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Level of viraemia and genotype characteristics of Parvo B19 in blood donors and patients

Level of viraemia and genotype characteristics of Parvo B19 in blood donors and patients. Brojer E, Grabarczyk P Depatment of Immuhematology Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Warsaw, Poland. Parvo B19 testing in IHBT. MATERIALS

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Level of viraemia and genotype characteristics of Parvo B19 in blood donors and patients

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  1. Level of viraemia and genotype characteristics of Parvo B19 in blood donors and patients Brojer E, Grabarczyk P Depatment of Immuhematology Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Warsaw, Poland

  2. Parvo B19 testing in IHBT MATERIALS • plasma pools of 24 donations for anti-D and anti-HBs • plasma from patients with clinical symptoms METHODS • Quantitative real-time PCR • Qiagen/Nuclisens Extractor + home made (Aberham C, 2001). • Qiagen + RealArt Parvo (B19 PE PCR Kit, Artus Biotech) • quantitative anti-B19 IgG and IgM • recomWell Parvowirus B19 IgG and IgM (MIKROGEN GmbH) • genotyping • sequencing of NS1/VP1 (Servant A, 2002)

  3. Identification of B19 positive donations 2004 -2005 (IHiT)

  4. Parvo B19 infection characteristics

  5. Parvo B19 genotype 2 infection after kidney transplantation pregnancy • BD, (dr A.Wieczorek - Transplantation Ward, Poznań) • 11.2003 kidney transplantation • 02.2004 red cell aplasia • 18.03.2004 DNA B19 (+) • the and of March 2004 immunosupresion treatment switch • April 2004 clinical parameters in the normal range • May 2004 – January 2005 - pregnancy (no clinical sympthoms)

  6. B19 genotype 1 infection in symptomless blood donor • blood donor (PK), donor of plasma for anti-HBs production (RCKiK Poznań) • 38 years old, 3 children, • throughout observation period (3 years and 3 months) no clinical symptoms: Hb, Ht, PLT, RBC, WBC, ALT in normal range.

  7. Anaemia after allo BMT due to the parvo B19 genotype 1 infection transmitted by BM donor • B19 DNA detected in pretransplant DNA sample of the donor was 100% homologous to B19 DNA of the patient

  8. Comparison of genotyp 1 and 2 sequences from patients with aplastic anaemia

  9. Observations and discussion • Genotype 1 and genotype 2 were identified in clinical speciments from patients with similar symptoms • Should NAT for plasma screenig identify not only genotype 1 but also genotype 2? ( and genotype 3, PARV 4, PARV5) • B19 transmission by bone marrow cells • Should BM/SC or other tissue or organ donors (especially young) be tested for B19 markers? • Correlation of B19 viral load with clinical manifestations – • high viremia during syptoms in most but not all patients

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