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Welcome to General Art! I am your teacher Ms. Van Wyngeeren . I am very glad to be here and look forward to a great year . “ Guiding Question: How can I be successful in art this year?” Directions: 1. Take a seat wherever! (for now) Put your bags under your tables.
Welcome to General Art!I am your teacher Ms. Van Wyngeeren. I am very glad to be here and look forward to a great year. “ Guiding Question: How can I be successful in art this year?” Directions: 1. Take a seat wherever! (for now) Put your bags under your tables. 2. Look for the blank note card at your seat. 3. Write: a. Name: First and Last b. Nick name: If you have one c. I do or do not have a device that I will have at school. (If so, what is it?) d. I do or do not have internet at home for school work. e. I live with my….(most of the time) f. outside of school I am involved in the following activities: (sports, dance, chess club etc.) If none, what do you do in your spare time? Turn your card over- write two truths and one lie not in that order that are uniquely about yourself! Scan the QR code with your device if you have one.
Today’s Goals: • Welcome and Intro • Syllabus • Classroom Procedures • Getting to know you/ 2 Truths and 1 lie challenge
Syllabus • If you have a Device BYOD get it out and scan the QR code or google “DSISD” • Click on the “Schools” drop-down and choose “middle school” • Select “Teachers web page” from the left • Choose “Ms. Van Wyngeeren • Click “About Ms. VW” • Open “2013-14 General Art Syllabus” http://teacherweb.schoolobjects.com/drippingspringsisd/Van%20WyngeerenK
Not in that order necessarily…let’s be sneaky now;) 2 truths & 1 Lie
Silently begin your “warm-up” • Wait silently for instructions/ • introductions • No talking during announcements Coming to class Be in assigned seat BEFORE the bell rings. Look to the front of the room for instructions Fill in your planner or device with any notes/hw
During Class • Studio Time: • Be focused on art • Be productive • Be in your seat. • Use tools correctly/safely • Respect the room, materials and others. • Water is allowed in a sealed container only. (no gatorade etc.) Listen silently to instructions Take notes when instructed Wait for “Studio time” to get materials Always be in assigned seat.
Daily Sketchbook 1 sketchbook warm-up each day. Begins when the bell rings Is silent work time at your seat. Is worth 20pts. each 5 sketches per week for 100pts. Total If you have an excused absence when you come back write “excused absence” in your sketchbook.
Turning in Work Turn in on time Store in classroom drawers. (Never get artwork at the start of class without permission first it will be passed out to you by designated students) Wet projects are stored on the drying rack labeled by class period. Finished projects are turned in to the “turn-in” cart on the due date only for full credit. Turn in all work with your Name (First & Last) and class period Write neatly. Write on the back, top right of artwork! Example: Sally Mae Period 6 You are responsible for turning in work and picking up work if you are absent. 1. Check my webpage 2. Check for handouts- pink “make-up” bin by the windows. 3. Check with a classmate for specifics 4. Clarify with Ms. Van Wyngeeren (please not when she is addressing the entire class)
Clean- up Everyone cleans! “Leave no trace” As a class we are responsible for leaving the room better than we found it. Do not clean up early. Clean up after yourself. Expect to help with extra class clean-up jobs Have a seat when you have completed cleaning until you are dismissed by Ms. Van Wyngeeren to line up at the door. Push chairs in.
General If we go anywhere we must stay together and stay silent
You must fill out your own pass completely if you need to go anywhere, bring me a pen. I do not give passes for drinks.
Bathroom Passes- 4 given for every 9 weeks. Once they are gone you need to wait until the hour is over.
Tardy students come in quietly. Do not disturb class. Sign in on the “tardy sign-in” sheet by the entrance and get to work.
Fire - out the door to the RIGHT, STAY TOGETHER listen for attendance
Lock down- silent, sitting on the floor in the corner out of sight from windows.
I’m done! Now what? First thing, I would be very aware of how much time is given to a project. If you are done before everyone else around you, you may need to put in more time. Check your project with Ms. V see if I have any suggestions. Finish any Art related projects/homework Enrichment Activities: specified by project.
Art time is for art only. If you finish a project early expect to have an alternative project or to draw in your sketchbook for the remainder of the hour. (Homework for other classes is for home or studyhall)
Room C117 Expectations Be respectful. Be creative. Be prepared. Be on task. Be clean. Be in your assigned seat Be dismissed by Ms. VW, not the bell.
Off Limit Areas-Kiln RoomSupply RoomBack RoomTeacher Desk/AreaAny drawer or cupboard that is not the student drawer.* Permission may be given by Ms. Van Wyngeeren
BYOD “Bring Your Own Device • We are a “Bring Your Own Device” campus. This means a student with a smart-phone, tablet, and laptop may use their device at teacher or administrator directed times and activities. We will use devices in class for image research, e-magazines, and photography.YOU DON’T NEED TO PURCHASE OR BRING A DEVICE TO SCHOOL. My apology to students who hoped I would be THE teacher who MADE their parents buy them a smart phone. • ***Guidelines: Students will come into class with devices turned off (not silenced) and put away (out of sight). They will be used only for academic purposes when instructed during my designated 50 minute art class period. In case of emergency parents may contact the front office for communication or choose to use non-academic time.
REWARDS!“Because we’re awesome chart!” Free Range Fridays! Class Rewards
Reward Ideas?Outside TimeNap TimeChat TimeFree Art TimeBring a snack dayAll-Class GameYour ideas go here…
What is a consequence? “What a person chooses to accept if a rule/expectation is broken.”
3 Strikes you’re out 1st Warning: Name 2nd Warning: Check 3rd Warning: Last check and consequence assigned Lunch Detentions: 7th report to Ms. V directly before lunch 8th report to LD room directly before lunch. Studio Make-Up: Misuse of studio time will lead to “make-up” time before school 8:30-9am or 8-9:00 depending on the nature of the infraction. Artroom clean-Up issues lead to artroom clean-up projects. Referrals- Consequences determined my administration. Consequences
If you make good decisions and work hard in Art I guarantee you will be successful!