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Annual Review of Catholic Education in the Parish 2009. To communicate to the people of the parish around a key mission of the parish: education and religious formation of all the people- - especially educating the elementary school-aged children of the parish
Annual Review of Catholic Education in the Parish 2009 • To communicate to the people of the parish around a key mission of the parish: education and religious formation of all the people-- especially educating the elementary school-aged children of the parish • To educate the parish community in the need to identify resources and provide them in an efficient and effective manner for the religious education and formation of all the people-- especially the parish elementary school-aged children.
Church Documents • Education is in a very special way, the concern of the Church. Catholic Education has the duty of proclaiming the way of salvation to all, of revealing the life of Christ to those who believe and of assisting them with unremitting care so that they may attain the fullness of that life. Vatican Council II ~ Gravissimum Educationis
Characteristics Found in Vital Parishes • The proclamation of the Word of God is foundational to the Church’s mission. All persons need to have the Good News of Jesus Christ preached and presented in an effective and persuasive manner, so that they may grow in the gift of faith. In addition, the clear teaching of the Catholic Church based upon the Word of God needs to be presented in various ways within the parish community. (CFVP, 16)
Education/Faith Formation Mission of St. Cecilia School Mission Statement Since September 1925, the Saint Cecilia School community has been committed to the mission of Catholic School education, to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to all students in grades Kindergarten through eight. The development of each child is nurtured in a religious, as well as challenging, educational environment. St. Cecilia Elementary School is committed to providing a quality education for its students by contributing to the religious, educational, physical, social and emotional growth of each child. We are dedicated to preserving the Catholic identity of our school and to upholding the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) tradition of dedicated teaching and Christ-centered leadership. The collaboration of parents, faculty, and students, as partners in our educational endeavors, are vital to the accomplishment of our goals.
PreparationPrimary ProgramsTarget Pre-Cana Young adults Pre-Jordan Parents/Sponsors Reconciliation Parent program First Eucharist Parent program Confirmation Parent program Number In Our Parish Programs __27___(couples) _84____ _178____ _178____ _191____ Part I - Participation in Sacramental Preparation
Part II – Elementary School Age Parishioners - How Many Are There in our Parish This Year? 1. Total Parish Elementary School Aged Children_1031_ 2. In Parish School __690___ 3. In Other Catholic School 17 4. In Public or Non Catholic Private School 324 Receiving Religious Education: • 5. In PREP Program 152 • 6. In Home school setting 1 • 7. Receiving no Catholic Education 171
Children Enrolled in the Parish School Located at This Parish • Parish Children enrolled 615 • Other Catholic Children enrolled 19 • Non Catholic Children enrolled 56
Strong Catholic Identity Principal and Faculty who are practicing Catholics with religion and state certification Middle States accredited Adequate facilities to provide a quality program Religion instruction (5 days) Mathematics Honors Math Integrated Language Arts Social Studies Science Fine Arts (Music and Art) Physical Education Technology **Integration of Religion and Technology across all curriculum areas Our School St. Cecilia School has a strong Catholic identity. We begin and end everyday with prayer. Our goal this year is to witness our faith, Each month we celebrate Mass as a school community. Our faculty members are strong practicing Catholics who attend numerous workshops to update their state certification. Standards for Quality Catholic Elementary Schools
Required Computer lab with Internet access Classrooms with Internet access Fine Arts area (for Music and Art) Library Physical Education Science Lab Honors Math (where criteria is met) Cafeteria Classroom for Intermediate Unit services Our School 2 labs- 1 teaching 1 class research All classrooms Grades K, 4 and 5 for music All grades All grades In process Grades 4-8 Yes All grades in trailer Other School Resources
Costs of School • 1. Total School Operating Expense 2, 075, 302 • Who pays for the school? Where does the money come from? 2. Tuition Income 1,553,139 3. Subsidy (or scholarships) provided by the parishioners 274,598 4. School Fund Raisers (socials and donations) 45,756 5. Other school income 200,809 • How does this break down for each student? 6. Tuition income per student 2251 7. Scholarship (or subsidy) from parishioners for each student ___398__ 8. Other income per student (including fund raisers) 357
Other Sources of Tuition Income(Tuition Grants received by the Parish) • B.L.O.C.S. /EITC X • Other Funds • Children’s Scholarship Fund X • Sullivan Grant X • Kremer Foundation • Other X • St. Cecilia Scholarship Fund X • David Palmer Foundation X • Bridge Foundation X • Knights of Columbus X
