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SX Staging Database under Windows 2000

SX Staging Database under Windows 2000. Joe Baumgarten. Introduction. Differences between staging install under Unix versus additional input dialogs for Database install Configuration New Scripting Commands Compiler changes Directory Structure. Overview.

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SX Staging Database under Windows 2000

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  1. SX Staging Database under Windows 2000 Joe Baumgarten

  2. Introduction • Differences between staging install under Unix versus additional input dialogs for Database install • Configuration • New Scripting Commands • Compiler changes • Directory Structure

  3. Overview • SX.enterprise database environment contains all management scripts eSales SX TWL Data Compile Scripts Clippership RXServer

  4. New Dialogs • Explain details • Give an example • Exercise to re-enforce learning

  5. New Dialogs • Explain details • Give an example • Exercise to re-enforce learning

  6. Environment Name • Blank (nxt) or Test

  7. Host / # DBs • Leave empty (retrieve current hostname) • Hostname other clients can use (don’t use localhost)

  8. Database Info • Defaults to testnxt or nxt • Port 7100 or 7200 per our normal unix standards

  9. AppServer Info • Defaults to testappserver or appserver • Nameserver port (use Progress default 5162) • Port 7130 or 7230 per our normal unix standards

  10. NameServer Info • Defaults to NS1, since we need to use progress default adminserver • Port 5162 - default

  11. Database Directory • X:\NxtTestDB or X:\NxtDB • Separate drive from AI, backups and code

  12. Online Backup Directory • Y:\Nxtbackup • Separate drive from Database

  13. Tape device • DLT (default)

  14. Database Install Options • Demo Data • Meta Data • Security • AI Enable • RXServer

  15. Database Extents • 2 Gig plus variable (Default) • Edit in notepad • Variablefor Testing

  16. Mail Configuration (BLAT) • Exchange Server Name • Admin email address • Used by report manager/appserver

  17. Report Manager / Clippership • Number of Report Managers to spawn • Clippership poller (0 or 1) • These use PROCONTROL • Or use scripts

  18. RXServer • Poller Folder

  19. Start Copy • Remain screens same as Unix type Staging install • Check paths

  20. Scripts • Original Unix Script Names have been preserved • Use “–help” option if you forget commands for particular script

  21. New Scripts • New “NXTMAN” script to manage database services and resources using one command. • RPTMGR • CLFTPPOL

  22. Directory Structure • Previous Staging Structure Preserved • New directories for CHUI, GUI code • New directory for the Database on separate drive • Online Backup Directory • After Image Directory • After Image Save

  23. New Directories (db manage) • Nxt\Rd bin - scripts install – demo data, security opsys – pf log / tmp – rptmgr, install lib – CHUI runtime library • Replaces marc equivalents

  24. New Directories (CHUI) • Nxt\character CHUI login and editor default dir uses rd/lib • Nxt\Rptmgr Report procontrol startup dir uses rd/lib

  25. New Directories (GUI) • Nxt\appsrv Appserver working directory uses rd/lib • Appserverparam.ini • Nxtapp.pl gets pushed • Connect pf • logs

  26. New Directories (CHUI Source) • Nxt\Staging • \Character • \I • \p • \rptmgr-r .r’s prior to library • \test\rptmgr standard.pl for CHUI is renamed pushed to rd/lib/nxt.pl

  27. New Directories (CUSTOM) • Nxt\Staging • \Character • \custom new CHUI Custom • \custom normal GUI custom

  28. Compiler • Command line Full Compile of both CHUI and GUI • Can be started from Icon in Start menu under “Staging environments (Nxt)” • Desktop icons for CHUI or GUI manual compiles (allows custom compiles)

  29. Where to Get More Information • Future training sessions • SX 3.2 Windows Database Install Guide

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