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MiTS Gateway

International standards for ship reporting presented by Stian Ruud/DNV 7. March, 2000 FARGIS Maritime Information Technology. Information Technology in Ship Operation 1997. Shipboard operational database (EDIMAR). Authorities, VTM, Ports Agents, Suppliers, …. Høegh Pilot Ship. Ship

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MiTS Gateway

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Presentation Transcript

  1. International standards for ship reportingpresented by Stian Ruud/DNV 7. March, 2000 FARGISMaritime Information Technology

  2. Information Technology in Ship Operation 1997 Shipboard operational database (EDIMAR) Authorities, VTM, Ports Agents, Suppliers, …. Høegh Pilot Ship Ship operator MiTS Gateway sensors

  3. NewShip Application Protocol, AP234 • AP 215 Ship arrangements • AP 216 Ship moulded forms • AP 217 Ship piping • AP 218 Ship structures • AP 226 Ship mechanical systems • AP 234 Ship Operational Logs, Records, and Messages Standard for the Exchange of Product Model data (STEP) ISO 10303-234, ISO TC184/SC4/WG3 T23 Ships Team

  4. Scope (1) of AP234, Tags and Ship events Harmonisation with IEC 1162-4 standard tags (MiTS) related to operational data from the monitoring system covering navigational data equipment and machinery status data; environmental observations Ship events and ship activities definitions for triggering collection of operational data from the monitoring system into standardised reports or non-standardised user defined reports. Information quality

  5. Scope (2) of AP234: Ship Safety Record (USA-ASTM) a) vessel particulars b) vessel status c) crew requirements d) crew status e) voyage specific data, the voyage specific data including ports, cargo carried, loading pattern, ballast condition, and critical events f) record of inspection g) record of incidents h) corrective actions needed for the ship including procedures, equipment, documentation, and a deficiency log i) reports including automatic identification system view, ship damage to coastal state

  6. Invitation to standardise Ship to Shore reports AP234 covers the scope of ShipRep (Notice of Arrival) developed for Kystverket by MARINTEK/SINTEF Tried to raise funding for ShipRep demonstrator in1999 Norway/DNV is project manager and editor of AP234 Norway has the opportunity to be in the driving seat now! We may establish business case, partnership and funding for standardised ship to shore messages

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