Required Strong Catholic Identity DRE/CRE and catechists who are practicing Catholics with commensurate training for the task of providing religious instruction to the children Approved program through the Office of Catechetical Formation Adequate facilities to provide a quality program Curriculum as prescribed by the Office of Catechetical Formation including: Archdiocesan Religion guidelines, approved text, sacramental Preparation. Max class size 15-20 Our Parish STANDARDS FOR QUALITY PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMS STRONG CATHOLIC IDENTITY- Saint Cecilia PREP has a strong Catholic identity. All of our Catechists are practicing Catholics. TRAINING-Most of our teachers are volunteers who are not professional teachers, but when able, they do take part in training and classes and workshops, for example, the Catechetical Day. Our program is in accord with the Office of Catechetical Formation. The CRE attends meetings to be kept informed of requirements, guidelines and suggestions which comes from the Archdiocese. Facilities- The facilities are adequate for our classes. We use many of the classrooms in the main school building and have access to a copier, TVs, DVD players and VCRS are available. Curriculum-Teachers each have the Archdiocesan Religion guidelines. WE use an approved Text from Sadlier “We Believe.” The Penance and Eucharist classes use Harcourt, “Celebrating the Faith “ for sacramental preparation. Many of the teachers also use the Pflaum Weekly magazines and other resouces available on the computer. Class Size- Special Ed has three students. Most of the classes have 8 to 12 enrolled. The largest is 17, which means we are within the required maximum size of 15-20. Standards for Quality Parish Religious Education Programs
Program Needs Adequate classroom space Worship space Meeting space Administrative space Learning resources DVD, VCR, TV, Technology Text/materials Our PREP Resources Our PREP has adequate classroom space. We use 15 classrooms in the main building of St. Cecilia School. Worship space- Each classroom has a prayer corner useful for worship during class. Meeting space- We can use the auditorium and the Cecilian Room for large gatherings. I have access to the Vice-Principal’s Office to meet privately with parents when necessary. Administrative space- Office space is perfect for my administrative purposes. Learning resources, DVD, VCR, and CD/tape players are available in some of the classrooms. I have my own computer, but the teachers and students do not use computers in the school. I have a volunteer who is in charge of the copy machine and uses it to make copies the teachers need. Texts and materials ae provided to each student. Teachers each have a Teacher’s Edition. All the classes use Sadlier, “We Believe” except for 3rd grade which uses Harcourt, “Celebrating the Faith, Reconciliation and Eucharist.” Some of the students receive Pflaum magazines as well. Fees- Registration Fee is $35.00 for one student and $70.00 for two or more children in the same family. The Confirmation fee for this year is $35.00 which covers the gowns, the buses, our retreat at St. Katharine Drexel Shrsine and a pizza lunch. There are no special fees at this time for Penance and First Eucharist. Other P.R.E.P. Resources
Part III- Adolescent and Youth Ministry Goal 1 ~ Discipleship ~ empowering young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today. They hunger to hear the Good News that finds response in discipleship. Our parish nourishes this aspect of our youth by providing the young people ages eleven through eighteen a youth ministry program. A full time youth minister provides education/faith formation and service projects that provide the connection to discipleship. Our youth ministry program is the response of our parish, pastor, and community to the needs of our young people and a sharing of the unique gifts and talents that God has blessed them with.
Adolescent and Youth Ministry Goal 2 ~ Connection ~ drawing young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community. The ways our parish nourishes this aspect for our youth is balanced between affective, behavioral and cognitive learning. Theologically our program fosters the Catholic Christian faith in three dimensions trusting, believing, and doing. We experience the building of trusting relationships by coming together weekly for faith sharing. Providing youth rallies that invite and initiate group learning interacting junior high and high school age students. Building this trust helps adolescents develop a deeper relationship with Jesus, each other and the community. Believing challenges us to provide more than systematic instruction on doctrine. By drawing upon the life situation of our youth their language, lifestyles, family realities and culture we foster dialogue and the wisdom of Catholic Christian tradition. We provide group participation that is inviting and free and is characterized by warmth, trust, acceptance and care so that the young people can hear and respond to God’s call. Also, freedom—to search and question. Doing is living more faithfully to the call as disciples. We have a variety of meaningful experiences for our young people to actively live out their faith. Service projects each month, summer week-long mission work camp, prayer worship, creative expression )Passion Play, slide shows). Monthly youth Mass and youth choir/musicians.
