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PHENIX Upgrade and Nosecone Calorimeter. Ju Hwan Kang Yonsei University The 1st Asian Triangle Heavy Ion Conference (ATHIC 2006) Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea June 29, 2006 ~ July 1, 2006. The PHENIX Detector. designed to measure rare probes: + high rate capability & granularity
PHENIX Upgrade and Nosecone Calorimeter Ju Hwan Kang Yonsei University The 1st Asian Triangle Heavy Ion Conference (ATHIC 2006)Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of KoreaJune 29, 2006 ~ July 1, 2006
The PHENIX Detector designed to measure rare probes:+ high rate capability & granularity + good mass resolution and particle ID - limited acceptance Au-Au & p-p (spin) • 2 central arms: ||<0.38 at y=0, = electrons, photons, hadrons • charmonium J/, ’ -> e+e- • vector mesonr, w, -> e+e- • high pTpionπo ->γγ • open charm, beauty (D,Be) • direct photons • hadron physics • 2 muon arms: 1.2<||< 2.4, = 2 muons • “onium” J/, ’, -> m+m- • open charm, beauty (D,Bm)
Leading hadrons π0 γ π0 dAu AuAu Probing Partonic State of Matter The matter is so opaque that even a 20 GeV p0and charm is stopped. The matter is strongly coupled
requires highest AA luminosity Physics for PHENIX Upgrades The capability of the following physics can be enhanced by detector upgrades • High T QCD (AA, pA, and pp): • Electromagnetic radiation (e+e- pair continuum) • Heavy flavor (c- and b-production) • Jet tomography (high pT PID, jet-jet and g-jet) • Quarkonium(J/, ’ , c and (1s),(2s),(3s)) • Spin structure of the nucleon: • Gluon spin structure DG/G (heavy flavor and g-jet correlations) • Quark spin structure Dq/q (W-production for flavor decomposition) • Low x phenomena • gluon saturation in nuclei (particle production at forward rapidity)
barrel VTX |h| < 1.2 NCC 0.9 < h < 3.0 PHENIX Upgrades Project Precision vertex: VTX: Si tracker FVTX: forward Si e/π0 at forward y: NCC: nose cone calorimeter Dalitz, γ-conversion rejection: HBD: hadron blind detector High rate trigger: Muon trigger Provides displaced vertex & jet measurement over 2p endcap VTX 1.2 < h < 2.7 HBD FVTX VTX NCC MuonTrig MuonTrig
PHENIX Upgrades Physics Capabilities X upgrade critical for success O upgrade significantly enhancements program PHENIX upgrades designed for optimum physics output with RHIC II luminosity
HBD VTX & FVTX Future PHENIX Acceptance for Hard Probes NCC NCC EMCAL 0 f coverage 2p EMCAL MPC MPC -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 rapidity (i) p0 and direct g with combination of all electromagnetic calorimeters (ii) heavy flavor with precision vertex tracking with silicon detectors combine (i)&(ii) for jet tomography with g-jet (iii) low mass dilepton measurments with HBD + PHENIX central arms
PHENIX Upgrades Schedule R&D Phase Construction Phase Ready for Data
Two most recent PHENIX Upgrades (vertex displacement, track trajectory at forward rapidity) FVTX VTX (p0, photon measurements in Muon arm acceptance) NCC FVTX(~$4.5M) and NCC(~$4M) proposed to DOE, reviewed (March-2006) by external committee which recommended funding from FY08
p, K decays How FVTX Can Help • Significant reduction of backgrounds by accurately measuring the Distance of Closest Approach (DCA). Decay muon, punch-through hadron, and open heavy flavor decay muons can be separated on a track-by-track basis • Significant improvement in angular resolution of track leading to improvement in dimuon resolutions Prompt backgrounds cτ(D)=312µm cτ(K, π)=3.7m, 7.8m
EM1 electromagnetic EM2 electromagnetic HAD hadron identifier How NCC separate e/h p EM1/ETot e+ p EM2/ETot e+ Had/ETot
Leading hadrons π0 γ With FVTX Without FVTX What is the Physics I?With the vertex tracking & π0/γ at forward rapidity • Heavy Ion collisions (sQGP) • Getting a picture of collision system • Energy density of coll. sys. changes with rapidity large rapidity coverage • Calibrated probe: γ-jet to get parton dE/dx (Eγ≈Ejet )large γ-jetacceptance • Understanding deconfinement, Tc • Testing J/ψ recombination, J/ψ melting at T>Tc from recent lattice: • better mass resolution, lower backgrounds, & separation of ’ • χcγJ/ψ: smaller BE, melts at lower T than J/ψ (~30% of J/ψ:χc decay feed-down) • measure both states to disentangle various effects • must go to forward rapidity to haveγ & J/ψ in muon arm acceptance
