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RUSSIA . Russia during the Post Classical Time Period. Politics: Post Classical Period. Kieven Rus Vladimir I- forced conversions Church-State tied Marital alliances Mongol Invaders left aristocratic boyars. Economy: Post Classical Period. Trade reliant state Non-diversified trade.

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  2. Russia during the Post Classical Time Period

  3. Politics: Post Classical Period • KievenRus • Vladimir I- forced conversions • Church-State tied • Marital alliances • Mongol Invaders left aristocratic boyars

  4. Economy: Post Classical Period • Trade reliant state • Non-diversified trade

  5. Religion: Post Classical Period • Orthodox Christianity- from Vladimir I • Created Russian-Orthodox Church • Church had great power

  6. Culture: Post Classical Period • Religious literature • Religious art and architecture • Aristocratic boyars • Free farming peasants

  7. Interactions: Post Classical Period • Byzantines: trade, religion, culture • Invasion by Mongols

  8. A comparison of Russia and the Byzantines • Orthodox Christianity • Reliance on Trade • No middle class • Small artisan class • Clasical Greek/Roman Ideas • Church/State tied • Non-diversified trade network • Orthodox Christianity • Reliance on Trade • Small Middle Class • Large Artisan Class • Classical Greek/Roman Ideas • Church/State tied • Diversified trade network Russia (KeivanRus) Byzantine Empire

  9. Continuities and Changes • Center of power shifts from Kiev to Moscow when the Mongols invade • Mongols cause feudal system to implement b/c of need for protection by peasants • Economy always tied with Byzantine’s economy • Religion influential in cultural and political life

  10. Russia: The Early Modern Time Period

  11. Politics: Early Modern Time • Liberation from Mongols • Expansion • Peter the Great- authoritarian, selective westernization, • Catherine the Great- Pugachev Rebellion, selective westernization, growing boyar power • Partition of Poland • feudalism

  12. Peter the Great and Catherine The Great

  13. Economy: Early Modern Time • Manoralism • Fur Trading

  14. Religion: Early Modern Time • Russian Orthodoxy • Church/State Tied

  15. Culture: Early Modern Time • Harsh serfdom • Inheritable serfdom • No middle class • Few artisans • Social unrest • Cossaks

  16. Interactions: Early Modern Time • Expansion: Ottoman Empire, Siberia, Alaska, Sweden • Partition of Poland • Westernization

  17. A comparison of Russia and Japan • Selective Westernization • Feudal Society • Remained Involved in European Affairs • Christian(Orthodox) • Selective Westernization • Feudal Society • Self-Imposed Isolation • Anti-Christian Russia Japan

  18. Continuities and Changes • Capital moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg • Remained feudal • Westernization only effecting upper class • Expansion • Russian Orthodoxy • Authoritarian Gov’t

  19. Russia in the Industrial Age

  20. Politics: Industrial Age • Anti-Westernization (French Revolution) • Westernization • Expansion • Authoritarian • Rise of Anarchists and Communists (Bolsheviks)

  21. Politics: Industrial Age Flow Chart

  22. The Revolution of 1905: Bloody Sunday

  23. Economy: Industrial Age • Gov’t Regulation • Foreign Investment • Manufacturing and city growth • Grain trade with Western Europe

  24. Religion: Industrial Age • Growing secularism • Church no longer politically influential

  25. Culture: Industrial Age • End to Feudalism • Emergence of Proletariat class • Anarchist movements had little support • Poverty filled • No middle class • Social unrest

  26. Interactions: Industrial Age • Crimean War- Ottomans and Britain • Russo-Japanese War- Japan • Grain Trade with Western Europe • Foreign Investment • Freedom of Slavic Nations • Holy Alliance

  27. A comparison of Russia and the Ottomans • Westernization/ Industrialization of army • Inner social unrest • Revolutions put down • Growing threat of nationalism • Emerging Empire • Westernization/ Industrialization of army • Inner social unrest • Revolutions succeeded • Growing threat of nationalism • Waning Empire Russia Ottoman Empire

  28. Continuities and Changes • Ended feudalism in 1861 • Anti-Westernization to Westernization • Remained authoritarian • Social unrest • Expansion • High poverty levels • No middle class

  29. The Russia of the Modern Time Period

  30. Politics: The Modern Time • WWI • End to tsarist rule • Treaty of Brest-Litvosk • Spread of communism • Lenin and Stalin • United Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR) • WWII • Cold War

  31. Politics: The Modern Time Flow Chart

  32. Economy: The Modern Time • Fell during WWI • Food shortages • Rose during the 1920’s • New Economic Policy under Lenin: freedom for individual advancement • Fully industrialized between 1920-1950 • State controlled economy

  33. Religion: The Modern Time • Growing secularism • Religion banned under Stalin

  34. Culture: The Modern Time • Poverty of the masses • Under Stalin: totalitarian state • Anti-western art, architecture, and music • Persecuted scientists who interfered with Marxism • Women subordinate • After WWII • Looser controls on music and literature • Organized sports • Sciences gov’t funded

  35. Interactions: The Modern Time • WWI • WWII • Spread of Communism- China, Japan, East Europe, South East Asia, Cuba, South America, Middle East • USSR • Cold War

  36. A comparison of Russia and Germany • Communist regime overthrows liberal regime • Totalitarian • Large, poorly trained army • Forced to sign disadvantageous treaty (Treaty of Brest-Litvosk) • Fascist regime overthrows liberal regime • Totalitarian • Smaller, well trained army • Forced to sign disadvantageous treaty (Treaty of Versailles) Russia Germany

  37. Continuities and Changes • End to tsarist reign-1917 • Beginning of Communist rule- 1919 • Successful Industrialization • High poverty levels remain • Land reforms unsuccessful

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