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Section 3 The bones of limbs bones of upper limbs bones of lower limbs.
Section 3 The bones of limbs bones of upper limbs bones of lower limbs
Because of the erect standing of manUpper limbs are released from weight bearing and become the organs of labour with greater and delicated mobility. The bones of upper limbs are lighter and smaller in shape and size.The bones of lower limbs are heavy and strong so to bear weight of the body and to provide movement of the whole body. The girdle Each limb The free bones (three segments)
. The bones of upper limbsThe clavicle The shoulder girdle The scapula arm--------humerus The free bones forarm----radius, ulna (three segments) carpal bones hand metacarpal bones phalanges
os scaphoideum os lunatum os trigonum os pisiforme os multangulum majus os multangulum minus os capitatum os hamatum metacarpal bones phalanges
. The bones of lower limbs ilium The pelvic girdle ------ hip bone pubis ischium thigh--------femur knee ----- patella The free bones leg --------tibia , fibula (three segments) tarsal bones foot metatarsal bones phalanges
Acetabular bone foramen obturatorium crest of ilium anterior superior iliac spine Incisure ischiadic major arcuate line ischiadic ramus ischiadic tuberosity pecten pubis facies symphysialis
caput femoris collum femoris greater trochanter Minor trochanter condylus lateralis Condylus medialis epicondylus lateralis epicondylus medialis
condylus lateralis Condylus medialis eminentia intercondylaris malleolus medialis malleolus lateralis
tarsal bones metatarsal bonesphalanges