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AAAE 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE May 29-31, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Theme

AAAE 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE May 29-31, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Theme  “BEING BOLD, EMBRACING CHANGE” Presentation by  Morenga Hunt, Adjunct Professor MA in Arts Administration Program College of Visual and Performing Arts Winthrop University. Panel

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AAAE 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE May 29-31, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Theme

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  1. AAAE 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE May 29-31, 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Theme  “BEING BOLD, EMBRACING CHANGE” Presentation by  Morenga Hunt, Adjunct Professor MA in Arts Administration Program College of Visual and Performing Arts Winthrop University Panel “Affirming Diversity in Arts Administration”

  2. KEY QUESTION: What factors need to be considered and addressed to increase diversity among students and faculty within university Arts Administration or Management programs or courses, and within the field of Arts Administration or Management generally?

  3. PIPELINE VIEW A holistic consideration of multiple factors relevant toincreasing diversity among students & faculty Segments of the pipeline • Jobs, Opportunities • in arts admin and management • K-12 Education Sector • AAAE Institutions, Programs & faculty Diverse student body and faculty Up-to-date & relevant curriculum & pedagogy, Jobs, Opportunities-current/future Engaged community

  4. ROLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND ARTS ADMIN/MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS “TWO-WAY VALVES” IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PIPELINE Education institutions & arts admin/management programs Real jobs or entrepreneurial options & Opportunities K-12 education sector and higher education institutions • Act as catalysts/models for systemic change (research-based advocacy, share good practices/resources?) • Engage in/promote meaningful dialogue with K-12 education and H.E. sector • Collaborate with job sources and entrepreneurial opportunities

  5. FACTORS RELEVANT TORECRUITING & RETAINING A DIVERSE STUDENT BODY Stigmatized students often perceive [and experience] barriers to education and certain career paths due to their minority status (Luzzo & McWhirter, 2001; McWhirter, 1997; Mooney & Rivas-Drake, 2008). Importance of recognizing systemic and structural aspects of exclusion

  6. Student background, preparation, and interest in the arts, and in arts administration/management? • Community or Location • Cultural & Experiential Norms & Values • Systemic Social & Economic Realities • Group & Societal Expectations • Skills & Preparation for Higher Ed, Job Options & Opportunities The existence of a diverse student population does not in and of itself ensure a diverse and inclusive educational experience

  7. FACTORS RELEVANT TORECRUITING & RETAINING A DIVERSE FACULTY Culturally inclusive institutional climate • Institutional and departmental commitment to diversity and inclusion • Culturally inclusive programs/courses/curriculum content & pedagogy • Networks with institutions that attract substantial numbers of diverse graduate students (HBCU’s, Techn. Colleges, etc.) • PR & Marketing materials that demonstrate commitment to diversity and inclusion • Intentional focus on diversity in all aspects of the hiring process

  8. External considerations for our institutions and programs • Active, strategic participation in a holistic process of systemic change • Advocacy • Convening/hosting dialogue and collaborations among pipeline sectors • Relationship to external agencies and community • Private Sector: galleries, theatres, trade organizations • Public Sector: museums, K-12 arts magnet schools…. • Non-profit Sector: Arts Councils, visual& performing arts organizations, professional associations

  9. Internal considerations for our institutions and programs • Reality and goals of your institution or program • Inclusive institutional climate (Accessible? Barriers?) • Budgets (Diversity goals and policies as part of business plan) • Program/Course/Curriculum Content & Pedagogy • Faculty & Advisors (process to recruit & retain) • Research, documentation, and evaluation, etc. • Competitive position and challenges, etc. (Enrollment & Financial demands, perceptions, connections, etc.)

  10. Reference Sources • Niu, S., & Tienda, M. (2013). Delayed Enrollment and College Plans: Is There a Postponement Penalty? Journal Of Higher Education, 84(1), 1-27 • Cornell University – Current STRATEGIC PLAN (As Posted online) • Section on increasing faculty diversity • Ball State University – A Guide to Recruiting and Retaining a More Diverse Faculty • The College of Sciences and Humanities Task Force on Diversity, Ball State University • Rice University – Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Awareness for Classroom and Outreach Education -- By EnricaRuggs, Michelle Hebl; Rice University

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