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Transforming with the Census. Ed Christopher Resource Center Planning Team Federal Highway Administration 4749 Lincoln Mall Dr. Rm 600 Matteson, IL 60443 708-283-3534 edc@EdtheFed.com. How is the Transportation Community Transforming to meet the changes with the Census Data?.
Transforming with the Census Ed Christopher Resource CenterPlanning Team Federal Highway Administration 4749 Lincoln Mall Dr. Rm 600 Matteson, IL 60443 708-283-3534 edc@EdtheFed.com How is the Transportation Community Transforming to meet the changes with the Census Data?
Back in the Day Every 10 years the Census Bureau Counted the Population (Short Form) Sampled our Characteristics (Long Form)
Short Form 100% Population count First Census 1790 Constitutionally Mandated Sets Congressional Seats Mandatory Participation $100 fine failing to respond $500 fine for lying 2010 is the 23rd Headcount In 1930 Census Day became April 1st 10 Questions Name Sex Age Relationship Hispanic Origin Race Owner/Renter Telephone Number Part Time Residency April Residents
Long Form 17% Sample of Households (1 in 6) 1940 Sampling First Used All HH Occupants Constitutionally Mandated Questions Questions Change Overtime 2000 was the LAST Decennial Long Form ~ 12 pages Monthly Mortgage Real Estate TaxesIndoor Plumbing Income Occupation Educational Level Household age Number of Rooms Why is the Long Form so important to us?
1960 -- JTW Question Arrives OMB required-Metro Areas Coded to City or County No Special Tabulations
1970--First Transportation Tables Produced Urban Transportation Planning Package FHWA provided table specs First DOT funding 43 Tables, “Caveat Emptor” 112 Purchasers, Local TAZs Address coding (DIME) Block level
Core Elements Summarized data by Place of Residence Place of Work Flows between Home and Work Custom Geography (Local TAZs) Unique Universes (e.g. workers in HHs) Designed and paid for by transportation planners for transportation planners
1980--UTPP Expands Census Bureau hired JTW staff -- better delivery -- geo QC Work trip imputation (allocation) 150 Buyers More detail data (more modes, vehicle occupancy, travel time)
1990--New Era Begins Census Transportation Planning Package emerges Name changed from UTPP to CTPP Wall-to-Wall Coverage (AASHTO/NARC pooled fund) First state package More data (departure time, occupancy) Extraction software BTS CD release
2000--CTPP Takes Hold CTPP Community matures TRB Subcommittee (est. 1998) ~Newsletter ~List Serve ~On Call assistance and outreach Enhanced TAZ Definition process Improved Extraction software Disclosure Rules Emerge!!!
2005--The Long Form goes away Enter the ACS era… - Continuous Survey Methodology - Conducted Monthly - About 1 in 40 Households Sampled per year - 250,000 Households Sampled per month - Same Transportation questions as 2000 Long Form - 3 basic Period Estimates Annual 65K+ 3-year > 20K 5-year, block Groups and up Smaller sample, Margins of Error (MOE)
CTPP Transforms Itself Census Transportation Planning Products The CTPP embodies a collection of Census Data used for Transportation Planning. With changing data needs and the ACS, there will be a variety of different products useful for transportation planning emanating from Census Data. There will be Special Tabulations, Standard Tables and even Value Added-products. The CTPP captures all of these. Think of CTPP as a place to look for Census Data products to help with your Transportation needs
Transformation over time All States and MPOs
AASHTO CTPP Program lAll States + DC lAASHTO Led lOversight Board lFive Year period ~ 2011 (2012) Federal Technical Advisory Group TRB Subcommittee -- List Serve (830 strong) Quarterly Newsletter -- Outreach Several Websites
