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The Basics of Evangelism: Sharing His Story

Learn the essentials of evangelism through sharing personal testimonies and key Bible verses, engaging in OVE presentation techniques, and spreading the message of salvation. Discover the power of storytelling in reaching others for Christ.

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The Basics of Evangelism: Sharing His Story

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Basics of Evangelism

  2. Basic Assumptions . . . • The ultimate purpose for the church is to glorify God. • Once a person is redeemed, his/her mission is to join Christ “on mission” to fulfill the Great Commission at any cost.

  3. I think Christianity today is more about organized religion than about loving God and loving people



  6. A Good Statement. . . “Accepting people as created by God is NOT the same as condoning their sin!”

  7. What are the Basics of Evangelism?

  8. Sharing Your Story Boldly Telling Others about the Wonders of God in Your Life

  9. Salvation Testimony 1. I have not always been a Christian. (Describe your life before becoming a Christian.) 2. I realized I needed Jesus and received Him into my life when… 3. The biggest change I have noticed in my life is… 4. May I share how something like this can happen to you?

  10. Recovery Testimony 1. My life seemed normal until . . .  2. I discovered hope and help in Jesus when . . .  3. I am glad I have a personal relationship with Jesus today because . . .  4. May I share how something like this can happen to you?

  11. Sharing His Story One Verse Evangelism

  12. The Verse Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord Write this verse on a sheet of paper

  13. How to Share OVE You need a written copy of the verse a. From a Bible b. From a tract c. Write it on a sheet of paper or on a napkin yourself (very effective) 2. Do NOT tell – Ask! - You want to enter into dialogue 3. Focus on the key words of Romans 6:23

  14. Key Words For the wagesof sinisdeath, but the free giftof GodiseternallifeinChrist JesusourLord. Wages Sin Death Free gift God Eternal Life Christ Jesus Lord

  15. Making an OVE Presentation Ask the person what they think the key words mean. Go one key word at a time, beginning with “wages” After they have shared what they think the word means . . . help them clarify what they said.

  16. Presentation Key word – “wages” What do you think the word “wages” means? It is something that you earn or deserve. If you work 40 hours at $10 an hour, you earned $400.

  17. For the wages ofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodiseternallifeinChrist JesusourLord. wages

  18. Presentation Key word “sin” What do you think the word “sin” means? Sin is doing something wrong. Lying is a sin. Did you ever lie to a parent when you were growing up? Me too…Have you ever sinned? I have too…

  19. For the wages ofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodiseternallifeinChrist JesusourLord. wages sin

  20. Presentation Key word – “death” What does the word “death” mean to you? Death actually means separation. We cry at funerals because we realize we have been separated from someone we love. A dead person can’t respond any more.

  21. For the wages ofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodiseternallifeinChrist JesusourLord. wages sin death

  22. Presentation So when the Bible says that “the wages of sin is death,” what do you think it is saying? What we earn by sinning is death or separation from God. “But”

  23. For the wages ofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodiseternallifeinChrist JesusourLord. wages sin BUT death

  24. Presentation Key word – “free gift” What do you think “free gift” means? Can you actually earn a gift? No, a gift is giving out of love for someone, not because of what they do. If it is earned, it is no longer a gift but a wage.

  25. For the wages ofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodiseternallifeinChrist JesusourLord. wages free gift sin BUT death

  26. Presentation Key word – “God” Who is God? God could be described as the Person who makes the rules. Since He created everything, He gets to make the decisions.

  27. For the wages ofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodiseternallifeinChrist JesusourLord. wages free gift sin BUT God death

  28. Presentation Key word – “eternal” What does the word “eternal” mean? Eternal means forever. As Buzz Lightyear might say it, eternity is “infinity and beyond”.

  29. Presentation Key word – “life” What does the word “life” mean? If the word “death” means separation, then life must mean “together”. Eternal life would be experiencing life forever with God. Life is community with God.

  30. For the wages ofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodiseternallifeinChrist JesusourLord. wages free gift sin BUT God death eternal life

  31. PRESENTATION Key word – “Christ Jesus” Who is Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is the only Son of God. We have eternal life when we believe in Jesus. God takes the wages of our sin, and puts them on Jesus instead of us.

  32. PRESENTATION Key word – “Lord” What does the word “Lord” mean to you? Nowadays, we might use the term “boss” or “leader.” It means that we have given control over to someone else. Jesus is Lord of our life, He is in control

  33. For the wages ofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodiseternallifeinChrist JesusourLord. wages free gift Christ Jesus Lord sin God death BUT eternal life

  34. Draw the Net Circus story – A boy and his friend were in line to ride the ferris wheel at the circus. As they got near the beginning of the line, the boy realized that the price of admission to the ferris wheel was more money than he could ever hope to pay. When they reached the counter, the man asked for their money. The boy’s friend simply said, “Don’t worry dad, he is with me!” The owner of the ferris wheel let the boy ride for free because he was with his son.

  35. Draw the Net God lets us into heaven in the same manner. When we give Jesus control of our life, God lets us into heaven because His Son has already paid admission. But the only way into heaven is through His Son. We can’t work our way into heaven. We must be willing to Confess our SIN and Surrender our lives to the Lordship of Christ!!!

  36. For the wagesofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodis eternallifeinChrist Jesus ourLord. 1. Confess 2. Surrender wages free gift Christ Jesus Lord sin God death BUT eternal life

  37. Draw the Net Can you think of any reason why you would not want to repent of your sins and surrender to Jesus as Lord of your life? Suggested Prayer: “Heavenly Father, I have sinned against you. I want forgiveness for all my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and rose again. Father, I repent of my sins and surrender to you as Lord. From now on, my life in your hands to do with as you wish. I want Jesus Christ to come into my life and into my heart. This I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  38. For the wagesofsinisdeath, but the free giftofGodis eternallifeinChrist Jesus ourLord. Confess Surrender wages free gift Christ Jesus Lord sin God death BUT eternal life

  39. Share Jesus Without Fear –5 Exploratory Questions Do you have any kind of spiritual belief? To you, who is Jesus? Do you think there is a heaven and a hell? If you died right now, where would you go? If what you believe were not true, would you want to know it?

  40. Share Jesus Without FearLet the Bible speak… What does this say to you? Use These Verses (Roman’s Road): Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23 Romans 5:8 Romans 10:9-10 Romans 10:13 Revelation 3:20

  41. Share Jesus Without Fear –5 Final Questions Are you a sinner? Do you want forgiveness for your sins? Do you believe Jesus died on the cross for you and rose again? Are you willing to surrender your life to Christ? Are you ready to invite Jesus into your life and into your heart?

  42. Q & A

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