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Russian Federation: Culture, History, and Economy

Explore the diverse landscape, ethnic groups, Soviet history, and modern economy of Russia, from Kamchatka to Chernobyl, with insights into the leadership roles of Vladimir Putin and past events like the fall of the Soviet Union.

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Russian Federation: Culture, History, and Economy

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  1. Russia Unit 5

  2. Regional Atlas Chapter 14

  3. Kamchatka Peninsula

  4. The Rivers • The Amur River… The Volga River…

  5. Climates • Steppe… ~dry summers and long, cold, and dry winters ~Rich soil • Humid Continental… ~Temperatures range from 9 degrees to 14 degrees (January to June) and 66 degrees to 99 degrees (July to December) ~fertile grasslands and forests

  6. Climates • Subarctic… ~ Taiga • Tundra… ~ “Treeless plain” ~Siberia ~Many weeks of darkness and few weeks of light • Highland…

  7. Land and soil • Permafrost… Chernozem…

  8. Lakes • Caspian Sea… Lake Baikal…

  9. Ural Mountains

  10. Dardanelles ~A strait that provides access to the Mediterranean sea

  11. Russian Size • Largest geographic nation the world

  12. Culture and History Chapter 15

  13. Ethnic Groups • The Slavs… ~most influence • Caucasians… • Turkic people…

  14. Language and Religion • Languages… ~over 100 languages spoken, but mainly Russian spoke • Religions… ~Russian Orthodox

  15. Russian Revolution

  16. Karl Marx

  17. Soviet Union- The USSR

  18. Cold War

  19. Fall of The Soviet Union • Glasnot and Perestroika… • December 25,1991

  20. Chechnya

  21. Trans-Siberian Railroad • Constructed between 1891 – 1916 • Moscow to Vladivostok (5,800 miles)

  22. Economy, Leadership, and Nuclear Weapons Chapter 16

  23. Soviet Command Economy • Under Communism, The Soviet Union was a Command Economy ~Unemployment was nearly nonexistent but wages were low

  24. Market Economy • Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin…

  25. Privatization • 90% of price controls removed ~Change to private ownership of property • Many Russians invested out of Country

  26. The Black Market in Russia • Illegal trade and High Prices

  27. The Russian Ruble • 0.016 US dollars are equal to 1 Russian Ruble

  28. Vladimir Putin • October 7, 1952 (age 63) in Saint Petersburg • Putin has been the Prime Minister (1999-2000) ,President of Russia (2000-2008) , Prime Minister (2008-2012) and again President (2012-current)

  29. Chernobyl • 1986- a fire in the town released radioactivity, 400 times more powerful than the bomb dropped at Hiroshima • Prevailing winds made other countries suffer too • Millions continue to suffer, thousands died and 350,000 were displaced because the Soviets were slow to alert

  30. Nuclear Weapons • High Stockpile left over from Cold war

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