or Germany. The introduction of the gyros in the USA is said to have happened between 1965 and 1968. It is assumed that it happened at the same time in Germany In the 1980s, Gyros was very popular in West Germany.
(Döner) Kebap Döner Kebab is a dish made from meat roasted on a vertical spit, normally veal or beef but also a mixture of these with lamb can be served. Lately there are also variations with poultry. Many Germans just call this dish Döner. However this (the term Döner) refers just to the turning spit and not to the meat, which is called Kebap (many Germans do not know that!)
Where does the Döner Kebap come from? • Döner was first made in Anatolia (Turkey) in 1836. • The first snack bars selling Döner Kebap in Germany opened in Berlin in 1970. • Daily 200 to 300 tons of Kebap are produced. Anatolia 1836
McDonald´s • McDonald´s is an US-American food chain. • The McDonald´s corporation is the world´s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. • The first store opened on the 4th of December in Munich in 1971. • Today we have 1136 franchise-locations and 250 stores in Germany.
Burger King • Burger King is also an US-American fast food restaurant. • The company sarted in 1953. • In Germany, the Burger King Corporation is represented since 1976. • Today there are about 690 stores in Germany.
How the international cuisine has gained a strong position in Germany Nowadays it is taken for granted to go out for Italian, Greek or even Vietnamese food in Germany. But when was the turning point so that the foreign cuisine became so popular and why are some successful while others are not?
The immigration waves • The Greeks who immigrated after the military coup in Greece, often opened their own business in the gastronomy. • Since the mid-1950s such gastronomy emerged in Germany. The first function was predominantly to supply food for Italian guest workers who wanted familiar food and drinks. • A true boom of business of such restaurants began in the 70's as the immigrant workers were disproportionately affected by the oil crisis and the onset of economic recession and were looking for new sources of income opportunity in order to work and stay in Germany. • Lots of labour immigrants wanted to stay in Germany just for a few years at first and they asked themselves how to work for their livelihood other than in fatories. So many of them had the idea to invest their money in restaurants in Germany and stay here. • A restaurant was the best opportunity they had, where they were able to invest money and to found their own company. Furthermore it was relatively easy to open a restaurant compared to getting a foothold in other businesses. • In Germany, Italian gastronomy became also very popular in the 60´s because Italy was the most popular vacation country. Every year, more and more German tourists went to Italy and consequently wanted to enjoy the Italian cuisine at home.
After Germany was occupied by foreign workers • After some years Germans did not want the guest workers to work in Germany any more, because some believed that they had taken too many jobs away from Germans. • However they were poorly paid and were only allowed to settle their restaurants in neighbourhoods in the periphery of towns and cities, especially in areas needy of redevelopment. • These conditions also attracted many young people, including students.
The firstexoticfoodrestaurants in Germany • Italians but also Balkan restaurants - besides Chinese - were the first "exotic food restaurants" in the German food culture. • But while the Italians were successful the Slavic cuisine lost their popularity quickly in Germany. At first the Balkan kitchen was successful in the BRD because it was similar to German food. • Some dishes were from Croatia, Serbia and Hungary. These dishes were already known in Germany and especially in the Federal Republic of Germany (GDR) the Balkan cuisine was quite popular. It was kind of exotic. • In the late 80ies that changed into a disadvantage because people knew these forms of cuisine well and now wanted to eat Japanese, Thai cuisine and the Balkan food was no longer perceived as a special cuisine.
After Italian and Balkan restaurants • After Italian and Balkan restaurants Greeks and Spaniards followed. • Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese were soon to follow. • Fast food was never really defined geographically, although it is obviously of American background. • However, the success of ethnic cuisines is closely linked to the flow of tourists and immigrants. However not all types of cuisines were meant to be successful.
Inference • Consequently, what the German citizens had eaten on holiday, they wanted to eat at home again. • What follows is that it is harder for African cuisines to be successful in other countries. But I also think it has to do with the fact that there are certain cultural images associated with the countries and also the kitchen. Italian cuisine has a long tradition. • This does not as easily apply to African cuisines and if somebody hears Africa they imagine hunger and poverty and not dainty dishes • The consumption of "ethnic food" is associated with urbanity, openness and a certain trend awareness and is a sign of acceptance and successful coexistence of cultures.
Sources • http://moodle.hlw-dl.at/file.php/242/Allgemeines/europa_karte_de.png • http://www.hellas-tzatziki.de/tzatziki-geschichte/geschichte-tzatziki.php • http://www.traum-pizza.de/geschichte-pizza/ • http://www.traum-pizza.de/geschichte-pizza/pizza-geschichte-altertum-antike/ • http://www.italien.info/spezialitaeten/Pasta-Geschichte.aspx • http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyros#Geschichte • http://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nationalflaggen.de • http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nudel#Deutschland • http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiener_Schnitzel • http://www.planet-wissen.de/alltag_gesundheit/essen/wurst/index.jsp • h http://www.derberater.de/genuss-lebensart/trinken/bier/wer-hat-eigentlich-das-bier-erfunden.htm • http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/studiozeit-ks/1246838 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bratwurst#Sonstiges • https://www.destatis.de/DE/Publikationen/Thematisch/Bevoelkerung/MigrationIntegration/AuslaendBevoelkerung2010200117004.pdf?__blob=publicationFile • http://www.nuernberg.de/imperia/md/statistik/dokumente/karten/2010-2014/is2012_nbg_karte02.pdf • http://www.google.de/imgres?q=ausl%C3%A4nder+in+deutschland&hl=de&tbo=d&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbnid=JS4M8PfG_iYhPM:&imgrefurl=http://www.crp-infotec.de/01deu/einwohner/auslaenderanteil.html&docid=E42CYAD9GYmJmM&imgurl=http://www.crp-infotec.de/01deu/einwohner/grafs/ausl_herkunft.gif&w=951&h=686&ei=ClIiUb7pOczAtAbM-oGgDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=743&vpy=162&dur=7&hovh=191&hovw=264&tx=138&ty=62&sig=101423823625915339801&page=1&tbnh=134&tbnw=185&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0,i:160 • http://www.planet-wissen.de/alltag_gesundheit/gastarbeiter_und_migration/migrationsland_deutschland/img/migration_grafik1neu_dpa_g.jpg