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Higher Education System In Armenia. Hayk Shoukourian. Where is this country?. NO!. Is it IN Russia?. Have I misheard? Was it Ro m a nia?. Hayk Shoukourian. Armenians. and many others…. Hayk Shoukourian. Armenia. Via dei Fori Imperiali , Rome, Italy. Hayk Shoukourian. Armenia.
Higher Education System In Armenia HaykShoukourian
Where is this country? NO! Is it IN Russia? Have I misheard? Was it Romania? HaykShoukourian
Armenians and many others… HaykShoukourian
Armenia Via deiForiImperiali, Rome, Italy HaykShoukourian
Armenia Armenia, officially the Republic of Armenia, is a sovereign, democratic, social and legal state, located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Boarded by: Turkey to the west Georgia to the north de facto independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan to the east Iranand the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the south HaykShoukourian
Armenia Official language: Armenian Religion: Christianity Armenia was the first nation to adopt Christianity as a state religion, an event traditionally dated to AD 301 Population: 3 249 500 Large diaspora: about 8 million Largest Armenian communities: USA, Russia, France, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Iran. 40,000 to 70,000 Armenians still live in Turkey (mostly in and around Istanbul). Capital: Yerevan with population of: 1 119 000 (as of 2010) HaykShoukourian
Yerevan HaykShoukourian
Yerevan HaykShoukourian
Education System in Armenia Education has traditionally always been highly rated in Armenia - in a country, which has 1600 years old history of literacy Armenia was considered one of the most advanced scientific centers of the former Soviet Union, with 99% literacy rate The applied sciences such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, microbiology, engineering and medicine are the main developed branches in the scientific and educational system of Armenia Today, in the Republic of Armenia with nearly 3.2 M population are functioning 18 state universities, 8 of which foreign managed, and more than 20 private universities For more information about the universities, please refer to the web-site HaykShoukourian
Education System in Armenia Structure of Educational System in Armenia Preschool EducationAge: 3-6 Primary SchoolGrades: 1-3 Age: 6-9 Middle or Basic SchoolGrades: 4-8 Age: 10-14 High SchoolGrades: 9-10 Age: 15-16 establishment of basis for the child's physical, moral and mental development; provide literacy for pupils offers complete secondary education, which is realized in the two forms: general education study; colleges (deepened study of some subjects). Certificate of complete secondary education and can continue their study in the Higher educational institutions implementation of general education. Certificate of 8-year education (incomplete secondary education) HaykShoukourian
Education System in Armenia Structure of Educational System in Armenia Secondary Education Preschool EducationAge: 3-6 Primary SchoolGrades: 1-3 Age: 6-9 Middle or Basic SchoolGrades: 4-8 Age: 10-14 High SchoolGrades: 9-10 Age: 15-16 Grading System in Armenia HaykShoukourian
Education System in Armenia Structure of Educational System in Armenia Secondary Education Preschool EducationAge: 3-6 Primary SchoolGrades: 1-3 Age: 6-9 Middle or Basic SchoolGrades: 4-8 Age: 10-14 High SchoolGrades: 9-10 Age: 15-16 The Master's degree in Armenia is awarded only in the state institutions, the only exception are the American University of Armenia and the French University in Armenia (UFAR). Baccalaureate4 year University study Magistracyfollowing 2 year University study Postgraduate studentship Scientific-research work (3 years) Upon completion of the 4 year study Bachelor's degree is awarded (The "Diplom" is awarded if it is a five year institution). HaykShoukourian
Education System in Armenia Structure of Educational System in Armenia Secondary Education Preschool EducationAge: 3-6 Primary SchoolGrades: 1-3 Age: 6-9 Middle or Basic SchoolGrades: 4-8 Age: 10-14 High SchoolGrades: 9-10 Age: 15-16 After completion of this level and defending the dissertation the students are awarded the "Doctor in [Name of Speciality]" degree. Baccalaureate4 year University study Magistracyfollowing 2 year University study Postgraduate studentship Scientific-research work (3 years) Higher Education HaykShoukourian
Education System in Armenia Structure of Educational System in Armenia Secondary Education Preschool EducationAge: 3-6 Primary SchoolGrades: 1-3 Age: 6-9 Middle or Basic SchoolGrades: 4-8 Age: 10-14 High SchoolGrades: 9-10 Age: 15-16 Baccalaureate4 year University study Magistracyfollowing 2 year University study Postgraduate studentship Scientific-research work (3 years) Higher Education After getting the “Doctor in [Name of Speciality]”degree the researchers can do their doctoral studies in one of the research institutions. As it can be deduced from the above mentioned there still exists a division between the "Doctor in [ Name of Speciality]" and "Doctor of Science" in Armenia. HaykShoukourian
