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Kangaroos. By Maggie Giordano. How many species of kangaroos are there?. 40 8 60 164. How long do kangaroos live in the wild?. 22 6 30. How long do kangaroos live in captivity?. 50 yrs. 8 yrs. 20 yrs. What type of eaters are the kangaroo?. Omnivore Carnivore herbivore.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kangaroos By Maggie Giordano

  2. How many species of kangaroos are there? • 40 • 8 • 60 • 164

  3. How long do kangaroos live in the wild? • 22 • 6 • 30

  4. How long do kangaroos live in captivity? • 50yrs. • 8yrs. • 20yrs.

  5. What type of eaters are the kangaroo? • Omnivore • Carnivore • herbivore

  6. What are kangaroos CHARACTARISTICS? • Tiny Tail, big floppy ears • Tiny ears, 7ft. tall • 200 lbs., big tail, tall ears

  7. What are a kangaroos predators? • Eagle, Hawk, and flamingo • Crab, sloth, and gorilla • Tasmanian Devil, dingo

  8. Where do kangaroos live? • Africa • East Asia • Australia

  9. What is a kangaroos habitat? • Dry grasslands, rainforests • Desert sand • In the ocean

  10. What was the kangaroos original name? • Karoo • Kangaroo • Kallagroo

  11. What is the kangaroos longest hop? • 60ft. • 43ft. • 22ft.

  12. What is the Western gray kangaroo? Click

  13. Works Cited Darling, Kathy, and Tara Darling-Lyon. Kangaroos on Location. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1993. Print. Fenton, Julie A. Kangaroos and Other Marsupials. Chicago: World Book, 2000. Print. Jango-Cohen, Judith. Kangaroos. New York: Marshall Benchmark, 2006. Print. Markle, Sandra. Outside and inside Kangaroos. New York, NY: Atheneum for Young Readers, 1999. Print.


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