xG(x) x low x high x What is the Physics II? With the vertex tracking & π0/γ at forward rapidity • Proton Nucleus collisions (Colored Glass Condensate) • Gluon Saturation or Shadowing in Cold Nuclear Matter • Gluon Saturation, Color Glass Condensate (CGC) – large density of small-x gluons resulting in depletion at small-x • More saturation at lower x : y~log(1/x) since Measurement at lower x cover the forward rapidity • Production (p+p vs. p+A) of high energy single hadrons (πo->γγ, φ->e+e-, …) at lower x to measure the amount of depletion • Kinematic variable of gluons can be readily reconstructed with γ-jet measurement: most of high pTγ’s are from “compton” well determined xg measure gluon saturation via direct photons in forward region depletion at small-x
What is the Physics III?With the vertex tracking & π0/γ at forward rapidity Spin Puzzle from polarized DIS • polarized pp collisions (What makes up the nucleon spin?) • Precise measurement of the polarized gluon distribution, Δg(x)=g+(x)-g-(x), at RHIC to get the gluon spin contribution ΔG using double-spin asymmetry ALL • ΔG may be dominated by contributions from low-x where gluons are most abundant: y~log(1/x); e.g. x2=(e-y)2~10-3 for y=3, assumingx1=1 • Detection of both hadron jet and the photon with NCC: Jet + direct γ;givesconstraint on xg • ΔG with NCC at low-x through jet-γ, π0, J/Ψ, open charm NCC greatly expands reach of PHENIX in low x ΔΣ~20-30% σ++ σ+-
RHIC with Polarized Protons • Collisions of Longitudinally Polarized Protons • Gluon spin contribution (G) directly accessible • Direct photon is theoretically cleanest for gluon spin contribution • Use W± reaction to determine virtual sea contribution : not directly accessible in polarized DIS since gluon does not couple directly to photon and photon couples to q & q-bar in the same way
ΔG and Direct photons • Difficulties with π0 extraction of ΔG • Several diagrams contribute • fragmentation functions • ΔG using direct photons • ~90% of high pTγ’s are from compton • easier to find xg in this case
Detection of π0 in NCC (Nosecone Calorimeter) SM Total E: Calorimeter Position: PS Energy Asymmetry: SM π0 mass 500 um pitch Strips (“StriPixels”) PS “pre-shower” 2X0position SM “shower max” 7X0asymmetry 30 GeV π0 HAD hadron identifier Silicon pads 1.5x1.5 cm2 Tungsten 3 mm (EM) & 15mm (HAD) The PS and SM Detectors: identifyingπ0s Depth: 42X0 (1.6λABS)
p0 tracking: 5 GeV/c example p0 → gg, d = 25 mm Multitrack configuration tracks pointing to collision vertex (points in PS, EM1, SM, EM2, Had)
p0 tracking: 30 GeV/c example D(gg) ~ 4 mm single track configuration
ShowerMax PreShower
Fit to extract decay asymmetry Constrained to match gg separation measured in PS g1 g2 X-strip number Energy per strip [GeV] Y-strip number
π0 detection efficiency from simulation Single-particle (p0and e) simulation in NCC p0 efficiency
NCC: Schedule, Cost, and Groups • Scope of proposal to DOE: • 1st NCC ~ $4M • Recommend start of funding FY 2008 • Complete construction in 2010 • Groups working on NCC: BNL, Charles Univ, Columbia U, Czech Tech U, EWU-Korea, Inst Phys Czech Acad Sci, ISU, JINR-Dubna, Korea U, Moscow State, Myongji U, RIKEN, Stony Brook U, Tsukuba U, UCR, UIUC, Yonsei U • Four Korean groups and a company (SENS) are responsible for: • Fabrication and testing of prototype stripixel sensors • Production of entire stripixel sensors • Also partially responsible for the production of pad sensors, most of which may be produced in Russia and Czech
Production of stripixel sensors • Wafer will be ordered next week • First fabrication will be tried in the middle of July • Prototype fabrication of NCC stripixel sensors by ‘SENS’ company collaborating with YSU, EWHA, and KU • Two runs are foreseen by October • Sensors will be tested by Korean groups • More production in December for beam test • interleaved stripixel detector (ISD). • each pixel is divided into two parts: X-cell and Y-cell . X-strips and Y-strips connect X-cells and Y-cells, respectively. • Sensor: 62x62mm • Strip in pixel: width=10um, gap=14.7um • Readout strip pitch: 440um
Matching MuTr and Silicon tracks in Central AuAu (I) • Average 0.7% occupancy in highest occupancy areas (1.5% max. occ. tobe safe) • In Central AuAu events, ~ 3 silicon tracks match each MuTr track: use a Kalman-Filter fit to MuTr+Silicon hits and choose best χ2 • Pick track with best c2: 93%, 83%, 75% of the time the correct match is made for total momentum 9 GeV, 6 GeV, 3 GeV particles Hits/cm2 per Central AuAu event
NCC Silicon Stripixel Detector • The Si stripixel detector, developed at BNL (Brookhaven National Laboratory), • has been applied in the development of NCCdetector system for the • PHENIX Upgrade at RHIC. • The Si stripixel detector can generate X-Y two-dimensional(2D) position sensitivity • with single-sided processing and readout.