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Tagesprogramm 25. April 2014 Deutsch II A

Tagesprogramm 25. April 2014 Deutsch II A. Announcement Beruf / Perfekt tense Past Perfekt tense Learn first twenty verbs on list Hausaufgaben Next Test: Kapitel 10 – Donnerstag May 1 Test Review: Dienstag April 29. Announcement.

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Tagesprogramm 25. April 2014 Deutsch II A

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  1. Tagesprogramm 25. April 2014Deutsch II A • Announcement • Beruf/Perfekt tense • Past Perfekt tense • Learn first twenty verbs on list • Hausaufgaben • Next Test: Kapitel 10 – Donnerstag May 1 • Test Review: DienstagApril 29

  2. Announcement • International Night:The German Class that has the most students sign up at signup genius and attending(!!), will be able to go outside for a class.

  3. Events: • Workbook fees due now $20.- or no report cards • Everyone: International Dinner – sign up today how many and what salad or breads you are bringing! Event: Friday May 9thin school cafeteria and mall. All foreign language teachers honor their students. National German exam honors are given out that night as well.

  4. Workbook fees overdue: • Workbook fees duenext class: remind your parents: to write a check to PHS for $20.-bring to next class or bring receipt showing payment. Fatih, Valentina, Donald, Claire, Alexis, Jessika T., Zhuowei, Jennings, Scotti, Danny, Jared, Robby, Jack, Jeffrey, Nick, Dianna, Jonathan, Abram, Nick Flowers, Elisa, Peyton, Christine, Arianna, Matthew P., Sarah Sch., John S., Zack T., Justin W., Lizzy W.

  5. Warm up I: Berufe / Verbenwrite in your notebook • 1. Berufe: • Female baker – • Female doctor – • Teacher - • 2. VerbenimPerfekt • I give (a boy)– • He screamed – • We drank a coke -

  6. Presentations due by May 1st: • 1A Jessica Goldberg, Jessica Tucker, Alexis Parker, Zack Queck, Wilson, Katelyn, Christian, Andrew, Eric, Donald • 2B Nick S.Clair, Robbie, Krissy, Abigail, Sean, Scotti, Dianna, Reva, Sarah, Jeffrey • 3B Arianna, Matthew Pulito, Sarah Sch., Zack, Craig, Nick F., Jonathan, Davis, Abram,

  7. On test: Verben: bleiben - geben • Write five verbs ( of the first twenty) into your notebook. • Quiz the person next to you on: • present tense, perfekt tense, past perfect ergeht – eristgegangen- er war gegangen

  8. Helping verbs: Perfekt (perfect tense) haben (have) Ichhabe Du hast Er, sie, es hat Wirhaben Ihrhabt Siehaben hatten (had) Ichhatte Du hattest Er, sie, eshatte Wirhatten Ihrhattet Siehatten • Sein ( to be) • Ich bin • Du bist • Er, sie, esist • Wirsind • Ihrseid • Siesind war (was) Ich war Du warst Er, sie, es war Wirwaren Ihr wart Siewaren

  9. Test 10 Review • Vokabeln: Berufe (occupations) S. 304, 317 be able to describe what a Apotheker does: ErarbeitetmitMedizin. Ailments S. 318-319, S. 327 (left column) • Grammatik: VerbenimPerfekt (ichhabegegessen) (list: bleiben- geben) Verbenim Past Perfekt ( ichhattegegessen)S. 308-310 • Texts read: BeimZahnarzt S. 305 Persönliches S. 326 Topics: What did you do over Spring break? Was habensie in den Frühlingsferiengemacht?

  10. In der Klasse: Kapitel 10 B • S. 326 Persönliches • Past Perfekt Practice textbook S. 310 #7 and #8

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