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Protocol Verification & Secure Key Exchange

By: Zack Colgan & Eric Busse. Protocol Verification & Secure Key Exchange. Take CS456. Verifying Protocols?. Even a simple and apparently obvious protocol may contain a subtle error. Sadly even subtle errors can crash jets. The verification method we will use is considered formal analysis.

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Protocol Verification & Secure Key Exchange

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  1. By: Zack Colgan & Eric Busse Protocol Verification&Secure Key Exchange

  2. Take CS456 Verifying Protocols? • Even a simple and apparently obvious protocol may contain a subtle error. • Sadly even subtle errors can crash jets. • The verification method we will use is considered formal analysis. • We will not be considering computational soundness, that’s Tino’s class. Take CS456

  3. A formal description of message formats and the rules that participating parties must follow in order to exchange those messages. What is a protocol?

  4. To securely convey a cryptographic key from one set of parties to another through a hostile environment. What is the goal of key exchange?

  5. How do we specify a protocol? • List of parties involved • List allowable messages • Description of interactions • List of assumptions • List of goals

  6. Definitions/Assumptions • Principal/Party • Primitive • Long Term/Existing Key • Session Key • Channel • Perfect Encryption

  7. Not possible to establish authenticated session key without existing secure channels already being available Methods of establishing a new key: Already shared key Off-line server (public key certificates) On-line server (key shared with trusted server) Establishing Session Keys

  8. Key Protocol Definitions: Transport – one party generates key, transfers to all users Agreement – session key a function of inputs by all users Hybrid – session key a function of inputs by more than one party, but not all Generating Session Keys

  9. A First Protocol A→S: A, B S→A: KAB A→B: KAB,A S 1. A, B 2. KAB B A 3. KAB,A Goal: A & B share a session key

  10. Basic Assumptions • All messages can be intercepted • New messages can be generated and inserted • Messages can be rerouted • The adversary may be an insider, outsider, or both. • The security of any old session key is compromised.

  11. A second attempt… S 1. A, B 2. {KAB}KAS , {KAB}KBS B A 3. {KAB}KBS ,A Goal: A & B share a PRIVATE session key

  12. A third attempt… S 1. A, B 2. {KABB}KAS , {KABA}KBS B A 3. {KABA}KBS Goal: A & B share a PRIVATE session key

  13. Message Freshness • Need to ensure messages sent are not replays • A nonce is a random value generated by one party and returned to that party to show that a message is newly generated.

  14. Keeping it Fresh Guaranteeing freshness of a value can be achieved by having the user choose a value and having the user rely on some received value that is known to be fresh. A session key can be formed as such: KAB = f(NA,NB) Where NA and NB are nonces.

  15. A fourth attempt… S 1. A, B, NA 2. {KAB, B, NA, {KAB,A}KBS}KAS 3.{KAB,A}KBS 4.{NB}KAB B A 5.{NB-1}KAB Goal: A & B share a PRIVATE session key

  16. Further more… S 2. A, B, NA , NB 3. {KAB, B, NA}KAS, {KAB,A, NB}KBS 1.B, NB B A 4. {KAB,A,NB}KBS Goal: A & B share a PRIVATE session key

  17. Confidentiality – ensures data is only available to those authorized to obtain it Data Integrity – ensures data has not been altered by unauthorized entities Data Origin Authentication – guarantees data origin Non-repudiation – ensures entities cannot deny sending data they have committed to Cryptographic Properties

  18. Protocol Attacks Modification – the adversary alters the information sent in the protocol. The adversary may be an insider, and outsider, or a combination of both. Eavesdropping – most basic attack – adversary captures information sent in the protocol.

  19. Protocol Attacks Denial of Service – the adversary prevents or hinders legitimate users from completing the protocol. Can be resource depletion or connection depletion. Cryptanalysis – the adversary can get some useful info from the protocol to help in cryptanalysis. Possible when key is known to be weak.

  20. Protocol Attacks Replay – the adversary records information seen in the protocol and sends it to the same or different party, possibly later in the protocol run. Reflection – the adversary sends protocol messages back to the party who sent them; a special case of replay.

  21. Reflection Attack Protocol Vulnerable to Reflection Attack: 1. A → B : {NA}K 2. B → A : {NB}K,NA 3. A → B : NB The Attack: 1. A → E : {NA}K 2. E → A : {N'A}K, NA 3. A → E : N'A 1'. E → A : {NA}K 2'. A → E : {N'A}K, NA 3'. E → A : N'A

  22. If this interests you, check out CS657 and CS456

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