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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ. Exodus. Author : Moses (Ex. 24:4 cf. Dt. 31:9) Date: Written ~ 1446 BC Time Period ~1526 BC to ~1447 BC (birth of Moses to building Tabernacle) Theme: To teach Israel that they are redeemed to serve the Lord.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Exodus Author: Moses (Ex. 24:4 cf. Dt. 31:9) Date: Written ~ 1446 BC Time Period ~1526 BC to ~1447 BC (birth of Moses to building Tabernacle) Theme: To teach Israel that they are redeemed to serve the Lord.
Exodus Outline I. Redemption of Israel from Egypt. 1-18 II. Establishment of the Mosaic Covenant. 19-40 Key People: Pharaoh, Moses, Miriam, Aaron, Joshua Key chapters & Verses – see notes
I. Redemption of Israel from Egypt (1-18)A. The Multiplication of Israel (1) 1:1-7 Jacob’s family in Egypt- They multiply from the initial 70 to millions 1:8 A new king - who did not know Joseph 1:9-14 Egyptians afraid, Israel oppressed - Affliction according to prophesy -Gen15:13 1:16-22 Pharaoh orders infanticide of newborn boys - Midwives let them live & were blessed by God
B. Moses’ Call and Commission (2-6)1. Moses’ Early Life (2) 2:1-10 Birth & Preservation – found by Pharaoh’s daughter 2:11-14 Moses’ Justice. He murders Egyptian but is discovered. 2:15-22 Moses Refined in the desert. flees to Midian. Becomes a shepherd, husband & father (~40 yrs - Acts 7:30) 2:23-25 Children of Israel groan in bondage
2. Moses’ Commission (3-4) 3:1-9 The Burning Bush 3:10 Moses’ first commission. 3:11 Moses’ first excuse - Who am I? 3:12 God’s first answer - I will be with you 3:13 Moses’ second excuse 3:14 God’s second answer - Self revelation - I am who I am - the self existent one
2. Moses’ Commission (3-4) 3:15-20 Instructions to Moses 3:21-22 Prediction of spoiling Egypt (cf. Gen. 15:14)
2. Moses’ Commission (4) 4:1 Moses’ third excuse - what if they don’t listen 4:2-5 First sign - staff changed into serpent and back again. 4:6-8 Second sign – leprosy 4:9 Third sign - Power over Nile
2. Moses’ Commission (4) 4:10-13 Moses’ fourth excuse - I don’t speak well 4:14-17 God’s answer - I made your mouth 4:18-20 Moses returns to family & prepares to leave 4:21-23 Miracles predicted 4:24-26 Moses returns to Egypt - Zipporah circumcises Gershom 4:27-31 Moses & Aaron meet & go to Elders
3. Moses’ First Confrontation with Pharaoh (5-6) 5:1-5 Moses first visit to Pharaoh. 5:6-21 People’s labors increased. 5:22-23 Moses’ intercession 6:1-9 God’s promises to redeem them with an outstretched arm & great judgments 6:10-13 Moses’ fifth excuse & God’s charge - Israel has not listened, so neither will Pharaoh 6:14-27 Heads of families of Israel
C. Redemption from Egypt1. Signs & Plagues (7-11) 7:1-6 God tells Moses & Aaron His plans and purpose God would be with them (1-2). God will harden Pharaoh so that by God’s mighty acts both Israel and Egypt will know that God is the LORD.
First Sign: Serpent – 7:8-13 Aaron’s rod became a serpent Against Psylli (Egyptian magicians) Pharaoh hardened his heart after magicians did the same - even though Moses’ snake/rod ate their snakes
Second Sign / Plague: Water into Blood – 7:14-25 Against Nile river – related deities: Khnum – water god, source of the Nile Hapi – spirit of the Nile, annual flooding Osiris – Nile was this god’s blood stream All water in Nile & tributaries, pools & reservoirs turned to blood All fish die – life sustaining power removed The magicians replicated it & Pharaoh’s heart was hardened (22-24)
Khnum – guardian of the Nile • Hapi – • Spirit of the Nile • Osiris – Nile was considered his bloodstream
Third Sign / Plague: Frogs – 8:1-15 Against Heqet, god of childbirth, fertility v.7 magicians replicated frogs to come up, but could not get them to go away. v.8 Pharaoh relents. 9-10 Moses has Pharaoh say when frogs would leave vs 15. Pharaoh hardened his heart when frogs left.
