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French Revolution

French Revolution. Old Order – Ancien Regime. King and Queen at the top! King: Louis XVI Queen: Marie Antoinette. Old Order – Ancien Regime. TITLE. ROLES. 1 ST : CLERGY (1%) 2 ND : NOBILITY (<2%) 3 RD : BOURGEOISIE (97%) SANS CULOTTES PEASANTS. No taxes 10%

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French Revolution

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  1. French Revolution

  2. Old Order – Ancien Regime • King and Queen at the top! • King: Louis XVI • Queen: Marie Antoinette

  3. Old Order – Ancien Regime TITLE ROLES • 1ST: CLERGY (1%) • 2ND: NOBILITY (<2%) • 3RD: BOURGEOISIE (97%) SANS CULOTTES PEASANTS • No taxes • 10% • Minister to Common People • Controlled much of the wealth • Few taxes • Government and military jobs • Large estates • Rich, NOrole in government • Workers • Paid rent & fees, 1/10 of income to church

  4. France in Debt • Borrowed HUGE amounts of money to spend on wars (including the American Revolution) • King & Queen spent lavishly (more than borrowed) • King tried to tax 2nd estate • 2nd estate refused, King backed down • Nature • Hailstorm & drought ruined harvests • Winter 1788 worst in 80 years • No food!

  5. First Events of the Revolution • In 1789, no estate was HAPPY • 1st & 2ndestate resented losing power to monarchy • Wealthy Bourgeoisie resented government regulations that restricted business growth • 3rd estate resented hunger & taxes • Meeting of the Estates-General: an ASSEMBLY of the three estates that the NOBLES pressed Louis to call • To approve new taxes on 3rd estate

  6. Representatives wrote “cahiers” to record grievances • Got all riled up • Each estate gets ONE VOTE and usually the 1st and 2nd estate would vote together • Louis wanted to continue the Old Way but the 3rd estate was inspired by the ENLIGHTENMENT and refused • 3rd estate declared themselves a LEGISLATURE with the right to MAKE LAWS : National Assembly

  7. Louis ordered troops to Paris and Versailles fearing an overthrow. National Assembly saw this, they feared violence • July 14, 1789: a MOB of Parisians went to the BASTILLE, killed the commander, piked his head • “THE STORMING OF THE BASTILLE” became a symbol for the French Revolution • After the fall of the Bastille, people were afraid the king would retaliate: “GREAT FEAR” • For revenge, the peasants destroyed RECORDS LISTING FEUDAL DUES and burned nobles’ HOUSES

  8. Creating New Rights • National Assembly eliminated ALL FEUDAL DUES • “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen” • Liberty • Equality All men are born equal and remain • Fraternity equal under the law • Louis calls troops to Versailles • Mob of 7,000 angry women storm Versailles • Louis agrees to return to Paris • National Assembly sells off church lands to pay off debts

  9. New Government • Citizens (taxpaying men) get new rights • Keep monarchy, but weaken it • King and Queen try to flee, caught • Austria & Prussia threaten war if monarchs harmed • 50,000 troops moved to border • Legislative Assembly declares war • Lose • Blame king • King and Queen taken to prison • Legislative Assembly  National Convention • Radicals in charge • Abolish Monarchy  REPUBLIC!

  10. 1792: Radicals in Control!

  11. Government Leaders: • Jean-Paul Marat: advocates violence, Sans Culottes • Georges Jacques Danton: compromiser, opposed excesses • Maxmilien Robespierre: dedicated, led bloodiest time

  12. Executing the King • After the National Convention, the king was placed on trial • The Girondinshad hoped to avoid a trial, but they were the minority • The Montagnards were eager to try and execute the king in order to prevent a return of the monarchy • Louis was quickly condemned and scheduled to die the next day • Louis XVI was killed with the guillotine

  13. After the King’s execution… • National Convention began to tighten its control • Set up the committee of public safety to manage country's military defense • Made a draft of all unmarried men 18-45 • Revolutionary Tribunal was made to root out and eliminate anyone who posed a threat to the Revolution

  14. The Revolution also transformed French Society: • Roman Catholic Church abolished  “Cult of Supreme Being” (Bibles replaced by Declaration of the Rights of Man) • Metric System • Calendar 10, 3 week months

