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Explore Mr. Rosen's 7th Grade Life Science class agenda, homework policies, lessons, labs, and grading system. Stay updated and organized with helpful tips for success in the course.
Parent Information Night Mr. Rosen’s 7th Grade Life Science Email: robert.rosen@leusd.k12.ca.us Website (on Luiseno Website): http://ls.leusd.k12.ca.us/apps/staff/
Welcome to Life Science! Life Science
Jupiter Grades & Class Info Tear-Off Life Science
Schedule “Planner” / Attendance (2 min.): Students are expected to copy the class agenda and homework for the day into their planners immediately after entering the class. Students not n their seat when the bell rings will be marked tardy.Students are encouraged to use the planner to keep track of missing assignments, As in previous grades, I suggest that students circle missing or late items in red pen and “check” and check them off once they have turned in these items. Review Homework (10 – 15 min.): Students will have a chance to review and ask for clarification about questions they had trouble with. Once homework is scored, it will immediately be collected. Formal Lessons, Activities, Labs, and Assessments: We will start each section (lesson) with an exploratory activity / Power Point presentation, with students taking Cornell notes along the way. A vocabulary activity will usually be assigned as class-work (word search, crossword puzzle, code breaker, etc.) with a follow-up homework assignment. Most assignments will be graded on accuracy (i.e. each item or answer will be worth one point). Occassionally, students will be given extra time to finish unfinished classwork at home (as additional homework), which will be due the following day. Students will be responsible to get any missing Cornell notes from the day's presentation from my class web page or from a responsible neighbor who takes good notes. After note taking, students may be assigned a processing activity where they synthesis what they have learned into a four-color drawing / diagram that illustrates a major principle in the presentation. Homework will always be due the day after it is assigned unless a due date is noted on the Agenda. The day after homework is assigned, we will correct and it in class. It will then be collected and the scores, based on accuracy, will be recorded. Most HW is available on my class web page if your child has misplaced or lost the workbook. A small quiz is given after each section with questions taken directly from the chapter they read the previous night as part of their homework. Chapter Tests are mainly review tests and will be administered at the conclusion of each chapter. These tests mainly consist of question that were previously assessed on the quizzes from that chapter, so students would be wise to save their quizzes and study them prior to each Chapter Test. Students will usually be given a few days notice before a chapter test.
Grading Grades are computer generated and based on the following standard grading scale: A 90% – 100% B 80% - 89% C 70% – 79% D 60% - 69% F 0% – 59% The final grade will be based on the following weighting: Tests / Quizzes (50%): A practice test that is identical to the test will usually be given at least one week in advance of an upcoming test. The practice test will be identical to the real test and should act as a means to study for the test (i.e students should get help with problems they missed on the practice test and make sure they know how to do those problems before the test). Quizzes may not be announced and may be given at any time. Homework (20%): Completed homework is due on the day specified. Homework is DUE at the beginning of class and grades will be based on accuracy (number correct). LATE WORK POLICY: Half credit (half of the score earned) will be given for late assignments turned in by the “Clean Sweep Monday” deadline. Assignments turned in after “Clean Sweep Monday” will receive a permanent zero. Life Science
Grading (Cont.) Participation (10%): Participation means taking an active role in learning. It includes arriving to class on time (tardies will negatively affect participation), staying on task (off task behaviors, such as discussing topics unrelated to a specific assignment during collaboration and inappropriate talking or disruptions, will negatively affect participation), active involvement in cooperative (group) activities (failure to cooperate, contribute, or use collaboration time productively will negatively affect participation), and class assignments (participation will be based on the effort students put into their work and responses). “4" – Full participation (never off task) “3" – Minor problem with participation (tardy or off task once; “1st warning”) “2" – Major problem with participation (off task twice; 2nd “warning”; moved to another seat, separated from group) “0" – No participation (off task three or more times; “3rd “warning”; Principal’s Referral) Notebook (10%): A substantial portion of the notebook grade will pertain to the completion of Cornell notes and processing activities done in relation to those notes. The notebook will also be graded on completion, accuracy, and organization. Class Work (10%): This represents various activities that happen in the classroom. For example, vocabulary activities (crossword puzzles, code breakers, missing letters, etc.) handed out in class to be worked on fall under this category. It may be that students won’t finish these in class and will be required to finish them at home, but it will still be logged as class work.
Absences and Make-Up Work After an absence, it is the student's responsibility to complete and turn in assignments that are missing due to that absence by the Monday following the week the assignment was due. After every Monday (“Clean Sweep Monday”), assignments from the previous week will not be accepted and will receive “0” points. Any student who is absent on the day of a previously announced quiz / test must take the quiz / test in class the day he or she returns to school. Extended absences due to illness will be handled on an individual basis. Lessons will be posted on my website (see “Website” section below) and homework will be posted on Jupiter Grades daily, so students can access homework and class notes missed during absences. Students are also encouraged to exchange phone numbers with one or two others from their math class in order to keep up on missed days. Life Science
“Messages” allows you to communicate with your child’s teachers via Jupiter Grades and / or by email. Messages sent and received by email or text will be saved here.
“HW Planner” gives you a detailed info about your child’s homework for each class. Homework is due by the specified due date, which precedes the assignment. Missing assignments are highlighted in red.
“Grades” gives you a detailed information about your child’s grades for each class, including all assignments and tests scores. Two drop-down menus allows you to access the trimester and class you would like detailed information about. A score of “ic” (incomplete) or “ab” (absent) is considered a zero until the assignment is made up.
“File Locker” allows your child to store files for assignments in Jupiter Grades that can be accessed anywhere via Jupiter Grades.
“Calendar” gives you info about upcoming due dates, tests, and missing work. Missing assignments are highlighted in red. You can click on any assignment in the “Calendar” for further grade details.
“Download” allows you to access any files downloaded by the office or a teacher into Jupiter Grades. Just click on the class or “School Office” to find a particular document. Then, simply click on the assignment to download it.
Science: Math: Language Arts: “Report Card” allows you to access your child’s updated Progress Report for all subjects. It is essentially an up-to-date “Report Card”. Beyond this, it gives you a snapshot of your child’s grades across all three trimesters at the time. If the teacher posts comments, such as a request to conference, for any particular trimester, you will see such comments directly under the progress report .
“Attendance” allows you to access a cumulative log of your child’s absences and tardies in every class. This allows you to see if there are attendance issues happening with a particular class or classes.
“Behavior Log” allows you to access a cumulative log of your child’s behavior and medical incidents for every class. Behavior comments may be for positive as well as negative behaviors. Referrals will be documented here.
“Settings” allows you to change account settings, such as emails, phone numbers, when to receive grade reports, and in what manner you would like to receive grade reports (i.e. texts, emails, web messages).
How Can My Book Help Me? Life Science
How Can My Book Help Me? Life Science