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Aim of the study. Evaluate the actual prevalence of hepatitis B and C in:Blood donorsHemodialysis patientsDrug abusers. Prevalence of hepatitis B and C in blood donors. . Blood donors. Evaluation of blood donors in the 9 blood bank centers of the Lebanese red cross during 3 yearsThe total numbe
1. Prevalence of hepatitis B and C in blood donors, hemodialysis patients and drug abusers in Lebanon A. Abou Rached, J. Bou Jaoude, P. Saniour.
2. Aim of the study Evaluate the actual prevalence of hepatitis B and C in:
Blood donors
Hemodialysis patients
Drug abusers Le but de cette etude, est d’evaluer la prevalece des hepatites et C chez les donneurs du sang qui par extrapolation peuvent refleter la prevalence des hepatites virale chez la population libanaise. De meme un autre groupe est etudier c’est les hemodialyses. Le dernier est les toxicomanes don’t l’etude menee en 2003 a montre que la prevalence de l’hepatite C est de 12% et de 0% pour l’hepatite BLe but de cette etude, est d’evaluer la prevalece des hepatites et C chez les donneurs du sang qui par extrapolation peuvent refleter la prevalence des hepatites virale chez la population libanaise. De meme un autre groupe est etudier c’est les hemodialyses. Le dernier est les toxicomanes don’t l’etude menee en 2003 a montre que la prevalence de l’hepatite C est de 12% et de 0% pour l’hepatite B
3. Prevalence of hepatitis B and C in blood donors Pour evaluer la prevalence des hepatites B et C et avoir un echantillon assez representatif de la population libanaise l’etude des donneurs du sang est effectuee sur 3 ans dans les banques de sang de la croix rouge libanaise ou lces 9 centres sont distribue dans tout le paysPour evaluer la prevalence des hepatites B et C et avoir un echantillon assez representatif de la population libanaise l’etude des donneurs du sang est effectuee sur 3 ans dans les banques de sang de la croix rouge libanaise ou lces 9 centres sont distribue dans tout le pays
4. Blood donors Evaluation of blood donors in the 9 blood bank centers of the Lebanese red cross during 3 years
The total number of blood units over three years: 46473
All cases reported of Hep B, Hep C and HIV
5. Number of blood units in the 9 centers of the Lebanese Red Cross
6. Prevalence of Hep B and C
7. Prevalence of HBs Ag in blood donors
8. Prevalence of HCV in blood donors
9. Blood Donors Evaluation of blood donors over 2 years (4269 blood units) at Saint Charles Hospital revealed that the prevalence of:
Hepatitis B: 0.28%
Hepatitis C: 0.21%
10. Prevalence of hepatitis B and C in hemodialysis patient
11. Hemodialysis: Aim of the study To know the prevalence of hep. B, C in patients under hemodialysis in Lebanon.
A questionnaire was addressed to 22 centers of dialysis in Lebanon.
17 centers replied.
12. Hemodialysis: study Different items were analyzed:
Age, sex of the patient
Date of starting hemodialysis
Blood transfusion
Risk factors
Year of diagnosis of Hep B, Hep C
Last LFT
PCR, genotyping.
13. Hemodialysis: results Total number of patients undergoing hemodialysis in 17 centers: 1030.
14. Hemodialysis Prevalence of hepatitis B: 2.62% (27 patients)
0% to 6.5%
Prevalence of hepatitis C: 13% (134 patients)
2.2% to 38%
15. Heomdialysis There is no history of piercing, tattoo or drug abuse in all patients
Only 10% of patients had cytolysis
HBe Ag was positive in 24 patients (89%)
16. Hemodialysis: PCR HCV 62 patients had PCR:
PCR was positive in 70%
PCR was negative in: 30%
17. Hemodialysis: HCV genotype Genotype 1: 52%
Genotype 2: 9.5%
Genotype 3: 12%
Genotype 4: 26%
18. Hemodialysis: Risk Factors for HCV infections Risk factors:
History of blood transfusion
Years of dialysis
19. Hemodialysis: Risk Factors for HCV infections Years of dialysis:
> 5years: 40%
History of blood transfusion:
In 42% of patients
20. Hemodialysis: HCV genotype Looking for sub group:
Center 1:
Prevalence of hep C 17%
Genotyping + sub group:
60% 1b
13% 3a
13% 4d
Risk of nosocomial transmission??
Importance of infection control procedures
21. Prevalence of hepatitis B and C in drug abusers
22. Drug abusers: Aim of the study To know the actual prevalence of hep. B, C and HIV in drug abusers in Lebanon.
Evolution of the prevalence of Hep C in this population between 2003 and 2005
The aim of this prospective study is to know the prevalence of hepatitis B , hepatitis C and HIV in Lebanese drug abusers. Also it realizes the relation of other risk factors like piercing, tattoo, and sexual relations in this selective population.The aim of this prospective study is to know the prevalence of hepatitis B , hepatitis C and HIV in Lebanese drug abusers. Also it realizes the relation of other risk factors like piercing, tattoo, and sexual relations in this selective population.
23. Drug abusers: study Different items were analyzed:
Age, sex
Type of drugs, mode of drug use
number of years
Risk factors:
Sexual activity
Tattoo, piercing
Sharing same needle
Serology: HCV, HBV, HIV
24. Duration Hospitalized patients for detoxification at St. Charles Hospital, from 01/01/05 till 31/10/05
64 patients were admitted during this period
Average : 27
25. Type of drugs Heroine: 92%
Cocaine: 38%
Hash: 61%
Medications: 37%
26. Mode of drug abusers
27. History of blood transfusion 13% in patients included in 2003
3% in 2005 (2 patients with HCV neg)
28. Results Sexual relations:
Yes: 92%
Number of partners:
Multiple: 61%
Yes: 90%
The majority of this population was sexually active. 72% had a sexual relation with multiple partners. More than 50% of these patients used condoms. The majority of this population was sexually active. 72% had a sexual relation with multiple partners. More than 50% of these patients used condoms.
29. Drug abusers: Risk factors
30. Drug abusers: Results
31. Drug abusers: Results 95% of hep C drug abusers are IV drug abusers
There is no difference in the prevalence of hep C between the group of multiple partners and the others.
50% of patients with hep C have piercing and 75% have tattoo.
32. Drug abusers: Results More than 80% of patients with hep C shared at least one time the same needles with others.
33. Drug abusers: Results PCR HCV was positive in 80%.
HCV genotyping was performed
type 1: 50%
type 3: 20%
type 4: 30%
34. Drug abusers: Conclusion the actual prevalence of hep C in Lebanese drug abusers is 31%
95% of hep C drug abusers are IV and the majority shared the same needle with others
The prevalence of hep B and HIV in this group still 0%.
35. PCR HCV in the 3 groups
36. Conclusion: The prevalence of Hep B and C in Lebanon in blood donors is very low
There is an increasing prevalence of hepatitis C in drug abusers (30%)
The prevalence of hepatitis B and C in hemodialysis patients is around 2.6% and 13% respectively