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Explore the concept of sustainable development and its connection to environmental philosophy. Learn the main principles, pillars, and interpretations of sustainable development, balancing economic, social, and environmental goals. Discover its scope in various policy areas.
Introduction to Environmental Philosophy SFES 1214 Week 10 Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development: Introduction Sustainable development is becoming a watchword of recent times. Try: Google the word “sustainable development” and you will get nearly 17 million results!!! Nowadays most policies by various organisations are interested to achieve the goal of sustainable development. So, what is sustainable development? How is it connected to what you have learned so far?
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS (individual philosophy) ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS (Colletive philosophy/ worldview) Religious environmental worldview Anthropocentrism Ecocentrism Individualism Eco-feminism
First let’s go to this website: www.gapminder.org
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Human development issues (social and economic) ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS (individual philosophy) ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS (Colletive philosophy/ worldview) Religious environmental worldview Anthropocentrism Ecocentrism Sustainable Development Individualism Eco-feminism
Sustainable Development: Definition & Main Principles The root meaning: Sustainable = able to maintain or stay in existence over a period of time Development = improving the economic and social conditions of countries Official definition: "Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs“ (The Brundtland Report, 1987)
Sustainable Development: Definition & Main Principles Other than the issue of inter-generational consideration, most definitions of sustainable development has the view that sustainability depends three "interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars", which are: (1) Economic development (2) Social welfare (3) Environmental protection
Sustainable Development: Definition & Main Principles Environmental Protection: Protecting the environment (what we have covered in class!) Economic Development: Increasing economic growth (production and distribution of goods) Social Welfare Ensuring the welfare or wellbeing of society at every level
Sustainable Development: Definition & Main Principles However, sustainable development is an ambiguous concept – it can mean different things to different people. The concept remains weakly defined and contains a large amount of debate as to its precise definition. Different conceptions also reveal a strong tension between different environmental worldviews, especially between eco-centrism and anthropocentrism. Some see it as a radical “green” call for a fundamental organisation of social, economic, and political life (particularly those that are more inclined to the worldview of ecocentrism, individualism, ecofeminism) While others see it as a means to continue with the “business as usual’ patterns of economic growth but with due consideration of social and environmental progress (those with the worldview of anthropocentrism)
Sustainable Development: Definition & Main Principles But most differences in interpretation still revolves around these two elements: The intergenerational dimension How do we balance the needs of present and future generations? The three pillars of sustainability How do we balance the quality of economic development, social development and environmental protection? So, at least all versions of sustainable development seek to balance economic, social and environmental goals (the three pillars) in ways that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs (intergenerational dimension)
Sustainable Development: Scope Due to its broad definition, Sustainable Development has been used as a guiding principle for various policy areas. The United Nations Division for Sustainable Development lists the following areas within the scope of sustainable development: Agriculture, Atmosphere, Biodiversity, Biotechnology, Capacity-building, Climate Change, Consumption and Production Patterns, Demographics, Desertification and Drought, Disaster Reduction and Management, Education and Awareness, Energy, Finance, Forests, Fresh Water, Health, Human Settlements, Indicators, Industry, Information for Decision Making and Participation, Integrated Decision Making, International Law, International Cooperation for Enabling Environment, Institutional Arrangements, Land management, Major Groups, Mountains, National Sustainable Development Strategies, Oceans and Seas, Poverty, Sanitation, Science, Sustainable tourism, Technology, Toxic Chemicals, Trade and Environment, Transport, Waste (Hazardous), Waste (Radioactive), Waste (Solid), Water
Is Sustainable Development related to you? Physics World Conference on Physics and Sustainable Development (http://www.wcpsd.org/) Chemistry Sustainable Development Through Green Chemistry (http://www.wun.ac.uk/greenchem/) Math Institute of Applied Mathematics (http://www3.iam.metu.edu.tr/iam/index.php/16_5_2008_Genel_Seminer_Abstract_1)
Sustainable Development: History 1972: United Nations Conference on Human and Environment (UNCHE), Stockholm Sweden. 1972: Club of Rome published the Limits of Growth 1980: World Conservation strategy by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 1983 United Nations World Comission on Environment and Development (WCED) 1987: United Nations Brundlant report: Our Common Future The Sustainable Development concept was formally defined 1992: Earth Summit and the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janerio, Brazil Rio Declaration on Environment and Development called “The Agenda 21” 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg, South Africa Earth Charter (Rio +10) Johannesburg Declaration