AASHTO CTPP Oversight Board (ACOB) MPOs Kuo-Ann Chiao, NYMTC Steven Gayle, BMTS Mell Henderson, MARC Arash Mirzaei, NCTCOG Guy Rousseau, ARC Clara Reschovsky,MWCOG Pete Swensson, TRPC Vacant Chair: Jennifer Finch, CO(Region IV)Vice Chair: Jonette Kreideweis, MN (Region III) AASHTO Liaison:Penelope Weinberger 17 voting members: 9 states and 8 MPOs Consensus Decision Making Ex Officio Members Ed Christopher, FHWA Brian McKenzie, Census Bureau Alison Fields, Census Bureau Rich Denbow, AMPO Elaine Murakami, FHWA Robert Padgette, APTA Alan Pisarski, Consultant Steven Polzin, USF. CUTR Nanda Srinivasan, TRB John Sprowls, FTA States Laine Heltebridle, PA (Region I) Nathan Erlbaum, NY (Region I) Hui Wei Shen, FL (Region II) Paul Agnello, VA (Region II) Phillip Mescher, IA (Region III) Ahmad Jaber, UT (Region IV) Ayalew Adamu, CA (Region IV)
Special Staff Additions Penelope Weinberger CTPP Program Manager, AASHTO 444 North Capitol Street NE Suite 249 Washington, DC 20001 202-624-3556 pweinberger@aashto.org http://ctpp.transportation.org Brian McKenzie CTPP Program Manager Census Bureau 301-763-2454 Brian.McKenzie@census.gov
CTPP Data Products CTPP 3-Year Main Product September 2010 2006, 2007, 2008 20,000 Pop. Areas (County, Place, PUMAs) Actual Flows http://trbcensus.com/products/
2000 Geography Product Structure 3-Parts Part 1-Place of Residence Part 2-Place of Work Part 3-Flows between Home and Work (with Extraction Software) Nation (US Total) State State-County State-County-MCD State-Place State-PUMA State-POW PUMA Metropolitan Statistical Area MSA – EACH Principal City The 3-year Product Design http://trbcensus.com/products/3-year_ACS/ctpptables-09apr01-rev2.xls
3-Year Data Profiles lUses 2005-2007 ACS lCompares to 2000 lFocused on Transportation lIncludes Significance Tests http://download.ctpp.transportation.org/profiles_2005-2007/ctpp_profiles.html
CTPP 5-year data product CTPP 5-Year Main Product Fall 2012 2006, 07, 08, 09, 2010 Small Areas (Tract, TAZ, Block Group) New TAZs and TADS Synthetic Data and Flows
“NEW” TAZs Traffic Analysis Zones • Developed in Summer 2011 • TAZs will nest with TADs • GIS equivalency process • Funded under Consolidated Purchase • FHWA is contacting state DOTs to set up contacts http://trbcensus.com/notes/ACSTAZs.pdf
Building the 5-year data Key product to the 5-year CTPP product NCHRP Project 8-79($550K) Producing Transportation Data Products from the American Community Survey that Comply with Disclosure Rules Contractor Westat Inc. http://www.trb.org/TRBNet/ProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=2708
Emerging Issues Livability and performance measures Light Rail Conundrum Bad Urbanized Area Population data Issues with ACS PUMS (0ver 65) The Transformation Never Stops
CTPP List Serve http://trbcensus.com
“Status Report” newsletter http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ctpp/status.htm http://www.trbcensus.com/newsletters.html
ACS Data Profiles & AAHTO CTPP Page http://ctpp.transportation.org
Training and Technical Assistance Report 588 A Guidebook for Using ACS Data for Transportation Planning Trend Analysis How to recalculate Margins of Error 275 pages http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_rpt_588.pdf
Working with ACS A Compass for Understanding And Using ACS Data l Set of user-specific handbooks l Train-the trainer materials l E-learning ACS Tutorial http://www.census.gov/acs/www/UseData/Compass/compass_series.html
Recorded Webinars Permanently housed on the AASHTO CTPP Website http://ctpp.transportation.org/pages/webinars.aspx As completed temporarily linked on the FHWA CTPP web room http://fhwa.na3.acrobat.com/ctpp1 Recently completed June 18, 2010: Introduction to CTPP June 11, 2010: NEW webinar on Urbanized areas
Getting Data - Census Standard Products FactFinder http://factfinder.census.gov
What is on your mind? http://www.dot.gov/ctpp http://www.TRBcensus.com http://ctpp.transportation.org For a free copy of these slides go to http://www.edthefed.com/presentations/CTPPhistory(07-07-2010).ppt