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WFP Logistics, We Deliver

Logistics Preparedness. WFP Logistics, We Deliver. Lesson Objectives. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:. 1. Describe the rationale and process of Emergency Preparedness planning. 2. Describe the C ontingency Planning elements. 3.

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WFP Logistics, We Deliver

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  1. Logistics Preparedness WFP Logistics, We Deliver

  2. Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: 1 • Describe the rationale and process of Emergency Preparedness planning 2 • Describe the Contingency Planning elements 3 • Describe the objective of a Logistics Capacity Assessment

  3. Logistics in the Emergency Cycle Operation Reporting Logistics Plan of Action Response Recovery Logistics Assessment Ongoing reassessment according to needs Event Mitigation Preparedness Logistics Preparedness Build-up on Experience

  4. Logistics Preparedness Operation Reporting Logistics Plan of Action Logistics Assessment Response Recovery Event Mitigation Preparedness Build-up on Experience Logistics Preparedness

  5. How to plan for Emergencies How should we plan for emergencies? Identify WHAT could happen Understand WHAT would be the impact on the affected people Consider WHATactions would be required to meet the humanitarian needs Determine HOWagencies/organizations would work together Know WHAT resources are required Recognize WHAT governments, agencies & organizations can do to be better prepared

  6. Preparedness Planning Process Internal Work Plan Early Warning Initial Response Event Mitigating Actions Internal Environment Risk Assessment Standard Operating Procedures (First 72 hours of response) Minimum Preparedness Actions Emergency Readiness Actions Risk Profile External Environment Concept of Operations Relief Operation

  7. Exercise: Preparedness Activities • What preparedness activities could be carried out in each of the following categories: • Coordination/Partnerships • People • Standards/Systems • Stocks • Logistics Information • 20 minutes to list • 10 minutes to present/discuss

  8. Preparedness: The Five Pillars The 5 Pillars Coordination/ Partnerships People Standards/ Systems Stocks Logistics Information

  9. Elements of a Contingency Plan Preparation Hazard & Risk Identification and Analysis Identification & Analysis Scenario and Planning Assumptions Contingency Planning Process Objectives and Strategies Elements of a Contingency Plan Response Planning Management & Coordination Arrangements Sectorial Response Plans Implementing Preparedness Preparedness Actions

  10. Logistics Contingency Planning Stockpiles Procurement Systems Quality Control Process Warehousing Facilities Registration, Distribution & Monitoring Processes Logistics Mechanisms (Transport & Distribution) Airports & Seaports Infrastructure Transport Agreements Staffing Capacity

  11. Logistics Capacity Assessments Review Disaster Identification Entry Points Disseminate Resource Capacity Transport Infrastructure

  12. Recap Lesson Questions: • Explain the preparedness planning process? 1 DO NOT PRINT IN WORKBOOK • What are some of the logistics preparedness activities? 2 • What are the 5 Pillars of Preparedness? 3 4 • What is the objective of an LCA?

  13. Questions WFP Logistics, We Deliver

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