Yerevan State University Is the largest university in the country Instruction is generally in Armenian BUT instruction in Russian and English for foreign students is possible and is arranged according to need University has 21 faculties, 110 departments. For more information, please refer to the web-site, as well as to the official YSU web site: http://www.ysu.am Founded on: May 16, 1919 Officially inaugurated on: January 23, 1921 HaykShoukourian
IT Educational & Research Center Background and Goals Established in 2007 following recommendations of the YSU rector and a subsequent decision of the YSU Scientific Council • The Center is intended to cover: • Graduate educational programs, continuous education, short- and long-term trainings in IT • Research in IT • Development and implementation of information systems for e-government and quality assurance of the university education • It aims to fulfill its role in: • Being similar to Stanford’s role in Silicon Valley • Maintaining close links to the industry • Providing a wide range of internships, training and joint research programs • Participating in the state of the art scientific research • Hosting global professional forums/conferences to advance local talent • Generating spin-offs similar to the large university labs (UC Berkeley, IMACS, INPG) HaykShoukourian
IT Educational & Research Center Opening of the IT Educational and Research Center by the President of Armenia The center is headed by Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Member of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Professor Samvel K. Shoukourian. HaykShoukourian
IT Educational & Research Center Strategic Directions of IT Educational and Research Center • IT IndustryOriented Research Environment • Actively participate in research and development of current topics and emerging issues within IT industry • Develop and implement mechanisms for continuous engagement in research activities • Ensure funding and attract talented students Pipeline for Life-Long Education and Training Develop a pipeline driving new talent into IT industry Ensure that graduating students have necessary skills, experience and drive to work within IT field Foster attractive environment for continuous stream of new applicants • Strategic Development of IT Market • Advance development of IT industry ecosystem • Ensure reflection of new technologies in curricula and research • Bring together industry and academia to accelerate industry expansion • Promote establishment • of startups on university • campuses (TIGER project) HaykShoukourian
IT Educational & Research Center Joint Double Degree Graduate Program of University of Rostock and Yerevan State University Starting from October 2010, the University of Rostock and the Yerevan State University (YSU) offer a variety of M.Sc. programs of the UR to YSU students. The first joint graduate program was in Visual Computing. Additional graduate programs, also in Information science and technology, are planned to be offered in 2011 and 2012. • Study Methods And Tools • Lectures are recorded in Rostock and in Yerevan • All learning materials (including supplemental handouts etc.) are posted on the website of UR (Moodle platform) • Computer labs at YSU are equipped with appropriate platforms and learning tools • Students have unlimited online access to all learning materials at all times • Tutors provide guidance and serve as liaisons between students and instructors For more information about this graduate program, please click here HaykShoukourian
IT Educational & Research Center Discussion on IT Education and Research with Professor Donald Knuth HaykShoukourian
Personal Experience In contrast to the curriculum of Technical University of Munich (TUM), the major lectures are compulsory in YSU YSU students have always two midterm exams from the majority of final examination subjects In order to be able to participate in final examination, students are obligated to collect at least 16 points from the two midterms in total (from 40 possible) Student won't be able to get the excellent 5 mark, if the sum of points of the mentioned two midterm examinations is less than 25 In contrast to examination procedures in TUM, students are asked to answer mainly theoretical questions of the course. Usually, practical skills and problem solving are not testified during the final examinations, since it is assumed that they should have been covered during the midterm examinations Internship programs, trainings as well as becoming a regular employee afterwards, in several famous branches of US companies like Synopsys, Virage Logic, CQG, Mentor Graphics, Synergy, so forth. HaykShoukourian
Personal Experience Bachelor’s degree in Informatics and Applied Mathematics in Yerevan State University (YSU) During my bachelor studies in YSU Was holder of the scholarship established by the Union of Armenians in Russia Participated in training “Design and Test of Electronic Devices in Nanometer Era” coorganized by Yerevan State University and Virage Logic Corporation Did internships in companies like "iCON communications" and "CQG" In my last year of bachelor's study, I was granted a scholarship from DAAD and continued my Masters in informatics, here, in TUM. HaykShoukourian
Higher Education System In Armenia THANK YOU (Շնորհակալություն) Questions? HaykShoukourian