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Nosecone Calorimeter progress

Nosecone Calorimeter progress. Richard Seto LANL muon meeting June 15, 2005. Problems: -only 40 cm apart from collision point … -only 20 cm of space is available. FST. Layout: PHENIX forward spectrometers-remember:. INTEGRATION!. NCC. Calorimeter : ~ 40 L rad / 1.6 L abs

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Nosecone Calorimeter progress

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  1. Nosecone Calorimeter progress Richard Seto LANL muon meeting June 15, 2005

  2. Problems: -only 40 cm apart from collision point … -only 20 cm of space is available FST Layout: PHENIX forward spectrometers-remember: INTEGRATION! NCC

  3. Calorimeter: ~ 40 Lrad / 1.6 Labs Lateral seg. 1.5 x 1.5 cm2 EM section: 10 Lrad g/p0 identifier:at ~ 5Lrad (layer of stripixels - 500 μm pitch 2-D readout) - /0 separation; -good position resolution; -e/h separation; -jet measurements -trigger information The NCC design 14 cm of W absorber 6 cm Si readout “fine” (electromagnetic) compartment “coarse” (leakage) compartment “Photon converter” “Shower max” γ/π0 identifier

  4. Run 4 Central Arms for RHIC I muon muon So what does it buy us? Coverage for g-jet Endcap Si NCC Barrel Si Endcap Si NCC • Greatly expands coverage • is critical for this measurement • e.g. coverage for  x16 0 coverage 2p TPC -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 rapidity for RHIC II & NCC

  5. So what does it buy us? the χC =1.0-1.5 =2.0-2.5 background subtracted • Central 0-10% Au-Au m-m (with background) • Assume RHIC II statistics, i.e. 10x our plan • use 10X (10% central of run 8 – 1500 ub-1) J/ψγ mass =1.5-2.0 =2.5-3.0

  6. What else? • Heavy Ion Collisions • Identified hadron measurements for suppression • π0,  • single electrons • di-electron? • elliptic flow analysis • pA • identified hadron distributions • jet-measurements • charmonium • Spin • Gluon spin structure function measurements • direct γ. γ-jet, π0,  • W boson measurements (background) for anti-quark spin measurements • so what did I forget?

  7. Physics Detector (calorimeter and γπ0 identifier) Mechanical Structure Silicon Sensors Readout Boards Electronics Packaging Hybrid Pre-Amp Integrated Pre-Amp Need solutions Power and cooling Digital signal Processing Simulations Prototyping Visit to Russia (Eduard, Vasily, rich, Vrba(Czech) Dubna (tunsten/mechanics – may work with Georgia) ELMA – Si sensor company Moscow State – Si Sensors Also visited by E. Atkin MEPHI– readout electronics A. Vlasov – Horizont-Ekaterineburg (electronics company – assembly, stuffing etc) More visits – Korea later in the year, … How to make it happen FUNDING!

  8. NCC Simulation Status • Summary and Plans • Geant3 based NCC simulation tool exists • NCC geometry and response is incorporated into the PISA. • Reconstruction: Private codes • Fun4All • NCC will be put into Geant4 simulation package • Reconstruction and analysis code is in development

  9. Melynda W_Si Nosecone Simulation update: resolution of J/Y Mass Resolution m+ m- Cu 3121+/-6 118+/-6 m+ m- WSi 3088+/-7 138+/-6 Incl γ/π0 3031+/-6 107+/-4

  10. Performance – electromagnetic showers g/p0 identifier leakage into hadronic capartment 40 cm hadronic EM Incoming electron (10GeV) 20 cm front view side view

  11. Expected Performance Jets

  12. c2 Concept of Pion Rejection c2 = S(Ei-Ee)2/s2i i =1,3 c2 Actually it will be better than this – plot an measured momentum 100 K Simulated 4.5 K Selected Momentum GeV/c Hadronic shower rejection p+, 40 GeV/c

  13. Separation of g’s in p0-> gg decay really we will use γ/π0 ~ 500 μm pitch 5GeV/c p0-> gg 30 GeV/c

  14. 2nd Metal X - pixel U - strip Go to (1 st metal) Bonding Pad for U - strip U - pixel (1 metal) st 2nd Metal X - strip m 80 m Bonding FWHM Pad for for charge X - strip m 1000 m diffusion Z. Li, Inst. Div., BNL γ/π0 update: Silicon strip-pixels • Used in Si Barrel • New sensor developed by Zheng Li (BNL Instrumentation Div.) • spiral shape: divide one pixel (500 mm x 500 mm) to two regions and connect them  x and u(y for NCC) strips • single sided, but 2-dimensional

  15. Shielding PCB Tungsten Front End electronics zone Silicon wafer Ready for beam in Oct Update: Prototype… • Tasks • Silicon: ELMA – ready - tested • PCB: horizont-Ekateringburg- ready • Flat cable: h-Ekateringburg-ready • CR1-P4 INFN - available • Readout cards h-E - stuffed • Mechanics -Dubna - ordered • Assembly Dubna/MSU/Ekaterineburg • DAQ - proposed • Test beam -Dubna/Protvino? Prototype - I: 22 layers 2 sensors wide CR1-4P preamps 2 g/p0 identification layers (2 mm strips)

  16. One layer Silicon

  17. Readout board the end

  18. Now for something completely different

  19. Los Angles Times – May 2005 WHAT?! sQGP What is this sQGP stuff? Did we expect this? What does it imply?

  20. RHIC data ~ hydro with zero viscosity early thermalization strong coupling Old picture short screening length screening length q q A strongly Interacting QGP? weakly coupled QGP?

  21. New picture Long screening length Long range correlations screening length q q A strongly Interacting QGP sQGP • RHIC data ~ hydro with zero viscosity • early thermalization • strong coupling New Lattice Data J//ψ stays together at > TC F. Karsch et al, Journal of Physics G 30 (2004) 887

  22. Old picture of screening is wrong TWO reasons for “suppression” Screening gluon break-up • Confined • Gluons confined to thermally distributed π‘s <Pg> = 1/5 <Pπ> = 3/5 T (For T=200MeV,<Pg> = 0.1 GeV) Structure functions <Po> = 3T J/ψ suppression? • Deconfined • Gluons are distributed thermally <Pg>deconf= 3T (T=200, <Pg>deconf = 0.6 GeV) • Gluon are hardened and can break up the J/ψ

  23. Where does the form of the potential (e.g. 1/r) come from? • The basic “thing” is the interaction term in the lagrangian • The “potential” of EM and QCD are quite different • EM ~ 1/r : long range • QCD ~ short range • Why? • Need to take Q2 0 • SCREENING FROM THE cold VACUUM a=color index

  24. the strong interaction has become long range V(r)~1/r (?) What is the screening length? what are the primary quanta? (DOF) We have let the QCD Genie out of the bottle and now it has a long reach. But in the sQGP the vacuum is differentso the screening is different sQGP q q V~1/r

  25. New picture Long screening length Long range correlations screening length q q A strongly Interacting QGP sQGP • Old picture of screening is wrong • reason for “suppression” • gluon break-up • Quanta/DOF ??? New Lattice Data J//ψ stays together at > TC F. Karsch et al, Journal of Physics G 30 (2004) 887

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