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Lecture 2 Management Theories. Historical background of management 中国古代管理理论简介 Scientific management General administrative theorists Quantitative approach to management Organizational behavior The Systems Approach The Contingency Approach Current trends and issues (自学).
Lecture 2 Management Theories • Historical background of management • 中国古代管理理论简介 • Scientific management • General administrative theorists • Quantitative approach to management • Organizational behavior • The Systems Approach • The Contingency Approach • Current trends and issues(自学)
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter • Historical Background of Management • Explain why studying management history is important. • Describe some early evidences of management practice. • Scientific Management • Describe the important contributions made by Fredrick W. Taylor and Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. • Explain how today’s managers use scientific management.
Learning Outcomes2 • General Administrative Theorists •Discuss Fayol’s 14 management principles. •Describe Max Weber’s contribution to the general administrative theory of management. •Explain how today’s managers use general administrative theory. • Quantitative Approach to Management •Explain what the quantitative approach has contributed to the field of management. •Discuss how today’s managers use the quantitative approach.
Learning Outcomes3 • Toward Understanding Organizational Behavior • Describe the contributions of the early advocates of OB. • Explain the contributions of the Hawthorne Studies to the field of management. • Discuss how today’s managers use the behavioral approach. • The Systems Approach • Describe an organization using the systems approach. • Discuss how the systems approach helps us management.
Learning Outcomes4 • The Contingency Approach • Explain how the contingency approach differs from the early theories of management. • Discuss how the contingency approach helps us understand management. • Current Issues and Trends • Explain why we need to look at the current trends and issues facing managers. • Describe the current trends and issues facing managers.
Historical Background of Management1 • Egyptian pyramids, The great wall, Venice city • Management achieved a lot in our history, how can we succeed to them and leave more miracles for our future generations?
Chinese Ancient Viewpoints on Management中国古代管理思想 • 儒家管理思想 • 道家管理思想 • 法家以及兵家管理思想
儒家管理思想 • 管理核心 • 管理范围 • 管理方式
1、儒家管理思想核心 • 天地之性人为贵,管理核心是“治人” • 性善论:人之初,性本善,性相近,习相远--人之恻隐之心、尊敬之心等仁爱之心与生俱来 恶之源:耳濡目染、物欲过盛 • 性恶论:荀子认为好逸恶劳乃人之本性,需引导、教化和管理来从善 • 提倡天人合一的管理境界,人性导善,做圣做贤
2、儒家管理范围--由己及人 • 格物致知、诚意正心--修身 • 孝悌之道--齐家 • 以知(好学)、仁(力行)、勇(知耻)推行君臣、父子、夫妻、昆弟、朋友之大道--治国 • 众望所归--平天下 《中庸》二十章:为天下国家有九经。曰:修身也,尊贤也,亲亲也,敬大臣也,体群臣也,子庶民也,来百工也,柔远人也,怀诸侯也。
3、儒家管理的方式--仁政 • 仁:推己及人,爱心、身教言传 • 德政:道之以德,齐之以礼,民有耻且格 ⊙法治:道之以政,齐之以刑,民免且无耻 • 礼:社会活动的规范原则。礼仪规范:婚丧嫁娶;节日含意:清明、端午、中秋、春节等--“礼多人不怪”与“熟不拘礼”--内心诚敬,德行彰显
道家管理思想 • 道家思想简介 • 道家管理--水式管理
道家思想简介 • 启源:黄帝、周易--宇宙之道的揭示,阴阳矛盾统一,相克相生,相辅相存、转化、统一 • 代表人物:老子、庄子 《道德经》与《庄子》构成管理哲学中循环律、成长律、得失律、时间律、调节律、容忍律
道家管理--水式管理(一) • 水性: ★柔软:君子不器,环境适应性强 ★谦虚:永远处于下位,不争不夺 ★奉献:任需所取,尽己所有 ★宽容:容纳一切,无有分别 ★自新:静以澄明,不断积蓄力量
道家管理--水式管理(二) • 管理的最高境界--无为而治 《道德经》17章:太上不知有之,其次亲而誉之,其次畏之,其次,侮之。信不足也,有不信焉。 老子三宝:一曰慈,一曰俭,一曰不敢为天下先。慈故能勇,俭故能广,不敢为天下先故能成器长。
道家管理--水式管理(三)--管理方法 • 居善地:择仁地而居 • 心善渊:宽容博大,不以己为然 • 与善仁:交往仁人志士,提升德艺 • 言善信:言行一致,树立信用 • 正善治:立足本职,踏实做事,力求完善 • 事善能:做事讲究效率和结果 • 动善时:把握机会,相时而动
法家和兵家的思想 • 法家:管仲、商鞅等 依法管理、法不阿贵、厚赏重罚、赏誉同轨 • 兵家:孙子 以谋为中心,主张“慎战”。
推荐中国古代管理书目 • 《论语》、《大学》、《中庸》、《老子》、《孙子兵法》、《曾国藩家书》 • 南怀瑾《老子他说》、《论语别裁》、《孟子旁通》 • 《孙子兵法与商战》等
Historical Background of Management2---Western viewpoints on management • Adam Smith: division of labor can increase the productivity • Industrial Revolution: machine power take the place of human power, and which call for the new way of management .
