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the Vikings

The making of the Nation LICEO SCIENTIFICO “T. TARAMELLI” PAVIA 10th June, 2011 Gaia Tovt. the Celts. the Romans. the Anglo-Saxons. the Christianization. the Vikings. the Normans. Westminster Abbey. Bayeux Tapestry.

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the Vikings

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The making of the NationLICEO SCIENTIFICO “T. TARAMELLI” PAVIA10th June, 2011 Gaia Tovt

  2. the Celts the Romans the Anglo-Saxons the Christianization the Vikings the Normans Westminster Abbey BayeuxTapestry Magna Charta

  3. 700 BC the Celtsarrivedfromnorth-westGermany The Druids formed an intellectual class; they administrated religion, justice and education of the young. Queen Boadicea A title given to learned people possessing the “oak knowledge” In the mthologytheyhadmagicalpowers equalitybetween the sexes: womenenjoyed more freedom and rights

  4. -In 55 BC Julius Cesar invadedBritain Romans The -Language, civilization and buildings -In 5th century Emperor Honorius withdrew his soldiers and at the same time some Germanic tribe invaded Britain

  5. They called Britain England The Angle-Saxons were organized in clans where the most important social bond was loyalty They were FARMERS andFISHERMEN whales seals

  6. 6thcentury Agustine was sent to bring christianity back to England Agustine, the first archbishop of canterbury Monasteriesturned into important centres of communal life

  7. 8th century King Alfred the Great ofWessex won back the territories gaveimportancetoreligion The Vikinginvasion commissioned the writingofThe Anglo-SaxonsChronicle

  8. 1066 The Normansinvasions Frenchlangage and developed the feudalism William the conqueror (the Norman duke) beat Harold (the England king)

  9. The BayeuxTapestry It is 70 metres long and represents 72 scenes with more than 1500 figures

  10. Magna Charta King John was forced to sign this charter at Runnymede in 1215. This document recognized the political and legal rights of the English people. It is often considerd the basis for modern English law.

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