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African Savanna. Baobab Tree. Common Name: Baobab Parts Used: All parts of the tree are used Research:
Baobab Tree • Common Name: Baobab • Parts Used: All parts of the tree are used • Research: • The Baobab is found in the savanna of African and Indian. It can grow to 25 meters tall and can live for thousands of years. It is leafless for nine months of the year. The Arabian legends say that “the devil plucked up the Baobab, thrust its branches into the earth and left its roots in the air. • Adaptation: • The Baobab has a shiny and slick outer bark. This adaptation allows the Baobab tree to reflect heat, keeping it cool from the hot savanna sun. • Picture: http://img.ehowcdn.com/article-new/ehow/images/a07/ul/91/adaptations-baobab-tree-800x800.jpg
Gum Tree eucalyptus • Common Names: Gum tree, Silver Dollar Gum; Argyle Apple; Corkscrew, Eucalyptus • Research: • The Eucalyptus grows to 20 to 30 feet tall. The young leaves are round, a grey-green color and grow opposite each other on the stem. Once they get older they become longer, have an oval shape and have pointed edges. Picture: http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/savanna_plant_page.htm
River bushwillow • Common Names: Vaderlandswilg (Afrikannas), Hiccup Nut • Research: • If you swallow the River Bushwillow you would get the hiccups. The bark of the River Bushwillow is very thick. Its roots can absorb water. Since the River Bushwillow can absorb water it can stay alive for a long amount of time because of the little supply of water. • Picture: http://www.wildcard.co.za/blog.htm?action=view-post&id=932
Elephant grass • Research: • Elephant Grass grows up to 10 feet tall. It has razor-sharp leaves. The sharp edges make it hard for animals to walk on and keep the plants safe from any cause of damage or death. Elephant Grass usually grows near lakes or rivers. Elephant grass is also known as Napier grass or Uganda grass. • Picture: http://www.google.com.qa/imgres?imgurl=http://im.glogster.com/media/11/37/44/95/37449502.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.glogster.com/autumnatorr/elephant-grass/g-6madojc82qvbq9bn91bkaa0&usg=__weDR6ZjZNk1-OEv-zxPRuWtcLd8=&h=204&w=200&sz=17&hl=en&start=5&zoom=1&tbnid=kixLGra5vmPQ7M:&tbnh=105&tbnw=103&ei=jwH1UJCuKsKQtQb5joG4CQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Delephant%2Bgrass%26num%3D10%26hl%3Den%26tbo%3Dd%26biw%3D791%26bih%3D581%26site%3Dimghp%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
The Candelabra • Research: • The Candelabra tree is a 30-40 foot tree. The tree has white sap that can cause blisters on skin, blindness and burning of the lungs. The branches of the tree branch out close to the trunk of the tree. • Picture: http://savannaenvironment.wordpress.com/4/
African elephant • Research: • The African elephant is the largest living animal that lives on land. Adult African elephants grow to about 19-24 feet in length and 10 to 11.5 feet tall. African elephants are herbivorous animals. They eat shrubbery, vines, herbs and tree leaves. The African elephant does not have predators because of its size. • Picture: http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=17
African Painted Dog • Research: • African Painted Dogs are known as African wild dogs, cape hunting dogs, spotted dogs and painted wolves. The African painted dog weighs between 37 and 80 pounds and is 24-30 inches in high. African Painted dogs are hunters, they eat antelope, zebras, wildebeest, springboks, gazelles and impala. The African painted dog s live in packs. The African wild dogs pups are born in a den, usually from the months of March to June. • Picture: http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=18
springbok • Research: • The Springbok got its name from jumping in the air up to 9 feet when at play. The Springbok is between 27 and 34 inches tall and its weight is between 59 and 106 pounds. The Springbok lives up to 10 years. The Springbok eats foliage, herbs, roots and grass. The Springbok have their foals in the rainy season. The Springbok is very fast and can go up to 60mph of speed. • Picture: http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=95
ostrich • Research: • The Ostrich has a long neck and long legs and is able to run at speed reaching 45 mph.. The Ostrich can live up to 40 years. The Ostrich can live in open countries, desert areas and dry savannas. The Ostrich eats plants, fruits, seeds and shoots as well as some insects. The Ostrich is the heaviest living bird. It can not fly and does not have a breastbone like most birds. • Picture: http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=97
African lion • Research: • African lions are the only big cats that live in groups, which are known as prides. Male lions grow to nine to ten feet long and can weigh to 500 pounds. Female lions grow to be 7 to 8 feet long and weigh 270 and 350 pounds. The average African Lion in the wild lives to about 15 to 18 years and in captivity they can live up to 25 to 30 years. The African Lion is a carnivorous but it will eat basically anything. • Picture:http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=35
Climate • Africa has the largest area of savanna. The climate of the savanna is hot all year long, never going below 20*c. • Some parts of the savanna get a lot of rain but the other parts of the savanna get less. The rain falls in just some months of the year, the wet season. After the wet season is over the dry season comes to the savanna. • http://www.thw.coventry.sch.uk/Geography/KS4/The%20Savanna%20in%20Kenya%20-%20The%20study%20of%20a%20large%20scale%20ecosyste….pdf
Questions • How do humans affect this biome? • Humans are affecting this biome by hunting these animals and getting them extinct. Humans are also destroying the land in the savanna. If humans don’t stop destroying the savanna they could turn the African savanna into a desert. • What can be done to prevent this? • Humans could stop hunting these almost extinct animals. Humans could also stop destroying this land and leave the plants alone. Humans could stop killing any wildlife that lives in that environment.
Bibliography • http://www.ehow.com/info_8344865_adaptations-baobab-tree.html • http://www.thw.coventry.sch.uk/Geography/KS4/The%20Savanna%20in%20Kenya%20-%20The%20study%20of%20a%20large%20scale%20ecosyste….pdf • http://www.ehow.com/how_12205234_5-common-plants-savanna.html • http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=17 • http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=95 • http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=97 • http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=35 • http://www.pittsburghzoo.org/animal.aspx?id=18