Fourth Sign / Plague : Gnats – 8:16-19 Against Set, god of desert Dust of earth becomes gnats – some sort of small midge? Biting gnats? v. 18-19 magicians could not replicate this & recognized it “the finger of God,” but not the LORD God. v. 19 Pharaoh hardened his heart.
Fifth Sign / Plague: Flies – 8:20-32-7 Against Shu, god of wind, air (?) Isis, goddess of magic (?) 20-21, 24 Swarms of flies 22-23 Separation between Israel & Egypt 30 Pharaoh tries to compromise, relents 31-32 then hardened his heart again -
Sixth Sign / Plague: Death of Livestock in Field 9:1-7 Against Hathor(mother goddess in form of cow, many other animals); Apis(sacred cow god of Memphis. fertility symbol), Mnevis(sacred cow of Heliopolis) 3,6 – livestock in field that dies 4,6 – distinction between Israel & Egypt 7 – Pharaoh’s heart was hardened
Hathor – a mother goddess – often in form of cow or other animals • Apis – Sacred bull god of Memphis • Mnevis – Sacred bull god of Heliopolis
Seventh Sign / Plague: Boils - 9:8-17 Against Sekhmet, goddess of plagues & healing; Isis, goddess of magic, healing & protection 9-10 boils on man & beast in Egypt 11 magicians can’t stand before Moses. 12 The Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart.
The Lord’s Hardening of Pharaoh Exodus 9:13-17 Pharaoh hardened his heart 6 times God now confirmed him in it vs. 14-16 God allowed him to remain only to show His power and proclaim His name through His judgments on Pharaoh Don’t presume upon God’s patience
Eighth Sign / Plague: Hail 9:18-35 Against Geb, Nut, Isis, Osiris, & Set(h). All related to sky or crops 19 – what is in field will die 25,31 – flax & barley ruined 26 – no hail in Goshen 27 – Pharaoh admits sin 34 – after hail end, Pharaoh hardened his heart
Geb – god of earth & crops • Nut – Sky goddess, rain
Ninth Sign / Plague: Locusts – 10:1-20 Against Isis, Set(h) & all related to crops 1-2 God hardened Pharaoh’s heart that all would know God is the LORD 8-11 Pharaoh will only allow a compromise 12 The locusts cover Egypt & eat every green plant left 16 Pharaoh confesses sin again. 20 but after locusts are gone the LORD hardens his heart
Tenth Sign / Plague: Darkness – 10:21-29 Against Ra / Aten / Atum / Horus / Nut – various sun & god / goddesses 21 “a darkness that could be felt” lasts 3 days 24 Pharaoh offers another compromise 27 The LORD hardens Pharaoh’s heart
Ra – Sun God – midday sun • Aten – The disc of the Sun • Horus – Right Eye is sun. Left eye is moon • Atum – creator god, setting sun
Final Sign / Plague: Death of First Born – 11:1-10 Against all gods / goddesses related to death & protection of life death including: Anubis, Isis, Osirus, Wadjet, etc. – & Pharaoh’s first born 1-3 ask Egyptians for silver and gold 5-8 prediction of death of first born – humans & animals, but a distinction between Egypt & Israel 10-11 Pharaoh’s heart hardened so that God’s wonders will be multiplied in Egypt
Anpu (Anubis) – god of death, embalming, & helpless • Wadjet – goddess of protection
12: 1-13 Instructions for the first Passover Select a year old lamb on 10th of month Kill it on 14th, spread blood on doorposts & lintel Roast the lamb & eat it with unleavened bread & bitter herbs Eat in haste with loins girded & sandals on – don’t go outside until morning The LORD would pass through the land & kill all first born, but would “passover” houses with the blood.