Adolescent and Youth Ministry Goal 3 ~ Gifts and Growth ~ fostering the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person Our parish fosters this growth by providing opportunities to utilize their energy and growing bodies through activities that require physical movement. We have over three hundred children playing sports which include: volleyball, track & field, baseball, softball, soccer, football, and cheerleading, and basketball. With a priority for each team to participated in a team service project. We have opportunities to form positive peer relationships and support especially through structured programs. We have opportunities to participate as valued members of the faith community as altar servers, cantors, and lectors. Our youth ministry offers exposure to situations in which they can use their skills to solve real life problems and affect the world around them, such as community service programs. We offer provisions of structure and clear limits that helps them feel safe in their activities which can empower them to live with joy and confidence. Opportunities to explore “the big questions” in life, questions, whose answers can only be comprehended within the context of faith and religion. Opportunities for a deeper and more personal relationship with God through weekend retreats, faith-sharing and the Eucharist.
Part IV - Young Adults Evangelizing Outreach: To identify places where young adults gather and to connect them personally with the Church by listening to their concerns, hopes, and dreams and by welcoming them into a community of faith. Our response: NA Forming the Faith Community: To invite, empower, and enable young adults to participate in the life of the Church through worship, community life, small faith communities, and evangelizing efforts, and on committees, in ministries, and in Catholic movements and organizations. Our response: NA Pastoral Care: To provide activities, visitations, and counseling opportunities that respond to the spiritual and developmental needs of young adults. Our response: NA
Key Dimensions Recognize communion with Jesus as the definitive aim of all catechesis Learn and embrace the doctrine on the Eucharist and other sacraments Explore the Scriptures for a fuller understanding Experience and become familiar with diverse forms and expressions of Christian prayer Foster spiritual growth in the community Cultivate an evangelizing spirit and the importance of serving those in need Our Response to Dimensions Adult Faith Formation Scripture Study RCIA Scripture Study Evening Prayer- Exposition Weekly Morning Prayer during Holy Week Daily Rosary “Make Every Person Count” – in the future Part V - Adult Faith Formation
Church Total Operating Income 1, 607,578 Total Operating Expenses 740,910 Excess Income or (deficit) 866,668 School Total Operating Income 1, 800,704 Total Operating Expenses 2, 075,302 Excess Income or (deficit) (274,598) Parish Financial Report • Total Parish Operating • Income 3, 408,282 • Expenses 2, 816,212 • Parish Surplus or (deficit) 592,070
Cash and Investment/Debt Summary • Cash and investments, last year 440,407 • Cash and investments, this year417,477 • Total debt, last year Accrued Salaries 194,498 • Total debt, this year Accrued Salaries123,794
Our Emerging Issue(s) for the Next Year • The pastoral council and I see no change necessary in this program at this time. I will continue to both monitor and provide programs of quality, Catholic Education for our parishioners. • The pastoral council and I see that the following area (s) need to be strengthened in this program (if possible in space provided here; otherwise write on the back of this form. • The pastoral council and I recognize and recommend that we immediately begin a full study in these areas.
I used the following method(s) to communicate the results of the Annual Review of Cahtolice Education in the Parish to the parishioners I would like to report the following conclusions for these programs based on the 2008 Review of Catholic Education in the Parish: The pastoral council and I see no change necessary at this time. I will continue to both monitor and provide programs of quality, Catholic Education for our parishioners The pastoral council and I see that the following area(s) need to be strengthened in this program (if possible note in spcae provided here The pastoral council and I recognize and recommend that we immediately begin a full study in these areas Parish Council -on May 12th Finance Council-on May 12th -Parish or Regional Parish School -Youth Programs -Adult Formation Programs PREP –Professional Teachers Already in formation Name of Parish: Saint Cecilia Pastor’s signature/date
General Comments • All of our programs are monitored on a regular basis with special attention given to our PREP program. The program needs more professional assistance.