  15. Reign of Terror: series of accusations, trials & executions • Caused by revolutionary leaders fearing a counter revolution • Once peasants got rid of feudal dues, they went back to their conservative ways • But when they heard about the draft a western village, vendee resisted so strongly it led to a civil war • The counterrevolutionary force was called the catholic & royal army • The government took control back, and destroyed everything and everyone it could

  16. Accusations and Trials • Revolutionary Tribunal to get rid of dissenters • Robespierre said they needed to use terror to defend the republic from its enemies • The tribunal began with the girondistsbecause they once wanted a constitutional monarchy • Soon anyone that criticized the revolution or supported the old order were in danger or trial and death

  17. Napoleon • A brilliant leader • 1793: Forced British troops out of the port of Toulon • 1795: Napoleon fought a mob of royalists trying to regain power • Shot artillery into crowd, forcing them to flee • As a reward put in charge of French Interior

  18. Napoleon • 1796: Napoleon was placed in command of troops invading Italy • His victories here kept France’s borders secure but also won territory for France • 1798: Napoleon took large fleet to Mediterranean Sea to disrupt trade between England & India

  19. British Admiral Horatio Nelson • Trapped French Ships • Most of French fleet destroyed • Napoleon spun it to make it look like hero • Meanwhile, the Directory had grown weak • Some wanted a monarchy since they feared growing European powers

  20. Napoleon • 1799: a group of armed supporters surrounded the Directory and forced the members to turn over power to Napoleon: • Coup d'état: forced transfer of power

  21. Napoleon • Group of three consuls called • CONSULATE • Replaced the directory and voted Napoleon in charge of Consul • Napoleon was Dictator • People were tired of constant warfare and chaos • People willing to give up some freedom

  22. Napoleon moved quickly to strengthen his power • Issued a Plebiscite: • Asked voters: Do you want to be an empire? • Voters said yes! • Pope Pius came to crown Napoleon • Napoleon took the crown and crowned himself • Wanted to expand his empire to the Americas • Civil war in Haiti erupted and Napoleon sent an expedition which failed • Napoleon sold Louisiana to the US

  23. Napoleonic Wars • Extension of French Revolution Wars • France became dominant power in Europe • France grew rapidly • Lasted more than a decade (to 1815) • War with England • Britain formed a series of coalitions against France • Napoleon knew that he must defeat England • 1805: Admiral Nelson and his fleet defeated the French off the coast of Spain

  24. Continental System • Napoleon sought to disrupt trade between England and the world • France planned a blockade • Prohibited French or allied ships to trade with England • Drew Britain and France into other conflicts

  25. Peninsular War • Portugal was neutral, wouldn’t comply with continental system • Napoleon sent in troops to Portugal, then Spain • Napoleon quickly won and put his brother Joseph on the throne of Spain • England sent troops to support Spanish revolt against France • Napoleon brought troops in from Central Europe, won several battles • Guerilla fighters eventually forced France out of Spain

  26. Napoleon’s Downfall • Napoleon stationed troops near the border of Russia • Czar Alexander I feared the Continental System and began to gather troops • To teach the Czar a lesson, Napoleon moved east into Russia

  27. Summer • By June, Napoleon & 600,000 men marched across the border • Many new recruits were from conquered territories, no loyalty • Supplies spoiled in the summer heat • The army suffered from disease, desertion and hunger, which thinned the ranks

  28. Advance • As Napoleon and the troops moved inward, Russians withdrew • Peasants set fire to their fields • August: France finally gets a battle: French won with high casualties • Russian Army lost 90,000, retreated

  29. Moscow • French reached Moscow by September, but the city was deserted • The city was also on fire • Napoleon had no choice but to turn back

  30. Winter • Harsh winter was the worst enemy • Napoleon rushed back to Europe by sleigh • Only 94,000/600,000 returned

  31. Defeat • The disaster gave Napoleon’s enemies new hope • Napoleon raised another army but they were inexperienced • October 1813, the allies met Napoleon at Leipzig, Germany, clear defeat for Napoleon • March 1814, the allies entered Paris • As terms of his surrender, Napoleon had to give up his throne, but kept his title

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