Agenda 21 To provide a clearer picture of what sustainable development means in practice, we it useful how it has been translated into an action plan: Agenda 21, declared during the Earth Summit. Agenda 21 is a programme run by the United Nation. It is a comprehensive programme or blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organisations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans impact on the environment. The number 21 refers to the 21st century. The full text of Agenda 21 was revealed at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro on June 14th where 179 governments voted to adopt the programme. The final text was the result of drafting, consultation and negotiation, beginning in 1989 and culminating at the two-week conference. More information: http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/documents/agenda21/index.htm
Agenda 21 There are 40 chapters in Agenda 21, divided into four sections. The whole document was over 900 pages: Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions including combating poverty, changing consumption patterns, population and demographic dynamics, promoting health, promoting sustainable settlement patterns and integrating environment and development into decision-making. Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development including atmospheric protection, combating deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biological diversity (biodiversity), and control of pollution. Section III: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups including the roles of children and youth, women, NGOs, local authorities, business and workers. Section IV: Means of Implementation including science, technology transfer, education, international institutions and mechanisms and financial mechanisms.
Agenda 21 Local Agenda 21 (LA21) The implementation of Agenda 21 is intended to involve action at international, national, regional and local levels. Some national and state governments have legislated or advised that local authorities take steps to implement the plan locally, as recommended in Chapter 28 of the document. Such programmes are often known as 'Local Agenda 21' or 'LA21'. In Malaysia, we have several initiatives such as: (1) Selangor Agenda21 http://selangor.agenda21.gov.my/ (2) Sustainable Penang Initiative http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN017620.pdf (3) Local Agenda 21 Petaling Jaya http://www.mbpj.gov.my/la21/english/agenda21.html Initiatives in other countries: http://www.bestpractices.org/2006winners.html
Agenda 21 Local Agenda 21 – Sustainable Penang Initiative Sustainable Penang Initiative (SPI) pioneered a community- based indicators project aimed at creating a process for more holistic and sustainable development planning in the State of Penang. It covered different areas of sustainable development: ecological sustainability, social justice, economic productivity, cultural vibrancy, and popular participation. The initiative eventually identified indicators through which they could monitor development in Penang over time. Monitoring results were presented at a People's Forum! It noted that the SPI process increased participation, accountability and transparency in Penang. Also, it spearheaded the creation of new organizations to address specific issues including sustainable transport, disabled access and water conservation. SPI offers a practical example of how representatives from government, business, and civil society can work constructively together over time to enhance the effectiveness of development planning. For more information: http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN017620.pdf
Agenda 21 Local Agenda 21 – Local Agenda 21 Petaling Jaya • A Local Agenda 21 Petaling Jaya Committee was set up with the mayor of MPPJ as the chairperson. The Local Agenda 21 Committee consists of 37 members from various stakeholders A specially formulated Local Agenda 21 Petaling Jaya logo and slogan “Petaling Jaya: Toward Sustainable Development” was used to create public awareness shared identity and enhance ownership. • A second workshop was organized to disseminate the common vision • to a large number of residents and stakeholders to obtain their feedback and • reach a consensus. In the second workshop, the participants identified three • neighborhood areas as pilot project sites. • Some of the key activities include: • Environment Working Committee • Social Integration Working Committee • Safety Working Committee • For more information: http://www.mbpj.gov.my/la21/english/agenda21.html
Johannesburg Declaration The Johannesburg Declaration was a principal outcome of the Summit. The declaration is a collection of general political statements, reaffirming a commitment to agreements made at the Earth summit and at the UNCHE, 10 and 30 years prior. • The document is meant to serve as a contract for the participants of the summit, binding them to the outlined agreements. A Plan of Implementation laid down more specific goals for the nations and organizations that participated in the summit. Some of these goals include: • The establishment of a solidarity fund to wipe out poverty. This fund would be sustained by voluntary contributions; however, developed nations are urged to dedicate 0.7% of their national income to this cause. • Cutting in half by 2015 the proportion of the world’s population living on less than a dollar a day. This is a reaffirmation of a UN Millennium Summit goal. • Cutting in half by 2015 the number of people who lack clean drinking water and basic sanitation • Substantially increase the global share of renewable energy • Cut significantly by 2010 the rate at which rare plants and animals are becoming extinct • Restore (where possible) depleted fish stocks by 2015, and • Halving the number of people suffering from hunger. You can download the declaration in full at: http://www.bnpparibas.com/en/sustainable-development/text/Johannesburg-Declaration.pdf
Group Assignment: In groups, suggest ideas on how best we could create a recycling awareness programme for the colleges in University Malaya. Present your suggestions in class This can be divided into three parts: (1) Your ideas and how you propose it can be conducted in the colleges (2) Why do you think it is a good idea? (e.g. it is easy to implement; it is educational; how does it touch upon the environmental ethics of the community) (3) What are the possible limitation of your ideas?
