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WFP MALI. Community Food Security Profiling in Food Insecure Areas of Mali. CFSP Goals. Improve understanding of: food insecure and vulnerable communities as identified from SDA common livelihood strategies and living conditions of households in these communities
WFP MALI Community Food Security Profiling in Food Insecure Areas of Mali
CFSP Goals • Improve understanding of: • food insecure and vulnerable communities as identified from SDA • common livelihood strategies and living conditions of households in these communities • Provide this information for program decision-making (better program design and targeting)
Community Food Security Profiling Process • Understand the diverse livelihood strategies within the community • Describe specific household dynamics in livelihood groups • Connecting child nutritional status to household dynamics • Develop profiles of food insecure people and places in a community context
Presentation Program • Malian society and design of participatory process • Community discussion and focus groups • Instruments • Data collected • Analysis • Preliminary results
Représentants communautaires Femmes Assemblée Communautaire Jeunes Mission VAM
Interventions extérieures Organisations Socio-professionnelles Éducation Primaires Organisation Sources de revenus Communauté Santé Tertiaires Infrastructures Sécurité alimentaire Migrations Équipements collectifs Contraintes Innovations Solutions endogènes
Problems encountered • Perception of WFP • Conservative Communities • Theocracy • Geriocracy • Status of women in the community • Definition of community
Outil d’enquête ménage Situat Matrim Educat Ethnie Santé Sexe Activités Age Migration Membres Primaire Globale Revenus Dépenses Tertiaire Aliment Ménage Équipements S. alimentaire Accès eau Équipe- ments Normale Extrême
Problems with the Household Instruments • Recording the richness of the discussion
Outil d’enquête sanito-nutritionnelle Age Sexe Allaitem 1ere eau consom Sevrage Alim. Sevrage Age mère Stat.mat mère Données Générales Maladies Poids Santé Enfant Anthropométrie Vaccination Taille Contexte Suivi État physique Sexe du Chef de ménage Activités du Chef de ménage Migrations du ménage Enfants du ménage
Stratification and selection of Households • 4 Households with at least one stunted child (HAZ 2std below normalized mean) • 4 Households without a stunted child • 2 Female headed households • 2 Households without children between the ages of six months and 5 years
Analysis: • Anthropometrics and nutrition • Household classification • Household profiling • Community profiling
Emigration and Malnutrition • High incidence of Migration • 35.9 % of households have a member in long-term emigration • 36.2% of households participate in seasonal migration • Different effects on child malnutrition • Families with long-term emigrants lower malnutrition, 42.8% compared to non-emigrants 46.7% • Short-term emigration slightly higher malnutrition 46.5% compared to 44.6%
Household activities and Malnutrition • Households that didn’t identify a main activity had the highest malnutrition incidence at 48% • Households with 2 or more activities had lower incidence at 43% • More activities lowered incidence of multiple malnutrition typologies
Household activities and incidence of malnourished children • Households engaged in fishing had the lowest incidence • Pastoralists and households practising agriculture and animal husbandry also had a lower incidence of malnourished children • Households listing other activities had the highest incidence
Messages • The aggregate statistics show that there is a serious problem of malnutrition • General catagorizations are insufficient to provide necessary insight into food security issues • Anthropometric measurements seem to be insufficient alone to geographically target food insecure areas • Follow-up for indications in large sample with more intensive community and household interviews
Generalised household dynamics • Very difficult to grow necessary food for most families in Northern Mali • Livestock, fishing and other activities help • Revenue & expenditure information inform on how people do actually make a living • Incredible poverty and people have no assets • Major stresses are constantly effecting peoples’ ability to make a living • When things fall apart, households move, borrow, beg
86% 76% 84% 81%
502 household surveys can be related with anthropometric data • 1114 child measurements connected to household surveys
Possible uses of a CVA with extensive field based study • Profiles of food insecure and secure households • Comprehensive understanding of the community livelihood systems • Coping strategies in different places • Identify and develop basic indicators to be used regular food security monitoring
“We are isolated, lost, cut off from both the regions of Timbuktu and Gao. So, think of us. If WFP withdrew from Mali, it would be a ‘coup pur et dur’ for the North.” Abdoussalam Ag Med Chef de Ebangue