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YEAR 12 AND BEYOND. SOME OPTIONS. University – full-time, part-time, single subject, most courses maybe deferred – if deferring good to have a plan. Students may be able to access independent status. TAFE – full or part-time. Private colleges.

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  2. SOME OPTIONS • University – full-time, part-time, single subject, most courses maybe deferred – if deferring good to have a plan. Students may be able to access independent status. • TAFE – full or part-time. • Private colleges. • Year 13 – maybe a bridging program to a University course or a TAFE course articulating into University course. • Traineeship. • Apprenticeship. • Employment. • Gap year – might include travel, work or volunteering in Australia or overseas. Students may want time out to work out what they want to do.

  3. Basis of University Selection • COMPLETED VCE • MET ANY PREREQUISITE YEAR 12 STUDIES • COMPLETED ANY SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS – may include folios, tests, interviews, attending information sessions. • ENTER • MIDDLE BAND Details in the VTAC Guide available in July

  4. How is the ENTER calculated Each student receives a study score out of 50 for each study completed. English plus best 3 subjects plus 10% of a students 5th and 6th study if completed. Any Unit 3 and 4 study completed in Year 11 is included. Subject study scores scaled depending on performance of all students in the previous year. The aggregate study score then converted to a rank out of 100.

  5. VET in the VCE contributes towards the ENTER VET courses count as a 5th or 6th subject (10% of the average of your best 4 scores including English). Some courses have scored assessment e.g. Community Services, Hospitality, Music, Multimedia. Engineering, Sport and recreation. Part – time Traineeships at Certificate III can contribute to VCE and ENTER.

  6. THE ENTER DOES VARY FROM YEAR TO YEAR Some examples from Deakin University Geelong: 2005 2006 2007 2008 Nursing: 67.60 64.65 63.30 58.45 Commerce: 62.34 59.10 57.50 61.00 Arts 62.35 60.80 58.15 62.60 The ENTER varies depending upon demand for a course and numbers of places available at University. It is a competitive process, the majority of University courses select purely on ENTER once prerequisites satisfied. Some courses have a minimum ENTER The ENTER varies between institutions and proximity to Melbourne

  7. Basis of TAFE selection It does vary depending upon the course, many Certificate IV and Diploma courses will take into account a students ENTER. May also include: • Folios • Interviews • Entrance Tests

  8. University or TAFE Often depends on Career choice. TAFE courses shorter and cheaper. Students should consider TAFE, there is demand for students with Diploma and Associate Degree qualifications. (costs for these courses will increase mid year). Increasingly students using as a pathway into University. Private Colleges are quite expensive but FEE-HELP may be available.

  9. There is often more than one pathway to a career. Diploma in Engineering at RMIT TAFE gives credit towards Engineering degree at RMIT. Many GORDON courses give credit towards Deakin University courses. Certificate IV in Design at Swinburne TAFE gives credit to the Bachelor of Design at Swinburne University. Students can only access the Bachelor of early Childhood at Deakin after completing the Diploma of Children’s Services at the GORDON TAFE GORDON Design and drafting good pathway into Architecture. Students need to do there homework however, whilst many TAFE courses give credit towards University many do not.

  10. UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS Many institutions offer a variety of scholarships, usually based on academic performance, sometimes available on hardship grounds or trying to attract students to a particular course. Information available term 3 in the Careers Centre and on University websites. Worth looking into, many scholarships not taken up. University websites will contain information

  11. SPECIAL ENTRY ACCESS SCHEMES SEAS ACCESS AND EQUITY Most Universities offer special access on a number of grounds such as: Non English Speaking Background.Difficult Family Circumstances.Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Background.Women in Non-Traditional AreasDisability or Long Term Medical Condition.Mature age entryIndigenous AustraliansUnder-represented schools (Deakin, Monash and Melbourne)Personal disability or Long term medical condition. Commonwealth Scholarships may also be available. SEAS – Year 12 special consideration. Year 12 special consideration is available through SEAS if current year 12 students have experienced circumstances that can be demonstrated to have had an adverse impact on their final year of secondary schooling. Application completed in term 3 as part of the VTAC application process.

  12. UNIVERSITY ACCOMMODATION • On campus (may need to apply before offers made). • Off campus. • Commuting. Many Universities have an accommodation service and provide advice. Students may need to move depending on course.

  13. WHERE ARE THE JOBS?(Source – DEWR Skills in Demand List August 2007) • Engineering Metal Fitters, Machinists, Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Welders • Automotive Motor Mechanic, Auto Electrician, Vehicle Body maker, Vehicle Trimmers • Electrical/Electronics Electrician, Lift Mechanic, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Mechanic, Electrical Power line Trades • Health Specialists Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapist, Speech Pathologists, Podiatrist, Medical Diagnostic Radiographer These skill shortage areas may vary from region to region. 2010 – who knows? What I do know: • Students working casual hours are getting hours reduced. • Apprenticeship vacancies are drying up. • During periods of recession and increasing unemployment demand for University and TAFE courses increases.