What you need to do! • Choose your group in moodle. You will be divided in 10 groups • A talk will be given by a representative from Alam Flora next week (16th Sept 2008) during lecture time. • Before that I want you to make sufficient preparation before the lecture (groups that are active in asking questions will be given a bonus mark) • After next week you will have Week 11 and Week 12 to prepare the assignment (no class, no tutorial) • The presentation will be held in Week 13 (14th October 2008) during lecture time. You can make your presentation in any way you like (power point, demonstration, acting ect). You will be given exactly 10 minutes to make your presentation and every team member has to participate. (no tutorial) • Feedback for the assignment, exam review and course conclusion will be held in Week 14.
Group Assignment: • Why recycling? • Waste issues has a clear sustainability issue – with clear environmental, social and economic implications. • Our response to “recycling” is very much rooted to our ethical position on how the waste issue has an impact to our lives (be it environmentally, socially and economically) and how we need to act upon it. This would then influence our attitude on recycling. • Furthermore, under the UM greening of campus initiative, the university is currently interested to conduct a recycling programme for our colleges and therefore we need valuable inputs on how best we could create awareness for the programme. The lessons we will learn from you shall then be incorporated in our future plans.
Tutorial • A talk will be given by a representative from Alam Flora next week during lecture time. • Preparation before the lecture: • During the tutorial, I would like each group to discuss the following: • Why recycling can be an important initiative to achieve the three pillars of sustainable development: environmental protection, social welfare and economic development? • In the tutorial, give a list of general suggestions on what activities you can do to create awareness for recycling. You might also want to discuss how this is connected to the answers you have given in (1) • Then, use this tutorial discussion as a preparation for the lecture next week (so you can ask useful questions for your assignment! Remember the group that are active in asking questions will get bonus mark for the assignment!)
Consultation Face to face consultation in the next 3 weeks can be conducted anytime during lecture hours. But make an appointment at least one day in advance! You can also consult me via e-mail! Assessment (full mark = 20 marks) Individual assessment: Participation and quality of participation in moodle discussion and presentation: 4 Group level: Accuracy (how accurate you have fulfilled the task assigned): 6 Quality (logic and coherency in your suggestion ): 3 Creativity (added value from other groups): 3 Extra marks for asking question during the lecture with Alam Flora: 2
Sustainable Development in Action A story of Majora Carter at South Bronx, USA
Majora Carter Carter is founder and executive director of Sustainable South Bronx. See: http://www.ssbx.org/
“ I am not anti-development, our’s (the south bronx) is a city not a wilderness preserve, and I have embraced my inner capitalist. I do not have a problem with developers making money. There is enough precedent out there that has shown us that a sustainable community friendly development can still make a fortune. But I do have a problem with development that hyper exploit vulnerable communities for profit and if it continues it is a shame upon us all. We are all responsible for the future that we create!
South Bronx is one of the poorest areas in the United States. Founded in 2001 by life-long South Bronx resident, Dr. Majora Carter, SSBx addresses land-use, energy, transportation, water & waste policy, and education to advance the environmental, social and economic rebirth of the South Bronx, and inspire solutions in areas like it across the nation and around the world
Problems in South Bronx and activities of Sustainable South Bronx http://speakingoffaith.publicradio.org/programs/discoveringwherewelive/soundseen.shtml A talk by Majora Carter in TED: Greening the Ghetto http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/53