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Math Strategies. Drill and Practice Grade 2 MA.2.A.2.1 Recall basic addition and related subtraction facts. Basic facts include addends from zero through nine.
Math Strategies Tinson 2010
Drill and Practice Grade 2MA.2.A.2.1 Recall basic addition and related subtraction facts. Basic facts include addends from zero through nine. Drill and Practice activities help learners master materials at their own pace. Drills are usually repetitive and are used as a reinforcement tool Classroom Implication: Games, Basic Skills Practice Cards Helpful website: www.Aplusmath.com http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/pd/instr/strats/drill/index.html Tinson 2010
Computer Assisted InstructionGrade 2MA.2.A.6.1 Solve problems that involve repeated addition. CAI refers to instruction or remediation presented on a computer. Computer-assisted instruction moves at the students’ pace and usually does not move ahead until they have mastered the skill. http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/pd/instr/strats/cai/index.html Tinson 2010
Concrete-Representational-Abstract Instructional Approach Grade 2 MA.2.G.5.2 Identify time to the nearest hour and half hour. CRA is an intervention for mathematics instruction that research suggests can enhance the mathematics performance of students with learning disabilities. The CRA instructional sequence consists of three stages: concrete, representation, and abstract Classroom Implication: Can be used with small groups or entire class http://www.k8accesscenter.org/training_resources/CRA_Instructional_Approach.asp Tinson 2010
Citations Maccini, P. & Gagnon, J. A. 2000,. Best practices for teaching mathematics to secondary students with special needs. Focus on Exceptional Children, 32(5), 11. Retrieved from http://www.k8accesscenter.org/training_resources/CRA_Instructional_Approach.asp Fletcher-Flinn, C., & Gravatt, B., 1995. The efficacy of computer assisted instruction (CAI): a meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Computing Research. (12)3. Retrieved from http://baywood.metapress.com/app/home/contribution.asp?referrer=parent&backto=issue,3,5;journal,118,164;linkingpublicationresults,1:300321,1 Tournaki, N. 2003.The differential effects of teaching addition through strategy instruction versus drill and practice to students with and without learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities. pp. 449-458. Retrieved from http://ldx.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/36/5/449 Tinson 2010