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What is IAG?. Information Advice and Guidance. Careers Advice and Guidance. What IAG do the students get?. Yr 10 Personal Development Lessons e.g. Financial Education Work Related learning- Health and safety at work, work experience etc Writing C.V.’s, Application letters,
What is IAG? Information Advice and Guidance Careers Advice and Guidance
Yr 10 Personal Development Lessons e.g. • Financial Education • Work Related learning- Health and safety at work, work experience etc • Writing C.V.’s, Application letters, • Labour Market Information (LMI) • Occupational Sectors • Health & Wellbeing etc.
Yr 11 Personal Development Lessons e.g. • Financial Education • Work Related • Updating C.V.’s, Application letters, Interview preparation • Labour Market Information (LMI) • Health & Wellbeing - relationships • Revision Skills etc • AQA Certificate in Preparation for working life
Additional IAG • Subject teachers • Connexions interviews • Individual interview with member of senior staff • Assemblies/outside speakers • Information booklets/leaflets • Careers library • Internet etc
Connexions website and publications • ‘You are the ones young people most turn to when they need information and advice about education, training and life.’ • ‘Whether the young person you are responsible for is at school, learning at home, has a learning difficulty, is entering higher education or the world of work, or just needs some advice on how to manage money or relationships, access to high quality, relevant information is essential.’
Role of parents • You have a big influence on the choices your child makes. • The options students have today are a lot more complex that they were when we were their age. • Sometimes it is very confusing.
www.myplan4life.org • http://options.connexionswest.org.uk/ • http://workmatters.connexionswest.org.uk/
Level 1 qualifications • Basic qualifications, usually part of a personalised programme. They build understanding of a subject, industry or area of work. They help you to use your learning in everyday situations and routine tasks. • They include level 1 functional skills and personal and social development qualifications, the Foundation Diploma, level 1 vocational qualifications (e.g. NVQ, BTEC Introductory Certificates, OCR Nationals) and GCSEs achieved at grades D to G. • With level 1 qualifications you can go on to study for level 2 qualifications and apply for an Apprenticeship or a job with training.
Level 2 qualifications • Qualifications that give you good knowledge, understanding and skills in a subject, industry or area of work. They help you to use your learning in a variety of tasks. • They include level 2 functional skills qualifications, the Higher Diploma, level 2 vocational qualifications (e.g. NVQ, BTEC First, OCR Nationals) and GCSEs achieved at grades A* to C. • With level 2 qualifications you can go on to study for level 3 qualifications or apply for an Advanced Apprenticeship or a job with training. For some people, they lead to semi-skilled jobs. • Most employers use this level as their minimum entry requirement.
Level 3 qualifications • Qualifications that give you detailed knowledge, understanding and skills in a subject, industry or area of work and that help you to apply your learning with little support. • They include A/AS levels, the Advanced and the Progression Diplomas, level 3 vocational qualifications (e.g. NVQ, BTEC Nationals, OCR Nationals), the International Baccalaureate and Cambridge Pre-U. • With level 3 qualifications you can go on to study at a higher level. Universities expect most applicants to be qualified to this level. You could also apply for a job with training. Employers are increasingly looking for applicants who are qualified to at least this level. For some people, level 3 qualifications lead to technical, skilled and supervisory jobs.
Qualifications at Levels 4 to 8 • These are higher level, specialist and professional qualifications. They develop very high knowledge, understanding and skills in a subject, industry or area of work and involve the independent application of learning. • They include NVQs at levels 4 and 5, Higher National Diplomas and Certificates, Foundation degrees, Honours degrees, postgraduate qualifications and professional qualifications (eg Associate, Certified or Chartered Professional). • They can help you to gain promotion and take on a higher level, professional or specialist role in a subject, industry or area of work.
Important dates • Thurs 22nd October – 6th Form Open Evening • 30th November – Fri 11th Dec – Year 11 Practice exams • Mon 18th Jan – Year 11 Parents evening
POST 16 OPTIONS What are your choices at the end of Year 11?
JOIN THE GRANGE POST 16 CENTRE Attend the POST 16 OPEN EVENING (Thursday 22nd October 2009) Prepare in advance and ask questions! • Find out about the courses available… www.kingswoodpartnership.org.uk • Talk to relevant teachers • Talk to advisers (Connexions – interview application forms available from library or Mrs Skuse) • Research into good combinations of subjects and where these might lead in the future Complete the Kingswood Partnership POST 16 APPLICATION FORM (Deadline for applications 27 November 2009) and have a successful POST 16 INTERVIEW GET THE NECESSARY GCSE GRADES!
APPLY TO COLLEGE Get prospectuses from the library or direct from the college (order via internet). Attend College Open Days / Evenings and discuss courses with college staff. Ask questions! Complete College application forms and attend interview – prepare in advance! GET THE NECESSARY GCSE GRADES!
DO AN APPRENTICESHIP Find out about what apprenticeships are available and take part in any OCCUPATIONAL WORKSHOPs that are put on. Find out about the apprenticeships available locally and decide on what occupational area(s) you’re interested in Complete apprenticeship application forms and prepare for an interview GET THE NECESSARY GCSE GRADES! (Apprenticeships are quite competitive – you’ll need to do well)
GET A JOB WITH TRAINING Update your CV, practice completing application forms and make an extra effort in your INTERVIEW PREPARATION that takes part in Personal development lessons. Find out about LOCAL JOB VACANCIES (Evening Post, Job Centres, Agencies) What training is offered? Apply for jobs that start from July 2010 GET THE NECESSARY GCSE GRADES!
TAKE A GAP YEAR OR DO VOLUNTARY WORK Find out about travel, employment and volunteering opportunities Plan out your activities and what you want to do at the end of the year Apply for volunteering, work, save and organise travel, etc… PLAN AHEAD – what will you do after your break from education or work?
Any questions? • lynettes@thegrangeschool.net