经济学之父:亚当 斯密之代表作:国富论:营生者的自利行为道德情操论(The Theory of Moral Sentiments):贵族的利他观点-同情关系:它是理性、道义、良心、心中的 那个居民、内心的那个人、判断我们行为的伟大的法官和仲裁人。〈第三卷 第三章〉强迫著人们尽管在自利的状况下,还能维持公利的要求。
1.Adam Smith’s Contribution to the Field of Management • The general popularity today ofjob specialization is undoubtedly due to Smith’s view about division of labor. • Division of labor is the breakdown of jobs into narrow, repetitive tasks, which increasing each worker’s skill and dexterity, saving time lost in changing tasks, and by creating inventions and machinery.
2.Industrial Revolution’s Influence on Management Practices • Industrial Revolution has originated in late-18th-century Great Britain, and crossed the Atlantic to America by the end of the Civil War. • Because oftheIndustrial Revolution, machine power was rapidly substituted for human power, which made it economical to manufacture goods in factories. • With the development of big organizations, a formal theory to guide managers running these organizations efficiently and effectively was needed.
Background of That Time • There were no clear concepts of responsibilities to workers and managers. • No effective workstandards existed. • Management decisions were based on hunch and intuition. • Workers were placed on jobs with little or no concern for matching their abilities and aptitudes with the tasks required. • Managers and workers considered themselves to be in continual conflict—any gain by one would be at the expense of the other.
Major Approaches to Management • Scientific Management • General Administrative Theory • Quantitative Management • Organizational Behavior • Systems Approach • Contingency Approach
Scientific Management • Fredrick Winslow Taylor • The “father” of scientific management • Published Principles of Scientific Management (1911) • The theory of scientific management • Using scientific methods to define the “one best way” for a job to be done: • Putting the right person on the job with the correct tools and equipment. • Having a standardized method of doing the job. • Providing an economic incentive to the worker.
科学管理之父 弗雷德理克 泰勒 (1856~1915)
Scientific Management Contributions of F.W. Taylor –define the “one best way” for doing each job –select appropriate workers and train them doing their jobs by one best way –introduce economic incentive system in order to motivate workers result –improvements in productivity in the range of 200 percent
Scientific Management (cont’d) • Frank and Lillian Gilbreth • Focused on increasing worker productivity through the reduction of wasted motion • Developed the microchronometer to time worker motions and optimize work performance • How Do Today’s Managers Use Scientific Management? • Use time and motion studies to increase productivity • Hire the best qualified employees • Design incentive systems based on output
科学管理理论的弊端 • 查理 卓别林主演的《摩登时代》揭露了将工人看作“会说话的机器”,繁重的、过于规范化的劳动给工人身心都带来了巨大的伤害。有悖于泰勒的“双方合作”的本意和初衷。
General Administrative Management • Henri Fayol –developed theories of what constituted good management practice •described the practice of management as distinct from other typical business functions •proposed a universal set of management functions –14 principles of management •fundamental or universal rules of management •applied in all organizational situations
General Administrative Management • Believed that the practice of management was distinct from other organizational functions • Developed fourteen principles of management that applied to all organizational situations
Weber’s Ideal Bureaucracy Max Weber –developed a theory of authority structures and relations –Bureaucracy - ideal type of organization • Developed a theory of authority based on an ideal type of organization (bureaucracy) • Emphasized rationality(理性), predictability(可预见性), impersonality(客观), technical competence(专业能力), and authoritarianism(专制)
Quantitative Approach • Also called operations research or management science • Evolved from mathematical and statistical methods developed to solve WWII military logistics and quality control problems • Focuses on improving managerial decision making by applying: • Statistics, optimization models, information models, and computer simulations
Quantitative Approach To Management • How to use –this approach has contributed most directly to managerial decision making, particularly in planning and controlling -Linear programming -Critical-path scheduling analysis –the application of computer software programs made it possible to use quantitative techniques for managers
Understanding Organizational Behavior • Organizational Behavior (OB) • The study of the actions of people at work; people are the most important asset of an organization • Early OB Advocates • Robert Owen • Hugo Munsterberg • Mary Parker Follett • Chester Barnard
Organizational Behavior • The Hawthorne Studies–A series of productivity experiments conducted at Western Electric from 1927 to 1932. • Experimental findings • Productivity unexpectedly increased under imposed adverse working conditions. • The effect of incentive plans was less than expected. • Research conclusion • Social norms, group standards and attitudes more strongly influence individual output and work behavior than do monetary incentives.
The Systems Approach • System Defined • A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. • Basic Types of Systems • Closed systems • Are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment (all system input and output is internal). • Open systems • Dynamically interact to their environments by taking in inputs and transforming them into outputs that are distributed into their environments.
Implications of the Systems Approach • Coordination of the organization’s parts is essential for proper functioning of the entire organization. • Decisions and actions taken in one area of the organization will have an effect in other areas of the organization. • Organizations are not self-contained and, therefore, must adapt to changes in their external environment.