  14. UNIVERSITY – PAYMENTOPTIONS CSP (Commonwealth Supported Places). Government subsidized. The Government contributes about ¾ of the tuition costs. Fees vary between $4077 and $8499 per annum in 2008 depending on course. Maybe paid up front with a discount (20%) or the student may defer payment (HECS-HELP), payment begins when student starts earning over $39825 after leaving University. Full fee paying courses at Universities ceased to exist last year for Australian citizens and Permanent Residents. Private Colleges will still charge fees.

  15. Commonwealth Supported Places To obtain a Commonwealth Supported (CSP) place a student must be: • An Australian citizen. • N.Z. citizen resident in Australia. • Holder of a permanent visa.

  16. Access to HECS-HELP To obtain HECS-HELP (i.e. defer payment until course completed) students must be: • An Australian citizen, or • Holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa. If students are on a permanent visa able to access CSP places but University Fees must be paid up front and students are not eligible for the discount. If students are not Australian citizens and do not have the funds to pay up front worth considering becoming an Australian citizen. FEE-HELP available for Full Fee Paying Course up to $80000 i.e. students are borrowing the money. May be available for Diploma courses if they articulate to a degree.

  17. VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre) VTAC is a Centre established to collect student preferences for courses, distribute those preferences to Universities and TAFE and make offers to students on behalf of Tertiary Institutions.

  18. APPLYING TO UNIVERSITY, TAFE AND PRIVATE COLLEGES • VTAC system: University, many TAFE certificate 4 or Diploma, some Private Colleges. • Direct applications: TAFE certificates 1,2 or 3. Some Diploma courses at TAFE and Private Colleges can be applied for through direct application. • Students can apply Interstate using their Victorian ENTER (in some states ENTER lower for comparable courses).

  19. The Process for applying through VTAC: • July: students purchase VTAC guide. • End of September: students submit preferences to VTAC via internet, up to 12 preferences. • Mid December: the students receive their results. • End October and end December: students have the opportunity to change their preferences. • January and February: 3 rounds of offers occur. VTAC conducts parent briefings in Geelong in August, seminars at school for students and parents conducted at school in August.

  20. Apprenticeships, Traineeships and Employment Sources: • Group Training Companies. • Job Network Providers. • Employment agencies • Internet. • Newspapers. • Networks. • School. The students need to be proactive, the jobs will not come to them.

  21. Some useful websites • www.careerone.com.au • www.seek.com.au • www.positionsvacant.com.au • www.mycareer.com.au • www.careersonline.com.au • www.recrutnet.com.au • www.resume.net.au • www.jobsearch.gov.au • www.goingtouni.gov.au

  22. The students need a plan • Plan A • Plan B • Plan C

  23. Some statistics Historically: • 70% of students will continue onto University or TAFE • A third will defer for a year • 30% will go onto an Apprenticeship, Traineeship or employment

  24. What can you encourage your son or daughter to do? • Visit the Careers Centre. I will be interviewing students in term 2. • Discuss options (the options are many). • Attend open days at Universities and TAFE. • Check out the careers blog. • Check out University websites, will include information on scholarships, special access. • Take advantage of seminars, visits, expos, etc. • Talk to people, teachers, parents, relatives. • Explore different pathways to a career. Universities such as the University of Ballarat have a regional program for students and bridging programs for students who do not quite get the ENTER necessary. • Do their best. It is a very competitive environment. • Manage their time, keep part-time work commitments manageable. • Read Newsletters and Student Bulletins for notices regarding events. Monthly students receive a Careers Newsletter. • Do not panic, some students will still know what they want to do, this quite natural. • Enjoy the year.

  25. ACER Longitudinal study of Australian YouthLongitudinal study began in 1995 of 10000 Year 9 students.Findings:A Bachelor Degree qualification on average increases average earnings by about 30%. The effects slightly higher amongst womenApprenticeships increase average earnings by 20%, slightly higher amongst menA TAFE Diploma increases average earnings by about 14%A Traineeship increases earnings by about 8%A TAFE certificate increases earnings by about 5%.

  26. Myths and Facts Myths • I am an average student, I will get into Uni. • I can leave my study until “swot vac”. • Turning 18 will not effect my study patterns. • I can do all my study in the family room. Facts • An average student will get 50 and not get into Uni. • Impossible task. • It will. • Daytime TV is a beautiful thing. • I rarely talk to students who achieve an ENTER over 90. • Now is the time to decide whether you will do well or not. • The better you do in year 12 the greater your opportunities.

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