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Tagesprogramm 19. Mai 2014 Deutsch II. Presentations (due today) Practice Listening Exercises Review packet for FINAL EXAM Final Exam - May 30. Announcements:. Workbook fees due: remind your parents to write a check to PHS for $20.- Adam Box Drew Kotula
Tagesprogramm19. Mai 2014Deutsch II • Presentations (due today) • Practice Listening Exercises • Review packet for FINAL EXAM Final Exam - May 30
Announcements: • Workbook fees due: remind your parentsto write a check to PHS for $20.- • Adam Box Drew Kotula • Emma Micic Tyler Pistorio • Carrington Samples • Caleb York Grady Moore • Bryanna Castro
Presentations – These people have done their presentations: • Gabrielle • Femi • Drew • Jonathan • Kody • Johan • Sam C. • Bryanna • Bri
Review: Themen Deutsch Aktuell III Vokabeln (10 Kapitel): Wohin geht’s? (1), Im Sommer (2), Die Ferien (3), Bei Uns (4), Guten Appetit(5), Einkaufen (6), Hobbies und Interessen (7) , Feste und Feiertage (8), Kommunikation (9), Berufe (10) Kultur (8 Themen): • Flughafen • Transportation (der Zug, das Auto, das Fahrrad) • Reisen, Campen, Jugendherberge • Wetter (Celsius), • Essen und Trinken (die Speisekarte, food and drink items) • Kleidung (color, clothing items) • Kaufhaus (departments and items • Berufe (describe the profession in German)
Grammatik: Kapitel 1-10 • Komparative, Superlative: warm, wärmer, am wärmsten... • Reflexive Verbs and pronouns: ich wasche mir die Haare, du wäscht dich, etc. • Nominative, Akkusative, Dative cases ( rese, nese, mermn...) • Simple Past Tense: ich ging, ich aβ.. • Modal Verbs (present tense and past tense): ichkannfahren, ichkonntefahren • Genitive case and Genitive prepositions: wegen, anstatt… ( serser) • Question words: wer, wen, wem, etc. • Adjective endings: der, ein, unpreceded : Ichgebedemalten Mann den braunenHund • Akkusative, Dative, Two- way prepositions: Ich gehe in den Park, ich bin in dem Park • Perfect: ichhabegegessen, ich bin gefahren • Past Perfect: Ichhattegegessen, ich war gefahren
Review for the final exam • CHAPTER 1: plane trips, travel w/luggage, comparative and superlative • CHAPTER 2: reflexive verbs, travel, vacation, youth hostel • CHAPTER 3: travel, vacation, weather, perfect:( ich bin gegangen) • CHAPTER 4: Tiere, zuHausehelfen, imperfect verb forms (simple past): ichging • CHAPTER 5: genitive, genitive prepositions, food and restaurants • CHAPTER 6: dative, accusative,question words, stores • CHAPTER 7: clothing, colors, hobbies, camping • CHAPTER 8: adjective endings all cases: der, ein, unpreceded, holidays, festivals • CHAPTER 9: prepositions: accusative, dative, two- way, mail, email, sms • CHAPTER 10: professions, perfect, past perfect No on final: (CHAPTER 11: Verbs with accusative prepositions, traffic in Germany • CHAPTER 12: Verbs with Dative prepositions, castles in Germany)