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Competition Between Collared Doves and Mourning Doves

Competition Between Collared Doves and Mourning Doves. Research Project by Jamie Summers Wildlife & Fisheries Undergraduate at TTU, Cookeville, TN 38505. Summary.

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Competition Between Collared Doves and Mourning Doves

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  1. Competition Between Collared Doves and Mourning Doves • Research Project by Jamie Summers • Wildlife & Fisheries Undergraduate at TTU, Cookeville, TN 38505

  2. Summary • The Collared Dove is physically larger than the Mourning Dove. This should allow for the Collared Dove to be superior to the Mourning Dove when it comes to food competition. • I am attempting to find out if this is true by manipulating environments and allowing both species to compete for food.

  3. Summary • I will observe from a hidden location for 30 min. intervals. Both species will be monitored and data will be recorded. • My hypothesis suggests that competition will exist and that the Collared Dove will have an advantage over the Mourning Dove.

  4. Introduction • The Mourning Dove

  5. Introduction • The Eurasian Collared Dove

  6. Hypothesis • My Hypothesis suggests that the Eurasian Collared Dove will out compete the Mourning Dove for food. • The Collared Dove is a larger species • The Collared Dove multiplies faster than the Mourning Dove.

  7. Hypothesis • I will attempt to manipulate environments in order to determine whether or not the Collared Dove has an advantage.

  8. Materials/Methods • Both species were trapped from the same area in Sparta, TN. • Both species were housed at TTU • We fasted both species for 12 hours prior to each trial

  9. Materials/Methods • Picture of holding pens at TTU

  10. Materials/Methods • Pictures of food tray at TTU

  11. Materials/Methods • We used feeding trays measuring .45m x .45m x 3 cm. • Each tray contained 6 different types of seeds • Trays were placed in pens with Mourning Dove and Collared Dove

  12. Materials/Methods • Observations were made from a hidden location • The observations were recorded • We used Direct(actual contact) as one interaction • We used Indirect(chasing, looking) for the other interaction

  13. Results

  14. Discussion • There was competition between both species • We observed that both species had competitors rather than Collared Dove being main competitor • Competition may rise during mating season or when there is a shortage of food

  15. Discussion • More research needs to be performed in order to formulate more significant trends between both species • Experimental error or setup of trials could have contributed to lack of support for my hypothesis

  16. Conclusion • My hypothesis was proven incorrect. • Both species had its’ competitors rather than one dominant species • In some cases the Mourning Dove was more aggressive than the Collared Dove

  17. Acknowledgements • I would like to thank Trisha Poling for her assistance with this research project HOME

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