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Blue Sky Thinking

Blue Sky Thinking. A possible alternative to federated searching Tracy L. Thompson NELLCO. Franklin Pierce Law Center. Judy Gire, Roberta Woods, Kathy Pierce, Barry Shanks, Melanie Cornell Search for a federated search solution Webfeat Muse TDNet Metalib Sirsi Endeavor.

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Blue Sky Thinking

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Blue Sky Thinking A possible alternative to federated searching Tracy L. Thompson NELLCO

  2. Franklin Pierce Law Center • Judy Gire, Roberta Woods, Kathy Pierce, Barry Shanks, Melanie Cornell • Search for a federated search solution • Webfeat • Muse • TDNet • Metalib • Sirsi • Endeavor

  3. Why Federated Searching Doesn’t Work

  4. Federated Searching Paradigm Witness Tampering Simultaneous Searches in REAL TIME !!!

  5. Common Shortcomings • Speed • De-duping • Relevance ranking • Server demand • No real proof of concept • No legal content

  6. Google’s GSA • Hardware/software product • Developed for internal e-document discovery • Pricing model needs tweaking for this implementation • http://www.google.com/enterprise/gsa/live_demos.html

  7. Google Solution Google spiders crawl content providers’ data and create an index thatour patrons search before going to our content provider to retrieve data.

  8. Google Search Appliance Witness Tampering Getting results is faster and better since the entire data set is already there …relevance ranked and de-duped.

  9. Benefits to Us • Fast Searching • Don’t have to wait for “our” databases to be profiled nor incur additional costs for the privilege • Vendor sites aren’t overwhelmed with meaningless searches • We create and control logical collections and we schedule when spiders crawl for content • We own the solution, we house it

  10. Where we are • Early days of promising talks with Google • Two vendors interested in partnering for proof of concept • Working on role of consortium as “mother ship”

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