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The Affordable Housing Crisis in Our Area. Affects us all Contributes to social issues all the way down the line Substandard and overcrowded housing Waiting lists for subsidized housing 750 + families waiting for public housing 800 + families waiting for Section 8 vouchers
The Affordable Housing Crisis in Our Area • Affects us all • Contributes to social issues all the way down the line • Substandard and overcrowded housing • Waiting lists for subsidized housing • 750 + families waiting for public housing • 800 + families waiting for Section 8 vouchers • “We’ve Made It!” syndrome
The Habitat Model We build homes in partnership with low income residents in an effort to eliminate housing poverty globally. Currently HFHGC has requests from 400+ families hoping to start Habitat partnerships • Habitat Partner Families • Serving families at 25% - 60% of AMI • Home Buyers Club required – assigned Family Advocate • At least 200+ hours of “sweat equity” • Minimum down payment of at least $1,250 • Donor financed, interest-free mortgages provided • 90 homes, 200+ children, 100+ adults • Trailer park residents from 0% to 50% AMI (+/-)
The Traditional Habitat Model: Single homes on inexpensive or donated (rural) lots using donated materials and volunteer labor
Nunley Street Development Paton Street PUD Anticipated build out late 2010 • Twelve HFH homes occupied • Six HFH homes ready by summer 2010 • Final four HFH homes finished in 2010 • Two Creative Housing Homes sold • 10 Market Rates lots sold
Sunrise Park… • First trailer park transformation – mixed-income, high-density • The two acre site is located in the Belmont-Carlton section of Charlottesville and will provide 55-59 units (15 +/- HFH homes/9-15 affordable rentals/ 25-30 market rate homes) • KG Associates consulting on developing property • Planning Commission recommended PUD rezoning, 10/09 • Sunrise will create a successful, vibrant, mixed-income community anchored by Habitat units
Southwood Trailer Park: • Today and Tomorrow • Bought Southwood in 2007 • Second trailer park transformation - Southwood is home to approximately 350 families • Renovated Southwood Community Center – Affording Partnerships, isolate from HFHGC core • In 2008 receive a grant from an anonymous local foundation to fund a needs assessment/resident survey • Pending grant application to fund a community service coordinator • A Study Team has visited and evaluated successful mixed-income communities around the USA • Potential for 600-900 high-density, mixed-income units
Southwood Plan • PRIOR TO REDEVELOPMENT • We will… • Address maintenance and safety issues in a responsible manner (for HFHGC and residents) • Partner with others to create opportunities for residents to become engaged in the community (community garden, playground areas, neighborhood watch, etc.) • Advocate for social service agencies to help address the needs of residents • Eliminate behaviors that are detrimental to the community’s well-being • Continue to provide affordable pad rentals • HELPING RESIDENTS PLAN FOR THE FUTURE: • We will… • Provide credit screening to residents • Help qualified residents become Habitat for Humanity partner families • Work with qualified/interested residents to become homeowners/renters at Southwood • If necessary, refer residents to other agencies to help find affordable housing options off site
AS DEVELOPMENT BEGINS (not anticipated prior to 2013) • Habitat for Humanity is committed to the long-term health of Southwood. • We will… • Engage current residents in planning process for future of the community • Provide consistent and clear information to residents as the scope and timing of long-term development plans evolve • Create a vibrant mixed-income, mixed-use community with opportunities for current and future residents • TRAILERS: • Habitat for Humanity does not anticipate any land clearing prior to 2013, however… • Long-term plans at Southwood do NOT include a trailer park. All trailers must ultimately be removed from Southwood, most likely at the owner’s expense • Most of the trailers in Southwood are too old to be moved. Therefore, they may not have any resale value when development starts. • Habitat will NOT purchase trailers from residents at the time of redevelopment but will provide a minimum of 90 days notice prior to the date when a trailer must be removed.
FUTURE: • Habitat for Humanity is committed to creating a healthy, mixed income, mixed-use community at Southwood • We will… • Provide Affordable home ownership and rental opportunities • Provide Market rate home ownership and rental opportunities • Seek to Provide Senior housing ownership and rental opportunities • Seek to help residents move into to safe, affordable housing on and off site