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Kangaroos. By Aaliyah and josh. What do they eat ?. They eat vegetables and fruit. They eat grass. They are vegetarian. So they don’t eat meat. Where do the baby’s sleep ?. The baby’s sleep in the mothers pouch because it keep’s it safe from predator's. But sometimes they sleep on grass

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kangaroos By Aaliyahand josh

  2. What do they eat ? • They eat vegetables and fruit. • They eat grass. • They are vegetarian. • So they don’t eat meat.

  3. Where do the baby’s sleep? • The baby’s sleep in the mothers pouch because it keep’s it safe from predator's. • But sometimes they sleep on grass • They sleep under trees.

  4. Why do they jump around? • Kangaroos are built for jumping, rather than walking or running . • Kangaroos have long legs for jumping.

  5. Where do they live ? • Kangaroos live in the zoo. • And they mostly live in Australia • They live around the world. This is where kangaroos came from.

  6. What colour are kangaroos eyes? • Kangaroos have different coloured eyes. • kangaroos have red eyes for when they are angry. • They have blue eyes for when they are happy. • Mostly they have brown eyes .

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