2. Passover & Exodus (12) 12:14-20 Instructions for Passover memorials 12:21-28 Instructions for Passover given to the people 12:29-30 The final plague - death of the first born -
2. Passover & Exodus (12) 12:31-41 Departure from Egypt – Compelled to leave, Egypt plundered, Journey so Succoth - 600,000 men, 430 years to the day 12:42-51 The Passover Ordinance-
Conclusions The LORD is superior to all the pantheon of Egyptian gods and goddesses He kept His promises to Abraham & Jacob Israel would be His people & He would be their God God is still faithful to keep all His promises
3. Consecration (13) 13:1-16 Instructions on consecration of the first born 13:17-22 Journey to Etham • Migdol Etham • Baal-zephon•
4. Destruction of Pharaoh (14-15) 14:1-10 Pharaoh pursues Israel - 14:10-12 First complaint 14:13-22 Israel crosses the Red Sea 14:23-31 Egyptian army destroyed Note: Destruction of Egyptian army would be against all gods of war such as Sekhmet, Montu Bes and Eye of Horus, and protectors of the king such as Bastet. 15:1-21 Song of redemption.
Egyptian gods / goddess related to war or protection of the king • Bes: patron of art, childbirth & music, but also a war god • Sekhmet: a goddess of war • Montu: a warrior god • Protective gods / goddesses: Bastet, Eye of Horus
5. Provision of Water - Exodus 15:22-27 They ran out their own resources They complained (11-24) Moses prayed & God provided to make the water sweet Baal-zephon•
5. Provision of Food - Exodus 16 They grumbled about food (3) God would provide meat in the evening & “rain bread from Heaven” in the morning (4-5) Baal-zephon•
Provision of FoodExodus 16 Their grumbling was actually against God (vs. 8) stemming from selfishness & a lack of faith Grumbling is a serious matter Numbers 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Philippians 2:14-15
Provision of FoodExodus 16 The glory of God appeared in the cloud Quail covered the camp that evening “Bread from heaven” came with the dew in the morning They would have to trust God They would have to obey God “Manna” = “What is it?”
Provision of WaterExodus 17:1-7 They quarrel & complain again (vs. 2-3) Moses cries out to the Lord (vs 4) God provides water (vs. 5-6) Baal-zephon•
Provision of Military VictoryProvision of Military Victory - Exodus 17:8-16 Israel attacked by Amalek Vs. 11-13. Battle won by Moses keeping his hands held up!
Provision of Military VictoryExodus 17:8-16 Built an altar, named it “Yahweh-nissi” – the LORD is my Banner Amalek lost battle & was cursed (14-16) Amalek destroyed – 1 Samuel 15
Provision of Wisdom - Exodus 18:1-276. Organization 18:1-12 Jethro & Moses 18:13-27 Moses organizes Israel
II. Establishment of the Mosaic Covenant. A. The Law is Given (19-23) • Arrival at Sinai 3 Months since leaving Egypt • Moses goes up & down Mt. Sinai Baal-zephon•
Arrival & Preparation at SinaiExodus 19 Moses’ first trip up & down Mt Sinai (3-8) Moses’ second trip (9-15) God should be approached with reverence! The presence of God on the Mountain– Moses’ third trip (18-25)
The Ten CommandmentsThe Setting The people at the base of the Mtn. Moses in front of them. God on the Mtn. God is speaking directly to the people The law is directly from God (1-2) – not developed by Moses from other Ancient Near Eastern nations / societies
The Ten CommandmentsThe Setting A summary statement – principle & precepts - of all the laws God would give to Israel All repeated in N.T. except the Sabbath A quick standard to judge moral position Galatians 3:24
No Other God’s Before MeExodus 20:3 Exclusion of polytheism Only one true God (Isaiah 43:10; 45:21,22) Penalty – Death (Exodus 22:20) N.T. – Matthew 4:10 Positive expression: Deut. 6:5; Mt. 22:37
No Graven ImagesExodus 20:4-6 N.T. – 1 John 5:21; Romans 1:23 Not in Roman Catholic lists God is Spirit (John 4:24) Graven images defame the LORD Penalty – death (Exodus 32)
Do Not Take the LORD’s Name in VainExodus 20:7 Blasphemy & any irreverent use Vows by His name – esp. if not fulfilled – Leviticus 19:12; Matthew 5:33-37 N.T. - James 5:12 Penalty - Death (Leviticus 24:11-16)